Overlord Wizard

Chapter 152: Tomb Encounter

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   Sixty kilometers southwest of Cow Herd Village.


   There is a thick gray mist here all year round. The plants in the mountains are dark magic grasses such as the nether-leaf grass, which dyes this place into an off-white world. Even with the golden sunlight shining down, the whole environment looks lifeless. If it weren't for the grimace spiders and lihadas that could adapt to the environment here, they would have thought they had come to the territory controlled by the dark forces.


   At this moment, a few blue glows suddenly floated behind a low mountain in the distance, and they floated towards this side very quickly.


   There are bursts of grinning noises in the blue light, as if there are countless hurricanes hovering. These glaucoma fell from mid-air in a blink of an eye, revealing a group of figures in blood robes.


   "Is this this place? Mei'er." After a handsome blood-robed figure fell, he said softly to a very charming woman beside him.


   The charming woman glanced at the surrounding environment, took out the map and compared it, nodded: "This is it."


   The charming woman wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, revealing a very seductive face, which attracted several people around her to look sideways.


  This woman is Wu Meier!


One of the tall and thin blood-robed figures walked up and said with a smile: "Meier, this time you stole so much information from the Tatar Wizarding Academy. This is a great achievement. It has not only solved the problem of the official wizards of our academy. The problem of practicing dark witchcraft, I also got a safe way to enter the tomb from the old guy. In this way, the corpses inside, as long as we give us time, can completely build an army of dead people looking forward to!"


   The tall and thin figure clenched his fists, and a wave of pride rose. A blood-colored crow pattern on his shoulder lit up with a blue light in vain, causing a wave of waves around him to rise.


At this time, a little wizard hurriedly said: "That's too right. Brother Liu. This time Meier relied on the bloodline modification experiment to make us highly resistant to dark magic, and passed that Zhao Hu's refinement. The witchcraft that came out did not erode the body by releasing dark witchcraft at all. It really made us wizards who practice dark witchcraft turn over!"


   "Bullshit! When did our wizards who practice dark magic become weaker!" At this time, the handsome wizard turned cold and scolded.


   A fat wizard hesitated when he heard the words, and said, "Big Brother Xueyu, to be honest, Li Luo who practices order witchcraft is really too strong."


   The sorcerer known as the blood jade changed his face when he heard the words, and he seemed to recall how Li Luo showed his power that day. They were still apprentices of wizards that day, and re-entered the secret realm from the eliminated state as the identity of suppressing the evil disaster. He had witnessed Li Luo's power with his own eyes. But the other party is so powerful, after returning to the family, he learned the identity of the bloodline of the Li Luo God Clan through the experience of the patriarch. Only then did I know why he was so strong that day.


Thinking of this, Xueyu's face became cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Then Li Luo is so strong after awakening the Protoss bloodline. If we succeed by luck, we will naturally be no weaker than him! You fat pig, how can it grow? The ambition of others, destroy your own prestige!"


   After hearing the words, the fat wizard wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words abruptly. He knew that the handsome, gentle-looking man in front of him didn't blink at all when he killed someone. When Li Luo finished purifying the demon spirit in the secret realm that day, he separated some and gave it to all the wizards. And this blood jade abruptly killed more than thirty wizard apprentices around, occupying thirty spirit soul groups, and actually advanced to an official wizard in one fell swoop. With this kind of decisive and fierce character, he would never dare to continue to fight.


Thinking of this, the fat wizard nodded and smiled quickly: "Big Brother Xueyu is right. This Li Luo doesn't rely on the blood of his body to get his current reputation. I think if Brother Xueyu awakens the blood, I don’t know if he is better than this guy. How many times more powerful is right!"


   "Yes, yes, yes!...Rurda is right." The other wizards hurriedly began to drink.


   "A group of idiots who don't know how high and how thick..." Wu Meier was slanderous in her heart, but she still looked pitiful on the surface.


Xueyu glanced unscrupulously on Wu Meier's body, then retracted his gaze, and said lightly: "When we arrive here, the energy of the undead is too strong. There may be insufficient wind when flying. We fell from the air and walked on foot instead. Right."


   Soon, the group of people disappeared into the gray mist.




   After half an hour, a figure wearing leather armor also fell from the mid-air of the open space where Wu Meier and her party landed.


   The man has a plain face, and he is also an extremely inconspicuous existence in the crowd. But the temperament leaking from the inside to the outside has a sense of detachment and freedom, and a wave of coercion involuntarily spread out to the surroundings, making people look at it and can't help but feel awe.


  This person is Li Luo.


   After he landed, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and then walked out in the direction where Charming and the others disappeared.


   At this moment, there was a neighing sound in the gray fog, and it came from far to near.


   The neighing sound is extremely dense, like the sound of thousands of people rubbing the glass with stones. Not only is it extremely ear-piercing, but it also makes Li Luo's spirit sea tremble slightly. At this time, Li Luo, who had undergone divine blood transformation, and his own steady practice, was as stable as his spiritual sea, and at the same level, he could not find a second person who could be comparable to him. But the calls not far away made him feel a little uneasy, which really surprised him.


