Overlord Wizard

Chapter 141: Fierce Battle (4)

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"Not good!" Li Luo lost the trace of the devil in front of his eyes, and his heart suddenly tightened, but his movements did not slow down. A burst of yellow light radiated from his body, and a layer of stone armor instantly enveloped his body.

At this moment, he only felt a sudden gust of wind on the right side of his body. Under shock, he could only rush all the grudge suddenly, and immediately billowing thunder and colorful flames appeared on his left arm, and he turned his left hand abruptly. Five fingers held together and pulled out fiercely.

The figure of Kiltras stood still in front of Li Luo, his hideous face seemed to have endless bloodthirsty surging, and a monstrous suffocating aura pressed against Li Luo.

The next moment, Li Luo's body shape couldn't help but pause, and the sound of "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounded in his ears. A huge force surged from his arm, and the blood in his chest surged violently. The stone armor on his arm broke apart like nothing, and the whole arm was folded in half in an exaggerated arc. The figure flew backwards!

And Kiltras, who was not far in front of him, disappeared again. The next instant he appeared in the direction where Li Luo flew out, his face full of tyrannical color, stretched out nearly half a meter of giant claws towards Li Luo took a claw out of his abdomen.

Seeing the giant claws pulled out, Li Luo's complexion changed drastically, his limbs bulged in the air, his whole body curled into a ball, his hands also crossed in front of him.


The stone armor on Li Luo's body was pierced, and a huge invisible force poured out from the giant claws, directly hitting Li Luo's limbs.

Li Luo yelled, there were several cracking bones in his body, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

A **** smell spread out, and Kiltras smelled the color behind him even more crazily, as if the human being in front of him was a kind of delicacy. He couldn't wait to save him with one hand and dig into his heart, and insert it into Li Luo's chest. .

"No!" Seeing this in the distance, Yumeng fell to his knees with a hoarse cry.

When Anda and Zhao Hu saw Li Luo being killed so easily, their expressions changed drastically.

After seeing Li Luo's true face, the two women, Irene Ivy, began to look happy, but then they showed a silly look.

And just when everyone thought that Li Luo had fallen, a dazzling purple golden brilliance appeared on Li Luo's body, and the giant claw bullet inserted into Li Luo's chest flew out with a slam.

At the same time, Li Luo went to a mysterious space when his eyes went dark.

In the space, it was completely purple and gold. A middle-aged man with purple hair and blue eyes stood in the space, turning his head to look at Li Luo's side.

"Huh? It came later than I expected." After seeing Li Luo, the middle-aged man nodded with a smile.

After seeing the middle-aged man, Li Luo frowned and walked forward slowly: "Excuse me, is this the legendary Yan Luo Temple?"

The middle-aged man smiled dumbly when he heard the words: "You are not dead yet, how come to see the Hades in your heart and say?"

"What? I'm not dead yet!" Li Luo's face changed when he heard the words. Before he came here, he clearly remembered that he was pierced by a giant claw. How could he not be dead? But he couldn't help but think too much, and quickly asked: "How can I get out, the devil is so tyrannical, I am afraid that some of my friends will be at stake!"

"Good! Good! Good! This kind of crisis, thinking of friends, I really didn't choose you wrong!" The middle-aged man smiled faintly, stroked his chin with beard in relief.

"Sure enough, you didn't choose the wrong me?...Is it possible! Is it possible that you brought me here!?" Li Luo's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words and asked.

"Don't worry, listen to my explanation!" The middle-aged man turned around, and a dazzling purple light screen lit up in his hand, revealing star maps of the universe before Li Luo.

"The earth where you were in the previous life is a living planet in the Milky Way m29873, where the Milky Way is not even counted as a low-magic interface. The galaxy in the entire universe is divided into 30 small demon positions and three big demon positions. They are high magic interface, medium magic interface, and low magic interface. Each interface is divided into ten sub-levels, which are filled with the power of elements of different intensity. The interface you are now in is the middle magic interface that is on the verge of degrading. All this is caused by the demons from the outside world. The creatures like demons, I don’t know when they were born. In addition to devouring creatures, they also corrupt the earth and hinder the evolution of creatures. Your body in the previous life has been divided by me I believe that the power of the soul has been used to transform your planet into a low demon plane. And some of my soul-dividing knowledge about practice is all passed on to me according to the meaning of my body Every corner of your planet. I do all this for one purpose!" The middle-aged man said in a hurry. At last, his tone changed, his expression straightened, and an indescribable momentum was suddenly mentioned.

Li Luo felt a bow in his heart and involuntarily said, "Senior, please speak clearly!"

"Help me eliminate the vigorous power of the demon in this interface, because this is the interface where I was born! And as a reward, you not only have a long life because of your practice, but even your parents and brothers in your previous life have entered the ranks of practitioners. Enjoy a few hundred years of life." The purple-haired man's tone began to accelerate, and his body began to become translucent.

"Good!" Li Luo agreed without thinking about it. Not to mention whether it can be done, at least let this big guy take him out quickly, right?

The purple-haired man nodded with satisfaction, and said: "When I incorporated your soul into this body, I sealed a drop of the original essence blood into your bloodline. Only when you are dying can it be activated. There are two ways now. . One, directly accept the transformation of my god’s blood, and possess unparalleled divine power and potential. But in this way, you will evolve in my direction step by step. Second, swallow my divine blood and recover my injury and strength. And the increase in potential is less, and it's enough to deal with the demon outside, but this power will turn into your own power, and you don't have to evolve in my direction."

Li Luo hesitated and said, "I choose the second one."

"Sure enough, it was not what I expected." The purple-haired man nodded in satisfaction, pointed his hand at Li Luo, and a purple golden brilliance plunged into his body.

outside world.

