Overlord Wizard

Chapter 134: inherited

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   In the quiet cave, Li Luo lit a torch to illuminate the cave.

   At this time, although the inside of the cave looked like there was only one entrance, a gust of hot wind blew Li Luo's hair up, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and they felt like they couldn't open them.

   I only felt a scorching heat sweeping from all directions, and felt that the elements of heaven and earth in the nearby void were very violent, and there was a strong fire, wind, and earth elemental energy everywhere.

   The surrounding environment gave Li Luo the feeling of being at the foot of the volcano in the Flame Demon Territory.

   There was a movement in Li Luo's heart, and a cyan air current surrounded him, and the hot wind was isolated. Started to look at everything in the cave.

   This cave has nothing else except a flat boulder in the innermost corner with a reddish-brown crystal ball on it.

   There was a faint flash of light around the stone platform. When you look carefully, there are dense and flashing brown runes. The runes are indeterminate and seem to be a kind of protective witchcraft formation.

   Li Luo's sleeve robe flicked, and a green vine sprang out from it, and after flying out, it rose in the wind and turned into a few meters in size.

   "Master..." The vines appeared, and all the vines shrank for a while, seemingly uncomfortable, expressing his feelings to Li Luo through his mental power.

   "The defensive array here is extremely powerful, can you break it?" Li Luo pointed to the surrounding stone platform, and said spiritually.

   "I will try." The vines appeared near the stone platform after a blurry figure, and the whole body of the vines stabbed at the stone platform.

A handful of vines stretched out from the mandala to the stone platform, and a dazzling reddish-brown light suddenly appeared on the stone platform. With a huff, all the rattans spontaneously ignited out of thin air. Then the mandala suddenly gathered and rolled on the spot. .

   "Master, help me!" The mandala was instantly burned all over the body by a reddish-brown flame, emitting a scent of burning vegetation.

   Li Luo squeezed in his heart, and quickly mobilized his whole body mana to generate a torrent of water elements to pour the vines.


   A puff of white smoke rose up, the mini mandala slowly stopped, and the flames on his body disappeared.

   Li Luo frowned, and hurriedly put him in his sleeves with a trick, slowly recovering from his injuries.

   Then he walked a few steps to the stone platform, his mind turned, his eyes closed, and he began to feel the restriction of the defensive witchcraft formation.

This feeling is that it has been a long time to find the flaws in this witchcraft defense array, and under careful experience, this defense witchcraft array even faintly emits the energy fluctuations of the second-order witchcraft array, and even connects to the ground veins, and the energy is replenishing. Below, there was an unshakable feeling.

   One day later, Li Luo slowly opened his eyes. At this time, although his expression was a little dignified, his mana had returned to a state of fullness.

"it's time."

After    showed a bit of firmness, he no longer hesitated, covering his body with an earthy yellow mask, and began to move closer to the stone platform.

  One step, two steps, three steps... After ten steps, Li Luo has come one meter in front of the stone platform.

   And at this moment, boom! With a bang, a blue and red energy shock wave suddenly surging out of the stone platform out of thin air, even the strength of Tier 3 Li Luo's physical body was knocked out by this energy.


   Li Luo smashed his whole body on the mountain wall. Although he didn't suffer any major injuries, there was still a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.


   a few violent coughs, he took out a few bottles of healing potions and drank them.

   After adjusting his breath cross-legged for a while, Li Luo stood up, his eyes showing a hint of contemplation.

   "What I inspire is the most protective earth element energy shield, but this stone platform is attacking me with wind element and fire element energy..."

   Thinking of this, Li Luo's body was bright in blue and red, and a cyan and red energy mask was stimulated, and he began to approach the stone platform step by step.


This time, an earth-yellow energy shock wave drove Li Luo away. Although the earth-yellow energy wave has no elemental damage effect, it is not known how much stronger it is than the blue-red energy wave. It hit the stone wall, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out.

   received such a big injury, not only did Li Luo's face look less ugly, but he showed an unusual expression of joy.

   Obviously, the prohibition on this stone platform is divided into three energy attributes, namely the earth element, the wind element, and the fire element. As long as the intruder who did not activate the three element shields at the same time, as long as that element energy is missing in the shield, they will be knocked out by the corresponding element energy shock wave.

  Understanding the effect of this prohibition, Li Luo didn't become so impatient, but sat cross-legged and began to recover from his injury.

   A day later, Li Luo stood up again.

   The three-color shield lit up all over him, and he began to walk quickly towards the stone platform.


When    approached the stone platform, a wave of fluctuations seemed to sweep over him, and no energy shock wave hit him again, but the entire stone platform was protected by an orange energy cover.

