Overlord Wizard

Chapter 135: Waving the Demon

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   In front of the No. 1 Demon Base.

   More than five thousand little demons and nearly five hundred big demons gathered here.

The demon headed by    was three meters and five meters tall. After looking around the surrounding environment, he showed a very satisfied look.

   "Well, how many years have passed. Our demons finally set foot on this soil again."

   The big devil, three meters and five meters tall, had a hook on the corner of his mouth on his hideous face, revealing an extremely ugly smile.

   "Master Kilteras, this land has been completely polluted by us, and you will no longer be suppressed by this world." At this moment, a demon of nearly three meters walked over and said in a deep voice.

Kiltras glanced at the demon and nodded in satisfaction: "You did a good job, Longkir, when we pollute this land completely and summon Lord Elgas, we will definitely invite you to do some good work. "

  Longkire's savage face suddenly twitched, and he laughed wildly: "Hahaha...so thank you Lord Kilteras for your promotion."

   Kiltras nodded, but then suddenly turned his head to the other side: "It seems that we have just arrived here, and there are guests to greet us. All demons, go to tear the invaders!"

   Kilteras pointed in one direction, and all the little and big demons rushed over.


   Li Luo didn't know anything about what happened to this demon base, and now he is coming in this direction with all his strength.

   Just as Li Luo kept rushing away, deafening rumbling sounds came one after another throughout the rotting forest.

   A roll of red and green arrogance rose from the forest!

   Immediately afterwards, a tornado of red and green flew straight from it, rushing directly into the sky, and looking at it from a distance, I don’t know how many rubble and sawdust blew up, like the end of the world.


The red and green flames burst, and turned into little red and green energy. Under the splash of stones and broken wood, a three-meter-tall demon and a man in a golden wizard robe suddenly appeared above the sky. man.

   The man is the leader of the Tower of Light and his name is Wukaner.

  He at this time. He looked a little embarrassed, not only was his golden robe broken and charred in many places, his body was stained with blood, and even the corners of his mouth continued to gush out a stream of blood, which seemed to have suffered a great injury.

   On the other side of the sky, a three-meter-high demon was entangled by dark green evil energy, with six or seven meters-sized fel fireballs floating in his hands, playing casually.

   This demon not only played with a fel fireball in one hand, but also a strange green pattern appeared on his body. The dark green demon energy rolled over his body, exuding an indescribable terrifying aura.

   The demon's gaze swept toward Wukaner's place, and suddenly waved his hand, only to see the dark green fel light in his hand. Then a few dark green fireballs in his hand rolled up, and the wind whistled loudly, and flew out like a swarm, rolling towards Ukan'er.

   Wukaner looked a little ugly when he saw this. When his figure was blurred, he retreated back, and at the same time a golden wall of light emerged in front of him.

   at the same time "puff"!

   He swelled up in his golden robe, countless golden spots of light emerged, and he was dancing around him, his whole person was suddenly wrapped in golden glow, and a stream of pure golden energy surged towards the wall of light.

   "Boom..." booming sound followed.

These dark green fireballs burst and opened in front of the golden light wall almost at the same time. The dark green flames enveloped the golden light wall, illuminating the entire corrupt forest with evil light, and exploded the light wall into strands. The dense fog of gold and green shattered and disappeared in the void.

Seeing this, the devil's two scarlet eyes flashed fiercely, and a dark green fireball spewed out with one mouth. It became bigger and bigger in the middle of the way, turning into the size of ten meters in the blink of an eye. Wherever it passed, the void was slightly Distorted and blurred.

Upon seeing this, Ukan's heart shuddered. He raised his hand without saying a word. A golden light shot out from his sleeve. It was a small golden shield with dense golden runes on the surface. It swelled in the wind, turning into a loft-like golden shield in front of you.

   Almost the next instant, the dark green fireball that lased and suddenly burst open with a "boom", and a dark green fire wave nearly hundreds of meters in size suddenly spread out, surging in all directions.

   "Keng", "Keng" and "Keng" a series of golden and iron sounds!

   There was a burst of golden light on the surface of the golden shield, and it cracked.

   Ukan's complexion changed drastically, put away the golden shield, and fled in one direction.


   Li Luo flew swiftly, and now he has sacrificed more than thirty giants. At this time, his strength has reached the peak of the later stage of the first-order wizard, and the mana recovery speed has reached a new height. So he didn't save mana, but flew to the rotting forest with all his strength.

   On the edge of the rotten forest, Sister Irene Ivy is standing far away in the air with three demons.

The leading demon is three meters tall and full of evil energy. He glanced at the two women of Irene Ivy and said greedily: "You two play with these two human women. If we can capture them alive, we The demons have two more good succubuses!"

   "Jie Jie Jie!"

   The two demons laughed strangely when they heard the words, and disappeared into the air in two afterimages.

next moment.

   The dark green figures behind the two sisters of Irene Ivy flashed, and two demons appeared, and at the same time, they made a strange roar, and all four arms stretched out in the air. The dark green evil energy on the body rolled out along the arms, condensing into two hideous black skulls in mid-air.

In those two skulls, there seemed to be countless ghosts and ghosts constantly emerging. The facial features below were just like humans. The eyes were bloody, and black mist was glowing. They looked terrifying and terrifying, under the cry of howling ghosts and wolves. , Billowing towards the two women.