Kiltras was firmly shrouded in place by a purple-gold brilliance.

Not far from him, Li Luo's body was floating in the air out of thin air, and colorful elements continued to rush in, pouring into his body and disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, all his leather armor and clothes burned out in a purple flame, and purple-gold lines began to emerge on the surface of the skin, and at the same time, a sacred power suddenly spread in all directions. .

Zijin Guanghua flashed, and all the portals of the entire No. 1 base burst apart. At the same time, the wizards who vomited blood and fell to the ground stood up, and even some wizards whose chests collapsed began to move within a few breaths. The arm came, with a look of surprise on his face, and he looked at Li Luo in midair.

Li Luo, who was still in a coma, suddenly showed pain, his body stiffened suddenly, he felt only regular bursts of intense tingling while he was in a coma, and the surface of his body also showed dense lavender lines, which looked like The dark green lines on the devil's body are extremely, but they look different.

And under the purple light on his body surface, with every sting, an extra purple line will appear, gradually covering Li Luo's body.

As the purple-gold lines on Li Luo's body became more and more, a purple-gold giant phantom emerged from mid-air, and his sacred aura became more and more intense.

At this moment, the blood in his body suddenly boiled, and after rolling, it turned into a drop of blood with a hint of purple and gold that is different from other essence and blood, and at the same time, a wave of fighting energy and mana glowing in the whole body. Walking up and down without stopping, surprising changes are quietly taking place.

Soon, whether it was the phantom of the purple-gold giant or this strange breath of blood and blood, it only appeared for a moment, and it quickly melted as if ice and snow met the spring sun.

At the same time, another faint breath of sacred blood suddenly spread out, and Anda and others felt it, their complexion changed.

This breath is obviously very familiar, and it is the breath of Li Luo's deity that is true!

As soon as this breath was released, Li Luo's injuries recovered in a state visible to the naked eye, and bursts of black liquid continued to drain out of the skin. In the next moment, Li Luo's bones seemed to be eaten by thousands of ants, and an extremely painful tingling sensation spread all over his body. At this moment, the bones also experienced magical changes. The purple-gold brilliance on the bones kept flashing, gradually adding a hint of purple-gold color, but the whole body was still white, but it exuded a crystal clear feeling. The breath of the whole person also began to rise steadily.

This kind of breath has nothing to do with fighting energy mana, and it is completely an intuition like an ascending physical bloodline, just like an ancient beast.

Li Luo slowly opened his eyes and slowly regained consciousness, while clasping his hands tightly.


At this time, he only felt that a wave of incomparable mana and fighting spirit was constantly pouring out of his mind, and his body was filled with infinite power, and he unconsciously raised his head and let out a long scream!

At this moment, Li Luo's heart moved, his body shape suddenly grew more than three times larger, and under the bright purple light, lines of purple gold and a little red appeared. An extremely powerful aura suddenly spread out, purple-gold arcs crackled on the surface of the body, and a sacred aura swept away in all directions.

All the wizards who stood up involuntarily stepped back a few steps before stopping, and their expressions were full of greed, fear, and envy.

Kiltras also regained his freedom at this time. Although the tyrannical aura was still there, there was a trace of fear.

At this time, Li Luo had already completely overwhelmed the opponent in his breath!

At the moment when Li Luo completed the transformation of God’s blood, his eyes suddenly burst into endless fighting intent, a fanatical expression of fighting intent appeared in front of Kilteras, and he grabbed his neck like lightning. Everyone only saw a flash of purple brilliance in the void, and Li Luo's arm firmly pinched Kiltras in front of him.

After catching the demon, Li Luo almost didn't even want to move his arm, it turned into an afterimage and slammed out to the opponent, slamming on his chest.

Click! The sound of bone fracture.

Then there was a loud bang!

In front of Li Luo, the demon swished and flew out, spraying a mouthful of dark green blood in the air, and the dark green lines on the entire body of the demon disappeared, and the fel energy was scattered by one of its blows.

In this scene, not only Anda and Zhao Hu were stunned, but Yumeng who was not far away even flashed beautiful eyes, and he could no longer look away from Li Luo.

Before the many wizards were relieved, the next scene shocked them to the extent that it was difficult to add.

I saw that Li Luo roared to the sky, his figure flashed, and he grabbed Kiltras's legs and slammed it hard towards the ground.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ......

Large pits were smashed into the area where Li Luo was located, and they broke into tens of meters in size under the density.

Then, his fierce light flashed, and he threw Kilteras away with his hand, and the whole person disappeared before everyone's eyes.

Then, Li Luo's figure flashed and appeared above Kiltras' body out of thin air, folded his hands together, and slammed down suddenly.


Kiltrath's body was like a cannonball, carrying bursts of air breaking sound, crashing on a dim portal.

Boom~www.readwn.com~ Even before Kilteras’ body touched the portal, the stone material of the portal broke apart and opened, and it was smashed open by the strength of the flying air. Come.

At the moment the entire portal collapsed, countless smoke and dust rose up, and then slowly dispersed.

As soon as the smoke and dust dispersed, there was still the shadow of Kilteras. Under a big pothole, a pool of dark green flesh and blood fell on the ground, and Kilteras was hit by Li Luo's attack Shattered.

Slowly putting away his arms, Li Luo showed a hint of unhappy expression, but he still took out a mask and put it on and landed.

After scanning the surrounding wizards, he said faintly: "Immediately set up a large sacrificial circle!"

Li Luo's voice was very low, but no wizard dared to disobey his will, and all began to act in a hurry.

At this moment, Li Luo turned around and looked at Yumeng. At this moment, an indescribable feeling erupted from the bottom of his heart.

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