   It seems that the danger is still higher than he expected when he rushes to the tomb alone this time. But the person has already arrived here, and there are nearly 20,000 villagers waiting for him to rescue him, and Li Luo has to bite the bullet. If all these villagers are turned into zombies and spread out, then the entire principality will be in danger of being overwhelmed. At that time, not only will he have to take refuge in other colleges, but also his friends will be in great danger!


   This is not what he wants to see, plus he has the blessing of God's blood, and he is somewhat confident in his heart, so he didn't hesitate to rush in the direction of the screaming sound.


   Soon, a crowd of black spiders the size of countless people with a grimace pattern on their backs came into Li Luo's eyes.


   These spiders exude a dark black light, ferocious and ferocious, and their bodies are constantly exuding gray mist. The two exposed fangs on their mouths rub against each other, making a harsh rubbing sound.


   It seems that such breathtaking ghost sounds are the natural ability of these grimace spiders.


  If a single wizard, even if a formal wizard encounters them, there will be a burst of mana in his body, temporarily unable to fly, and being overwhelmed by this group of guys.


   But Li Luo is obviously not among these wizards.


   He just faintly lit up a reddish-brown flame, and walked towards the group of spiders leisurely.


"Are these grimace spiders? Although they are not strong. The sound waves they emit are very strange and have a certain deterrent effect. With the large number, it can be regarded as a relatively difficult low-level monster. But when you meet me, today is counted. You are unlucky.” Li Luo looked at the ferocious spiders coming in, and the corner of his mouth twitched, showing a sneer, and an oval reddish-brown energy shield was propped up on his body, and he stepped on his feet and rushed over. .






   Although the spider colony looks densely packed, there are more than a thousand. But as soon as Li Luo's figure flickered, it turned into an afterimage, passing through the spider group.


   The spider behind him suddenly stopped, and then huffed a blazing reddish-brown fire, which in a blink of an eye turned into countless corpses and burned to ashes.


   Li Luo continued to rush forward without any reduction in speed. At the same time, an azure blue potion bottle appeared in his hand, and he drank the liquid inside.


   This is a mana restoration potion used by a Tier 1 wizard. It is quite expensive. If it weren't for his many meritorious services and exchanged a lot, I would really dare not consume mana so unscrupulously today. But thinking of encountering a strong enemy in the future, Li Luo rushed out at the same time as his mental power spread out, prepared to try his best to avoid fighting with the monsters around, save mana, and make a full preparation for the subsequent fierce battle.


   An hour later, Li Luo gradually came to a narrow mountain road.


   Everything is still gray, and a strong breath of necromancy fills the surroundings.




At this moment, at the other end of the mountain road, a figure more than two meters high rushed towards him. Under Li Luo's powerful mental power, his muscles bulged high, like a cast of copper and iron. . What surprised Li Luo even more was that this guy's fangs and his roar made it easy to tell that it was a corpse puppet! Unexpectedly, when I approached the ancient tomb, I met one. It seems that there is really a ghost elder hidden here.


   Thinking of this, Li Luo's expression calmed down, and he drew his long sword and walked towards the corpse puppet step by step.


   And at this moment, there seemed to be a dazzling light flashing in the distance, as if a group of people were casting spells.


   Li Luo's heart moved, the figure turned into a bubble and dissipated, slowly approaching the past.


   "It turned out to be a bronze corpse that was about to evolve into a Tier 3 evil corpse!" At this time, a panicked and shrill man's voice was passed to Li Luo not far away.


"Huh! What are you afraid of. Our bloodline has evolved. As long as it is not a Tier 4 corpse, I am afraid that it will not succeed! You guys control a few bronze corpses not far away, and others will contain it with me!" At this time, A low-pitched man's voice came out, and UU Read www.uukanshu.com calmly gave orders one by one.


   Soon not far from the gray mist, under a burst of light flashing, there was no sound of explosion, it seemed that a few people should have temporarily controlled this corpse puppet that was about to evolve into a corpse. After a while, several figures ran over from a distance and shouted: "Big Brother Xueyu, the bronze corpse we control is here!"


   "Okay! Control your copper corpse and hold this guy firmly, and I will sacrifice it myself!" The voice of the low voice not far away changed, revealing a joy.


   After Li Luo slowly approached, he could see the clothes of these people clearly, and then he fixed his gaze on a enchanting woman not far away.


"How could it be her?" Li Luo's heart moved, and after scanning these people again, he muttered in his heart: "The official wizards of these Scarlet Ravens don't even have any evil aura. I sold the bloodline technology to them. With Gerlan’s wisdom, it is absolutely impossible for them to get such a bargain so casually. And today I want to go here alone..."


   Thinking of this, Li Luo became more and more jealous of Dean Geerlan, and after his complexion changed, his breath was completely dissipated in the air.

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