Overlord Wizard

Chapter 150: Cunning Callens

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   Li Luo returned to the cattle-grazing village unhurriedly. Soon, in the midair not far away, a figure that was previously indistinguishable from the blood-robed wizard chased him.


   "Is it finally here?" Li Luo calmly turned around.


   The man in the blood robe did not fall to the ground this time, but stood in the air at a height of thirty meters.


   "Huh, you can kill my blood bat substitute. You can die proudly too!" The blood-robed man Fang stopped and said fiercely.


   After a word, the blood in the blood-robed man's hand was full of blood, and the blood-robed body bulged up without wind, making bursts of grinning noise.


Li Luo looked at the power of the blood-robed man, his expression unchanged, and said lightly: "Although Gu is a knight, he has some wizarding talents. If you want to kill me, I'm afraid I will also be injured, but Gu doesn't want to die. It’s not clear, what kind of power I died today, so I’m going to be a ghost in Styx!"


   "Hmph, don't want to know what kind of force. Today, if you destroy our corpse raising plan, you can sacrifice your body!" The blood-robed man's face flashed with blood in his hands.


next moment.


   With a rumbling sound, a giant fireball the size of two meters has already rolled over.


   But as soon as Li Luo's figure shook, he quickly fled for more than a hundred meters, and the fireball crashed onto the ground at this moment.




   There was a loud explosion.


   Under the blood-red fire wave swept across, the whole ground trembled!


  Although a powerful shock wave swept across, Li Luo only pretended to be lifted out more than ten meters away, reversed one and a half in the air, and landed steadily on the ground.


   In fact, with this level of magical attack, with his body now strengthened by the blood of God, even if he is completely hit, he will definitely not suffer too much damage.


   The reason why he did this has another consideration.


The blood-robed man saw Li Luo unscathed, he was taken aback for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and several dazzling blood lights appeared in his hand. He actually condensed several pieces by relying on the strength of a Tier 1 wizard. The first-order scarlet fireball is coming.


   Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, knowing that this guy should have engraved some powerful curse. From another angle, even if the opponent was a second-order wizard, Li Luo was confident and killed him cleanly.


Thinking of this, he squinted his eyes and asked in a cold voice: "Just now you heard your Excellency said that I broke your plan. Is it possible that you still have a lot of helpers? If this is the case, Gu will not accompany him. I still have a bit of confidence. , Has the strength to escape from your hand!"


   The blood-robed man heard the words, but did not answer, but a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, a few rays of blood on his hand suddenly shone brightly, and his arm moved away towards Li Luo.




   a full five red lights, flashing from the void in a flash.


Five red glows were released in the void, and there was a loud rumbling noise, and then violently fluctuated. Suddenly, a large burst of dazzling red light burst out. Then five four-meter-sized blood-colored fireballs poured out of the red glow, towards Li Luo. Lasing from all directions.


   These five fireballs seem to be extremely powerful and exude extremely hot heat, but they give Li Luo the feeling that they can easily be blocked by activating the **** patterns on his body. Although it was safe to do so, Li Luo didn't want to reveal the identity of his Protoss bloodline. Instead, a red-brown energy shield lit up all over his body and rushed in one direction.


   With his current physical body and cultivation base, even if he is directly hit by these strengthened blood and fireballs, there will never be too much pain.


   But the play still has to go on. After all, I don’t know how many such blood-robed wizards are still making trouble behind the scenes. Naturally, Li Luo wants to draw them all out and catch them all!




   Five blood fireballs collided with the ground, and bursts of fire waves pushed against each other and spewed in the direction where Li Luo fled.




   The **** fire waves are so fast, like a gust of wind. Instantly drowned Li Luo's figure.


  At the same time, the ground instantly cracked, and countless rubble sputtered out, lasing in all directions. The surrounding trees have turned into countless pieces of wood, and then turned into fly ash under the slightest exposure of the fire waves, mixed with the smoke and dust from the ground, covering this piece of woodland, and there is more The extremely **** energy particles swept away, and everything around was even more vague, giving people a feeling of death raging by evil energy.


   The blood-robed man fell down confidently and walked in the direction of Li Luo.


   The smoke and dust gradually dispersed.


next moment.


   The blood-robed man's complexion suddenly changed. Where is the shadow of Li Luo in the open area a few hundred meters?


   "Is there no bones left?" The blood-robed man thought of this place calmly, but didn't dare to support it, so he slowly flew up into the air.


And just at this moment, there was a burst of laughter in the void not far away, and the voice of a rickety, stout man came over: "Hey hey! What a waste. Even a big knight can't be destroyed. Now you can't. If you succeed, let it go to Liao!"


   The figure of the man surnamed Liao flashed, then disappeared in place, and flew hundreds of meters away in a blink of an eye.


   By this time, the man in the blood-robed robe was dull, and he knew that the young man he considered to be the superior evil corpse was not harmed at all. Instead, he escaped by the fire wave!


   He just wanted to chase forward, but then his face changed, he hesitated, then landed in the other direction, and his figure disappeared in the forest.


