Overlord Wizard

Chapter 151: Blood Corpse Society and Haunted Ghost

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   In front of the ancient tomb in the southwest of the cow-herd village.


   A black-robed figure and a blood-robed figure are standing here side by side.


   "My lord ghost. Liao Xing... was killed." The blood-robed man hesitated and said in a deep voice.


   Hearing this, the black-robed figure's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and then disappeared again.


"I knew that something would happen to the two of you! In this way, the envoy would have to enter the ancient tomb. How much energy has been accumulated now?" The black robe figure turned around, showing a face Asked in a deep voice.


   "Three seal **** have been accumulated." The blood-robed man said, took out three spheres glowing with rich gray light, and handed them over.


   The bandage on the black robe figure's face squirmed, and said coldly: "Only after raising more than 3,000 iron corpses, we have gathered such a little necromantic energy. Are you two wastes?!"


Hearing this, the man in the blood robe said hoarsely: "This...My Envoy. Many troops have been sent from Kyoto to investigate, and we dare not do too much. Once the people in Kyoto are forced to initiate the entire ban Guards and second-order wizards came to encircle and suppress. Not only did the necromantic energy be incomplete, but our lives were also here. Even now, thirty kilometers away, there are three guards of the guards staring at the cows. What's going on in the village."


   Hearing this, the figure in the black robe was silent, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, a strong gray energy glowed from his body, spreading towards the direction of the cattle-grazing village.


"At midnight tomorrow, send out all the iron corpses to slaughter all the villagers in the cattle herd village! I want to use the necrotic energy of these people's corpses to awaken the soldier who has been sleeping for three thousand years in the ancient tomb in one fell swoop!" Hei After the robed man said shadowy words, he walked into the ancient tomb, and the undead energy spreading behind him towards the cattle-grazing village sank into the ground.


   The blood-robed man heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he led away.




   After Li Luo returned to the stone house where the children were sleeping, he felt sleepy, fell on the bed and fell asleep.


   The next day, the entire cattle-grazing village seemed to be fried, and all the villagers walked out. They looked at the zombie corpses all over the floor, whispering to each other, and then all walked towards the stone house where Li Luo was. But soon, these villagers were lost around the stone house, and it took three or four hours before they walked out blankly.


   At this time, all the zombies on the ground were collected by other villagers, poured kerosene through it, and ignited.




   Nearly more than four hundred corpses screamed under the scorching sun, and even some of the corpses swelled into a ball and exploded, scaring the villagers away from here. But no one noticed that while these corpses were burning, a gray air current disappeared into the ground at the same time, and at the same time an extremely cold breath surged in one direction.


At noon, Li Luo woke up, but then frowned and muttered to himself: "Why do I have a feeling of heart palpitations." After sitting up and thinking for a while, he felt a little bit bad and left some food for the children. Later, he walked outside.


   At this time, all the villagers in the cattle-grazing village have returned to the normal state they used to be. Although they seem to be constantly scanning the surroundings for fear that a zombie will come out to attack them, they are obviously more courageous and have begun to do some farm work.


   Li Luo glanced around, came to a villager, and asked, "Where are those zombie corpses?"


   The villager seemed to recognize Li Luo's identity, and said in a low voice: "My lord. The corpses of the zombies were all piled up in the back of the village and cremated."


   "Oh." Li Luo nodded, without saying anything, and began to patrol around the cattle-grazing village.


   Finally, when he entered the back mountain, he frowned and walked in the direction of a pile of bone scum.


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes when he looked at the bone **** that looked like normal. Then his complexion changed and he ran towards the front.


   But then, he suddenly stopped again, turned and ran towards the stone house where Gaia and other children were.


   After Li Luo entered the room, without saying a word, he picked up Gaia and his sister and walked out. Before leaving, I still don't forget to pull out the magic stone of the eyes and let these children regain their freedom.


   Li Luo hugged the two children directly into the air, and flew towards the camp with smoke rising thirty miles away.


   Soon, he came into the midair of the camp and landed.




   At this time, a group of black armored guards surrounded him.


   Li Luo stimulated the energy of fighting energy in his body, and at the same time, an extremely vigorous life energy spread out, causing the surrounding black armored soldiers to be surprised.


   "Such a powerful life energy, it must be the human race. Come with us and see us Huo commander."


   The black armored soldiers around him recognized Li Luo's human identity for a moment, and quickly retracted their weapons and stood by his side respectfully.


   Li Luo also spoke more, but with a hmm, he followed these soldiers towards a camp.


   After entering the tent, a very strong young man stood in front of a map with his back facing Li Luo and others, muttering something to himself.


   Hearing someone walk in, the young man slowly turned around.


   "Commander Huo, this man is like a great knight, and he is also a wizard!" One of the black armored soldiers said with some joy.


Not only did the young man feel unhappy when he heard this, he frowned and asked: "The order I received is that all wizards in Kyoto can't get away. Is your Excellency sent by the academy? This is strange. Even the supervisory wizard has disappeared. Several, not even the wizards sent by the academy have died. I am afraid that the connection between Kyoto and the wizarding academy has already been blocked by the dark forces. How did your Excellency come here?"


