Overlord Wizard

Chapter 140: Fierce Battle (3)

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)

And just at this critical moment, Anda had a golden bell out of thin air in his hand, and took a picture of Yumeng.

In an instant, the golden bell glowed with a dazzling silver light, and the surrounding space was distorted in a burst, as if it had been folded into countless layers.

next moment.

Huh! A little bit.

Yumeng's whole person suddenly shrank countless times, and directly stepped across countless folds of space, and was sucked to Anda's bell.

At the location where Yumeng was standing, Kiltras' huge arm passed through there, and there was a faint black line scratch, and the space seemed to have been cut.

Kiltras showed a trace of pity on his face, and slowly turned around.

At this time, Anda and others were all confused by the energy elements contaminated by this tyrannical fel energy, and could not release any magic in a short time.

Anda's complexion changed, and with his hand turned, a fist-sized golden globe appeared out of thin air, and he threw it high into the sky. With a click, cracks appeared on the ball, and Jin Guangda turned into a golden puppet warrior in a blink of an eye.

The puppet is only a few meters tall, the facial features look piercing, like a living thing, and the long sword in his hand also emits bursts of light. It is not inferior to Li Luo's cross sword. The most powerful one is The wave of elemental energy emitted by this puppet has reached the first-order peak. Moreover, extremely mysterious runes were engraved all over the body, and bursts of light flashed endlessly.

As soon as the puppet came out, he glanced at Anda behind him.

"Andatelson. You released me this time, and you will record it in the family file in detail later. With the current file record, you activated me so early. I am afraid that in three years' accounting, you will be ranked in the family wizard. The last few in the ranking!"

The metal sound of the puppet came out, and he stepped on it suddenly, lasing towards Kilteras.

This golden puppet looked about the size of an ordinary person, but it gave people an extremely powerful feeling.

"Alchemy Crusaders! I didn't expect you to refine such a powerful alchemy warrior. Today, this commander can't let you leave here alive!" Kiltras suddenly changed color, before his words fell, his figure flew immediately. Pounced out and rushed towards the alchemist.

As the alchemy warrior charged, the runes on his arms were lit up one by one, turning into a series of runes extending to the end of the long sword in his hand. The long sword was released with golden light, like a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, and it slashed towards Kilteras.

But at this moment, the fuzzy figure of Kiltras flashed past, and for an instant he appeared behind the alchemist. The blood-colored giant axe in his hand lit up with a dazzling scarlet blood, and one of them slashed towards the alchemist's. Back.

A loud noise of "Keng"!

The backhand of the alchemist was to block the long sword on his back, and the great axe fell along with it, and a dazzling golden and red light burst out between the collision of the two magic weapons.

Although the alchemist had not weak energy fluctuations, it seemed to be inferior to the Golden Gibbon in terms of strength alone. The Scarlet Axe only paused for a while, and then smashed the alchemy warrior to the ground unabated.

But at this moment, the alchemy puppet on the ground suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light, and the elemental energy in the body began to agitate.

"Damn puppet!" Kiltrath's expression changed, his feet exploded, and he flew back.

next moment. The alchemy warrior surged with elements, and with a bang, the alchemy warrior burst into a ten-meter-sized fireball, and the iron armor on his body was also splashing away like torn tiles, and suddenly swept away in all directions.

Anda and the others endured the energy backlash, and after forcibly propping up an energy shield, they quickly retreated back.

Whoosh whoosh!

As the iron splashed, it looked like a knife with a handle, lasing towards the surrounding with bursts of howling.

When the fire wave cleared, Anda and the others swept away, but Kiltras was nowhere to be seen.

Yumeng and the others quickly came to Anda's side, looking around constantly, trying to find the figure of Kiltras among the formal wizards who were limp on the ground.

next moment.

The expressions of Anda and the others changed, and suddenly looked up, dozens of dark green fireballs fell from above them, and they smashed against them with extremely hot waves of fire.

Without even thinking about it, Anda took out a bowl-shaped witchcraft and threw it abruptly into the sky.

The bowl rose in response to the storm, and several other people subconsciously wanted to pour mana into it.

"Don't move, this bowl is a one-time life-saving weapon my father gave me!"

A few people stopped abruptly, and then, rumbling... a dense explosion made the bowl stand still, and after a few breaths, when the explosion stopped, the bowl cracked and cracked open. Come.

Anda and the others hurriedly looked high in the sky. Giltrass left fingertips flashed with a dazzling black gloom, and there were continuous traces of electric arcs flashing out, and the crackling made the space tremble. .

The expressions of Anda and others changed drastically, and they fled in different directions.

Kiltras's complexion was stunned, and the black light in his hand was full. For some reason, he stared at Yumeng again, and suddenly pointed out with a finger.


A jet black ray shot out at such a fast speed that it crossed a distance of three to four hundred meters and reached a foot of Yumeng's back in less than half a breath.

Giltras showed a triumphant expression on his face, staring at Yu Meng greedily, as if she could taste her flesh and blood in the next moment.

But at this moment, a black shadow flashed and blocked Yumeng's body. With a swing of the purple cross sword in his hand, it crossed in front of the pitch-black rays.

This person is Li Luo. After feeling the crisis of his companions, he did not care about the recovery of his injuries, so he could only come out in advance to continue fighting!