   The man surnamed Liao was very fast, and in a blink of an eye he flew into the air in front of Li Luo.


"Hehe. Boy, no matter how you endure Karens' spells, but when you get to Liao, you can be a corpse puppet!" The rickety man stopped in mid-air, he hehe smiled, his hands lit up as if condensed into liquid. The glaring green awn.


   "You know wood poisonous spells!" Li Luo said in shock when he saw this. At the same time, a look of exhaustion was revealed. "Good, good. Gu admitted today. You two formal wizards surrounded me as an apprentice wizard. You are really brazen! I really don't know what your accomplices would think of you!"


When the wizard surnamed Liao heard that the green ball of light in his hand was unstable, it collapsed, as if he heard some joke, and laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, it's ridiculous. Are you stupid in the academy? When did the dark wizard talk about it? Can’t you be bullying? Our accomplices? Don’t be afraid to tell you that the two of us who raise the corpse are here. Now you can go and die!"


   "Only two people? Then I'm relieved." Li Luo muttered to himself when he heard the words, suddenly smiled, and returned to the calm color of the past.


   The wizard surnamed Liao didn't think too much about Li Luo's changes. The liquefied green energy in his hand emerged out of thin air again, and he rushed directly towards Li Luo.


But at this moment, Li Luo lit up a green energy mask, his five fingers were held together, his arms swelled out of thin air more than a circle, and under a whistling sound, he fisted hard at the surname Liao, who was lasing. The wizard digs out.


next moment.




   The man surnamed Liao was directly hit by Li Luo's abdomen. As soon as he passed through, a stream of purple blood flowed out. And the right hand of the man surnamed Liao was also fiercely pressed on Li Luo’s shoulder, a stream of purple-green liquid resembling a stream of concentrated sulfuric acid, instantly corroding the green energy cover into a hole. But the liquid was also gone, and only a few drops poured over Li Luo's shoulders unabated.


  嗤! After a few sounds, the black leather armor of Li Luo's shoulders was corroded into several pits, and then the whole person's face turned purple for a while, and he fell down.


   And the man surnamed Liao also cracked cracks all over his body, scoffed and scattered, turning into countless centipedes crawling in all directions.


   Li Luo secretly said in his heart, and fell heavily.


   After a while, another rickety man walked out from the forest on the side.


   "Hey hey. Sure enough, the physical body is extremely powerful, and my clone energy passed through with one blow..." The rickety man approached, revealing the extremely ugly face of a man surnamed Liao.


   At this moment, there were two sharp bangs in the distance, and the man surnamed Liao's complexion changed. He changed his hands and shot out a hoop, instantly turning into one meter in size, blocking his chest.


   "Karens! What do you mean!" The man surnamed Liao looked at the figure walking out of the forest in the distance, looking angry, and shouted.


   "What do you mean!? The merits of the third-order evil corpse can be exchanged for the advanced resources of the second-order blood wizard. Of course I am here to fight for the corpse!" Karens said in a low voice, his eyes revealed a sorrowful color.


   "You're going to die!" The man surnamed Liao looked furious when he heard the words, with a stench of green liquid in his hands, and flicked towards Karens.


Karens seems to be too familiar with the man surnamed Liao. When he flipped his hand, he found an extra green shield. When he turned around, he stood in front of him, and his hand was full of dazzling red lights. The violent and seemingly energy fluctuations that can swallow all, spread out in all directions.


   And just as the two of them released their methods, the abnormal changes emerged.


   Li Luo, who was lying on the ground still twitching, suddenly struck a carp, jumped up, flipped his hand, and a purple-black long sword emerged out of thin air, dancing three times, passing by the man surnamed Liao.




   Three blood lines burst out from the man surnamed Liao, and the body of the man surnamed Liao broke into four sections and scattered.


   Until his death, the man surnamed Liao did not even scream.


   At this time, a fishy smell spread out, and a stream of green liquid also lased on the green shield.


   I don't know what kind of material the green shield is made of, but it blocks all the green venom without any damage. But Karen's face changed suddenly, and he was about to turn around and flee in midair.


   But the next moment.


   Li Luo's figure flickered, and the figure who jumped out of Callens passed by ~www.readwn.com~ by way of it.


   With a snorted sound, Karens fell into two pieces from the half-meter in the air. But then Li Luo frowned and found that this Karens body was squirming, turning into countless bats and flying out in all directions.


   "Damn it, really cunning. It turned out to be a stand-in! This is in trouble..." Li Luo glanced at the body of the man surnamed Liao, turned his head to look at the bat in the air, and said with a frown.


   Then, he flew into the sky and looked in all directions for a while before he fell down.


   Li Luo shook his head, revealing a trace of dullness, and then returned to the direction of the cattle-grazing village.


   Under an ancient tree ten kilometers away, drops of cold sweat on Karens' forehead kept falling.


"Damn it. Cunning humans turned out to be first-order wizards! Fortunately, I was shrewd and kept a hand. In this case...I can only notify the ghost envoy to speed up the resurrection of the warlord in the tomb! "Karens swallowed and spit, disappearing in one direction.

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