   Li Luo saw this, with a dazzling red light in his hand reaching towards the energy shield.

   Zi Zi!

   After a quarter of an hour, even if Li Luo used all his mana, the energy shield still protected there intact.

   At this moment, Li Luo retracted his hand, looked at the orange energy mask, and felt it carefully.

   After a while, his face changed slightly.

   The energy shield in front of him was produced by the combination of the fire element and the earth element, and under the fusion of the two elements, it was surprisingly stable.

   You need to know that even if the fire element and other elements are together, a series of unstable reactions will occur. The energy shield can be so stable right now, and Li Luo can't help feeling an unprecedented shock.

   At this moment, he also had the urge to fuse the earth element and the fire element in his hand, but this thought quickly extinguished.

   After all, Li Luo knew that he couldn't achieve such stability under the fusion of the two elements.

  Since he couldn't do it, Li Luo simply sat cross-legged, and began to feel the mystery of the harmony of these two elements.

   Touched the orange energy shield with his hand, Li Luo began to feel it carefully.

   On the orange energy cover, the fire element and the earth element blend together, and the two energies are arranged in a specific form. After experiencing it carefully, he discovered that every three earth elements can firmly stabilize a fire element, and the arrangement of the three earth elements presents a triangular shape, but after a moment of careful experience, he discovered some differences.

   Every two adjacent fire elements are separated by an earth element. In fact, there are five earth elements that wrap the fire element.

   Time passed a little bit, and one day passed in a blink of an eye.

   Li Luo opened his eyes this time, his eyes seemed to flash away.

   The earth-colored light in his hand brightened, and then gradually turned into an orange-red color, and pierced toward the energy shield.


   There was a crisp sound, and the orange-red light shattered.

   But shortly afterwards, another red-brown mask emerged, protecting the stone platform.

   Li Luo saw this, and did not panic. He continued to touch the energy mask and felt it carefully.

   At this time, not only the earth element and the fire element, but also the wind element joined it.

   Under this perception, Li Luo couldn't help being shocked.

   The wind element and the fire element in front of him were actually locked in the middle by the earth element. Under the mutual reaction, amazing energy continued to spread out, but they did not explode.

   Soon, the specific arrangement of the three elements appeared in Li Luo's mind. He also began to forget everything in this magical combination and began to experience it in detail.

   Time passed a little bit, and in a blink of an eye, three days passed.

   At this moment, Li Luo's eyes suddenly opened, and a dazzling reddish-brown light appeared in his hands, and he struck towards the protective cover.


   The energy shield was inserted and disappeared, and Li Luo sat directly on the stone platform.

   He touched his hand and the crystal ball fell into his hand.


   The crystal ball then showed a dazzling reddish-brown brilliance, enclosing Li Luo's whole person in it.

   Li Luo just felt like he had a dream.

   In his dream, he experienced battles and killed many demons and demons with combined spells. Gradually, he began to comprehend the true meaning of the elements and combined the two elements. With his strength soaring, his battle achievements became more and more remarkable, and he began to fight against the demon lord. As the number of battles increased, he had an epiphany and started the fusion of the three elements. Fortunately, he found a way to merge. The spells he cast could be regarded as higher-order spells. The intensity was so great that the wizards who were one rank higher than him were more than three-pronged.

   Then, he was forced to enter this secret realm, leaving his inheritance behind, and then he began to join the decisive battle with the devil.

   When he got here, his experience of leaving the secret realm was disconnected~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo also slowly opened his eyes.

   At this time, his eyes seemed to have a reddish-brown brilliance flashing past, and he swished out of the cave.

   Soon, a cyclops fell into his eyes.

   The three-color energy element in Li Luo's hand suddenly lit up, turning into a reddish brown and flicking towards the giant.


   The red-brown light rose in the wind, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a two-meter-sized red-brown fireball rolling towards the Cyclops.

   The fireball looked very sparse and had no power, but as soon as Fang hit the giant, he burst into an astonishing energy fluctuation.


   There was a loud explosion.

   The fireball directly expanded from two meters to a giant of fifteen meters. Before the giant screamed, he fell to the ground.


   When the Cyclops was dying, he died without knowing what happened.

   The eyes of other Cyclops were seen here, and the eyes of the Cyclops all lit up with a dazzling light, shooting towards Li Luo.

   But Li Luo just propped up a red-brown energy shield, and continued to hit them one by one.

   Boom! ......

   Intensive explosions reverberated in this world. The giants fell one by one, but Li Luo survived safely after being swept by the rays.

   After half an hour, there is no longer a living giant in this huge stone forest.

   Li Luo began to engrave a large sacrificial circle here.

   A day later, Li Luo slowly left here, and walked towards the Demon No. 1 base.

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