This cross sword was refined by Anda himself, and the quality is naturally nothing to say, but this ray looks very weird, and it took a full ten seconds when Kilteras was brewing. Li Luo didn't know why this demon was such a killer to Yumeng, but he could only rush his whole body mana and vindictiveness towards the cross sword, and at the same time lit up the dark green, red-brown and emerald green masks superimposed on him. Attempt to block the blow.

The next moment, something amazing happened.



The seemingly powerful cross sword, as soon as Fang was touched by the rays, it was pierced through with a sneer like paper.

The rays were cast off again, and the dark light was released, and it shot on the mask.

At the next moment, Kiltras' expression in the high air was stunned, and the black light on his single hand was very strong, and the evil energy of the whole body was rapidly thinning at this moment, and the dark rays of light from his fingers glowed brightly.

Li Luo's dark green shield was shattered and opened with just one face. The second layer of red-brown energy shield only blocked for three seconds before it shattered. The last layer of emerald green energy shield broke apart. It was unbearable. As soon as the beam approached, it collapsed dimly.


Li Luo only felt the darkness before his eyes, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hahahaha! I just wanted to eat an evolver to make up for it, but I didn't expect to catch a big fish!" Kiltras laughed wildly, and walked towards Li Luo step by step.

Not far away, Yu Meng suddenly turned around, and saw Li Luo lying on the ground, no longer alive.

"Do not!"

During this period of time, bits and pieces of life with Li Luo flashed through her mind like watching a lantern, and Yumeng yelled out involuntarily hoarsely.


At this moment, Yumeng seemed to have undergone some unknown change, and his body suddenly became red, and waves of overwhelming aura rose up.

"Oh? Was he awakened so soon?" Kiltras, instead of being deterred by Yu Meng's astonishing aura, said in surprise.

Afterwards, his face smiled grimly: "Hahahaha, that's okay. It just happens to be swallowed by you when your evolution is complete, which can greatly increase the concentration of the demon blood in my body!"

Kiltras directly ignored Li Luo and walked towards Yumeng step by step.

"Damn devil! You die for me!",

At this moment, behind Yumeng, there seemed to be a green and red flying dragon phantom flashing out, his eyes also showed a nearly magma-like color, and the hand was condensed with dazzling firelight, and the extremely powerful elemental energy fluctuations spread in all directions. Away.

The energy ball in his hand was dazzling to the extreme, Yumeng's lava-like eyes, faintly tears falling, a blur in his hand, the energy ball rose up against the storm, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a size of seven meters and rolled towards Kilteras.

"Hahahaha...stupid human woman, your spells are just as ridiculous as yours!"

boom! With a loud blast, Kiltras walked towards Yumeng step by step in the fire wave.

But the next moment, his complexion became stiff, and he was about to retreat to one side.

The next moment, a dark shadow flashed out from behind Kilteras, one hand clenched a fist with five fingers, his arm was thickened out of thin air, and he slammed toward Kilteras who wanted to dodge to one side.

In an instant, there was a blast of air in the air, and groups of black fist shadows emerged, interspersed with traces of electric arcs, making the fist shadows look like they were rushing to thunder.

This person is Li Luo. After consuming 90% of his mana and fighting spirit, the mask on his face blocked the blow for him at the moment of death. The mask also shattered and opened under the violent rays of fel energy, and Li Luo also recovered his original appearance.

The "Boom Rumble" blasted out!

Kiltrath's body was hit and fell to the ground, smashing the ground like a huge boulder, causing a cloud of smoke and dust.

Li Luo knelt down, and knelt on the back of Kilteras for the next moment. The two arms that were thicker than three circles were blurred, and the countless shadows of the thunder fist that were overlapped, whizzed towards the bottom. under.

Kiltrath's death ray has exhausted 90% of his fel energy. Being sheltered by Li Luo, he can only use his physical power to resist.

However, he was able to turn over and was overwhelmed by the dense fist shadows, but with a low growl full of irritation, he slammed his feet on the ground, like a loach, and slipped out of Li Luo's body.

Not far away, Kiltras stood there panting, a stream of dark green blood flowing down the corner of his mouth, scornfully corroding potholes on the ground.

The physical strength of the human man in front of him~www.readwn.com~ seems to be still above his expectations!

But as a demon, the most feared is melee combat.

He saw a grinning smile on his face, and strange dark green lines appeared on his body, emitting a dark green evil light, and it quickly spread all over his body.

Afterwards, Li Luo saw the demon screaming up to the sky, spitting out several bone spurs on his back, his body shape was also raised by more than a foot under the crackling of his bones, and his muscles were enlarged. More than three laps, even the sharp claws of both hands are more than an inch longer. At the same time, his eyes completely turned into a blood-red color, and a hostile spirit rose into the sky, and the surrounding ground continued to emit a cloud of dark light spots, and there were faint sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling.

For a while, Kiltras' physical strength gave Li Luo a feeling that he couldn't compete.

At this moment, Li Luo's heart jumped, but he still threw away ten red-brown fireballs and shot away, and under the bang of the explosion, the figure of Kilteras was submerged.

But the next moment, a dark green phantom flashed out in the fire wave, appearing on the side of Li Luo's body like a teleport.

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