   Li Luo didn't show any irritation when he heard the words, but his expression relaxed. If the leader in front of him didn't doubt him at all, it would be a big deal. The fact that he can be doubted at this moment proves that he is still a general who has not taken refuge in the dark forces, and that he is still a bit shrewd.


   "Commander Huo, I won't say much. You see what this is." Li Luo glanced at the young man, nodded, took out a **** token, handed it to him, and said.


   "This...could it be a token of the Blood Corpse cult. Where did you get it!" After Huo Commander saw what Li Luo took out, his pupils shrank and asked in surprise.


"Lord Huo, don't panic, this is what I got by beheading a blood-robed wizard. This is the corpse of this blood-robed wizard." Li Luoxu pressed down and took out a gray space bag. His heart moved. The broken body appeared out of thin air from the ground.


This grey space bag was exactly the battle item of the wizard surnamed Liao he killed that day. Because it was filled with some evil things, Li Luo simply stored the corpse of the wizard surnamed Liao in it, and this **** token It was found from the grey space bag.


   "This...could it be. Liao Xing, ranked in the top 30 in the Dark Wizard Hunting List?" Huo Commander squatted down, carefully observed the head of the man surnamed Liao, and cried out.


   Li Luo raised his brows and asked, "Commander Huo knows him? Is this blood corpse you said is a cult or an organization of dark wizards? How strong are the wizards under his command?"


   Huo Commander stood up quickly after hearing the words, without the suspicion, and respectfully gave Li Luo a wizarding ceremony, and smiled: "I don't know your name. Huo Zhantian is offended, and I hope to forgive me."


   "It's okay." Li Luo smiled. "Commander Huo is too polite."


Huo Zhantian did not be more polite, but said with a serious face: "This blood corpse has been established for more than 500 years. It is a medium-sized cult organization. Behind it is the territory of our mortal enemy Blood Demon, which is darkness. Within the sphere of influence, a wizarding organization called the “Ghost Mythical Mythical” is supporting them. In the past few years, the second-order dark wizard of this cult organization has been killed by your dean and several elders. Thinking of this chaotic juncture is rekindling again."


   "Dark ghost!" When Li Luo heard these three words, his expression moved slightly.


   Among the information he obtained, there is a lot of information about the ghosts.


   This wizarding organization appeared in the Snow Eagle Principality three thousand years ago, and its members are extremely evil.


There are not many elders in the legend, but they are all powerful and true evil wizards. They usually act like mummies and are tied with bandages. They do not know each other, and they walk among the various human forces as messengers. Within range.


   And this ghost mythical creature first appeared in the Snow Eagle Principality, and was naturally destroyed by the Tatar Wizarding Academy. But soon they discovered that these evil wizards were all transformed from the corpses of the wizards who died in the academy. After the killing, a large number of such evil wizards suddenly appeared, and finally it was the Tatar Wizarding Academy at that time. He worked hard for his old life, brought several elders from the academy, traced to the organization of the ghost ghost mythical creature, killed several elder-level leaders, and temporarily eliminated the arrogance of these evil wizards, but the territory of the Principality was also destroyed at that time. This dark force has eroded as much as half, otherwise the current Snow Eagle Principality, conservatively speaking, will have at least half of its territory!


   And the ghost ghost not only killed several elders, but even their wizard leaders were greatly traumatized, and there was no extra high-end combat power to expand their influence. However, the elders and deans of the Tatar Wizarding Academy were almost all killed in the sphere of influence of the underworld, and the territories lost for a while were difficult to get back.


In this way, the dark forces also took advantage of the vacuum period of the high-end combat power of the two wizarding organizations during this time, quickly corrupting the occupied territories, raising the humans in the territories, and providing them with a steady stream of zombie army and dark wizard seeds. .


   These dark wizard seeds are completely different from the Scarlet Ravens. Once they checked the wizard's qualifications, they were immediately sucked up or drank the blood of werewolves, transformed into blood or werewolves, and were directly pushed into the darkness.


   This blood demon territory, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com, or the living person of the Gorefiend Principality, not only won't be pleased with their wizarding talents, but will be extremely afraid. Even other living humans have become psychologically distorted in this fear for a long time. Some people who had a nervous breakdown were all fed to the corpse puppets, and some who did nothing to survive in order to survive, all survived.


   The humans in these dark forces have despaired to the point where their souls are twisted!


   But this is not the point.


  The dark wizards lurking in the human principality are all close to the strength of the third-order wizards, most of them are at the peak of the second-order wizards, and a secret dark wizardry is even more difficult to prevent!


   Li Luo's expression changed when he thought of this, but then he gradually became more determined.


   "Leader Huo, protect this child. If the zombies besieged the cattle-grazing village, you must try to protect the safety of the villagers and yourselves, and minimize the possibility of living people being killed. I will meet this new ghost elder!"


   Li Luo's voice fell, and he didn't allow Huo Commander to object, and he disappeared in the tent with a flash of blue light.

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