   Irene's complexion changed, and she couldn't help but say that a dazzling fire appeared on her body, which suddenly spread out in all directions. "Boom boom" twice!

   The black skulls seemed to be unbearable and scattered by the waves of fire, but they turned into wisps of black energy and continued to surge towards the two witches.

   The next moment, Ivy's face changed. In the void, his hand suddenly waved towards the billowing black air, and a cyan storm immediately rushed away the black mist.

   Irene watched Ivy dissipate the dark energy, and did not stop her hand movement at all. When she waved her hand, a two-meter-sized fireball rolled toward the two demons.

   When the two demons saw this, they roared wildly. Dark green evil energy rolled out of his body, condensed into a two-meter-sized dark green giant claw. In the sound of rumbling, a fireball was caught in it like lightning.


   There was a deep laughter. The devil's claws fluctuated for a while, and crimson rays burst out, and finally burst open with a loud noise.

   But then, an extremely powerful fire wave rolled in all directions, and when the two demon parties touched, they spouted a mouthful of dark green blood and slammed into the distant rocks.

   "Lonkis-sama, save us!" One of the demons yelled after being knocked into flight.

   But then, under the cover of dense wind blades, they were cut into dozens of pieces and fell from mid-air.

   The three-meter-tall demon in the distance changed his face, and narrowed his eyes to look at the two girls of Irene Ivy.

   Then, there was a sneer on his face, and he disappeared there in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, this demon appeared ghostly in front of Irene Ivy, and when he raised his hand, a powerful and incomparable evil energy suddenly shot out, and slid around in the air, turning into a size of ten meters. The dark green fel of the elders grabbed the two women with a big hand.

"not good!"

   The two girls, Irene Ivy, focused on dealing with the first two demons at the last moment, but the next moment they were enveloped by this extremely powerful evil energy.

   Both women are full of red glow, and at the same time a tyrannical fire wave spreads out, whistling towards the evil power.

But the big fel hand is too much higher than their ability to bear. The scarlet fire wave square touches the dark green big hand and it turns into a little red spot and dissipates. The big fel hand is even more cast-off, and grabs the two witches at once. Up.

   "Huh! Two bastards, watch me go back to the base, don't turn you into sows!"

   The three-meter-tall demon's face changed savagely, and he was about to flee in one direction.

   But the next moment.


   Under the blast of the sky, a seemingly inconspicuous two-meter-sized fireball rolled towards him.

   The reddish-brown light appeared as the fireball flew, as if it was really not powerful.


   The big demon sneered, and the dark green evil energy was enveloped all over, trying to resist this spell.

   But the next moment.

As soon as the red-brown fireball side touched his energy shield, it exploded with a bang. Under the spread of the fire, countless wind blades, earth and rock-like rays of light rushed out, and it was like a Ling Chi on his body, quickly removing the ink on his body. The green fel was swept away.

   "What!" The three-meter-tall demon's complexion changed, but he still didn't react.

   The next moment, another two-meter-sized fireball rolled in.

   This time, boom! The sky blasted loudly.

   The three-meter-old demon snorted and broke apart, and the dark green blood was spilt down from the air, drenching this small piece of forest with a pungent and corrosive smell.

   The big fel hand covering the two witches then collapsed.

   This change is like a rabbit rising and falling, and it happened almost instantaneously.

   When the two girls of Irene Ivy recovered, the demon who flew out suddenly turned into a rain of blood and fell from mid-air.

   Not far away, a group of blue light flew up, revealing a man wearing leather armor, it was Li Luo.

   When the two girls saw that they were the shadow guards of their academy, they looked happy and hurriedly flew over.

   "Brother Ailan~www.readwn.com~ We are fighting with demons. I didn't expect to encounter Tier 2 demons. What should I do now?" Irene yelled to Li Luo from a distance before they joined together.

   "The second-order demon? Tell me in detail." Li Luo glanced over the second woman's body, said decisively, and after a flash, he came to the second woman's body.

After the two women and Li Luo gathered, Irene couldn’t wait to speak, “I don’t know why, these demons ignored the restrictions of this secret realm and summoned Tier 2 demons. Now it’s the tower of the Holy Light who is responsible for the elimination of the demons. Ukhan's team leader, in order to cover our retreat, he is now at war with an early second-order demon sacrificial sacred, and now I am afraid..." At this point, Irene lowered her head.

   "Where is the devil?" Li Luo frowned upon hearing this, and asked in a low voice.

   "It's over there." Ivy hesitated after hearing this, and pointed in a direction.

"Second-order demon? It seems that these demons have already been planned. Without further ado, I will take the first step. You and I will find a hidden place nearby for a while. If Ukanr and I are both invincible, immediately Notify the old guys in the academy." Li Luo pondered for a while. Commanded towards the second woman.

   "Wait, the dean of the academy already knows, we will destroy the enemy with you!" Irene bit her lip and said with some difficulty.

   Li Luo glanced at her with a smile, and faintly replied: "Too many people will get in the way. You are here to heal your wounds, and I will come as soon as I go!"

After    said, he lased in the direction Ivy was pointing, all over his body.

   After Irene Ivy looked at each other. They could only fly towards a nearby mountain wall according to what Li Luo said.

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