Overlord Wizard

Chapter 153: Tomb 1st floor

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


At the beginning, the bronze corpse, which was fast-advancing into a corpse, fought fiercely, and continued to shred ordinary copper corpses, but soon, with the blood jade curse, the silvery bronze corpse quickly became quiet , Stopped struggling.


   "Big Brother Blood Jade is indeed an elite who didn't rely on medicine to advance, so he surrendered the bronze corpse of the fast-advanced evil corpse." At this time, eight men walked over from the side and agreed.


"Huh. What's that. This trip to the tomb is suppressed by my mana, and you will surely surrender a few such evil corpses. At that time, these evil corpses will lead countless bronze corpses, and they will definitely help us regain the blood moon. The lost territory of the Principality!" Xueyu said with a proud face, and at the same time aimed at Wu Mei'er, revealing a smug look.


   But it's a pity that the beauty in front of him didn't mean to pay attention to him, but looked into the depths of the ancient tomb with solemn expression.


   "What's wrong, Mei'er. Did you find anything?" The fat wizard Rurda came over at this moment and asked quickly.


   Wu Mei'er's complexion changed for a while, and said: "There seems to be a lot of bronze corpses in it that have quickly advanced into evil corpses."


Several people changed their faces when they heard the words, but the blood jade showed a hint of fanaticism and smiled: "Haha, I wish me too! Let's go and surrender these monsters together. The loss of the Principality will be ours. Take it back!"


   "Yes! Follow the steps of Brother Xueyu!" The other eight men all echoed feverishly.


   Seeing this, Li Luo also nodded. It would be a good idea if everything is done according to their script as the blood jade said. But Li Luo always felt a kind of restlessness, as if he had missed something.


But he couldn’t tell, so he had to follow these guys. First, they could open the way. Second, they could quickly approach the center of the tomb and find the elder of the ghost ghost, without consuming a lot of mana. The guy has a good fight.


  Sure enough, the fellow Xueyu seemed to be eager to work, and immediately ordered people to follow him and walked into the tomb.


   The blood-colored ravens in front of the group did not move fast. In order to prevent being discovered, Li Luo deliberately kept a certain distance and hung far behind.


   Wu Mei'er and her group did not notice that they had followed a small tail unknowingly. Wu Mei'er frowned at the moment, as if she was closing her eyes and sensing something.


   After a while, she opened her eyes.


   "How is it?" Xue Yu was standing not far from Wu Mei'er. Seeing this, his lips moved slightly, Transmit asked.


   "Turn right at the seventh fork in the 200 meters ahead, and there is a bronze corpse on the right that quickly progresses into a deadly corpse." Wu Mei'er took a deep breath and replied through voice transmission.


   Xueyu's complexion was overjoyed, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Mei'er really has different talents. A place with such a strong necromantic energy can spread spiritual power so far."


   Li Luo also showed a hint of surprise when he heard this. Even he could feel this distance. Wu Mei'er seemed to have some adventures or acquired some good witchcraft recently.


   "Then what are we waiting for, go and surrender that guy." At this moment, a short and thin wizard came over and said.


Others nodded, but Blood Jade frowned slightly, as if dissatisfied with the performance of the short and thin wizard, he scolded: "Gedan, you talk a lot. You don't know how many bronze corpses are waiting in this distance. Us?!"


   The short and thin wizard suddenly stretched his neck back when he heard the words, as if being trained.


Wu Meier's expression remained unchanged and said, "There are a total of 102 bronze corpses in this distance. We control ten of them alone. Brother Xueyu controls his own bronze corpses to deter other bronze corpses. You should be able to see that fast-advanced corpse soon. The evil corpse."


   "Okay, just as Mei'er said, everyone should bring up the spirit of twelve points, and control the bronze corpses, don't delay the formation of the necromantic army!" Xueyu said loudly.


   Soon, after dealing with these bronze corpses, a group of people arrived at the bronze corpse that was fast-advancing into the evil corpse as expected, and subdued it a few times.


   "Haha, so, we have two bronze corpses that are about to advance to the stage." At this time, Gedan laughed and couldn't help but speak.


This time, Xueyu did not stop it, but took a look at the bronze corpse controlled by Wu Meier, hesitated for a moment, and said, "There are a lot of bronze corpses in this ancient tomb. Ranked bronze corpses are promoted. In this way, it is easier to control other bronze corpses."


   At this time, Rurda also echoed: "Big Brother Xueyu said so. Let's start."


  , the fat wizard began to inscribe a witchcraft circle on the ground.


Soon, they controlled the two fast-advanced bronze corpses, took out the hearts of the other bronze corpses, swallowed them in one bite, and then controlled the two bronze corpses to stand in the center of the circle, and put the other dead bronze corpses. In several directions of the magic circle, I was thinking about this, and the magic circle began to light up with a gray-white light.


   This magic circle looks like a sacrifice circle, but it's not the same. Li Luo was also puzzled for a while, not knowing what kind of circle knowledge it came from.


Although wondering, the magic circle was really powerful. After a while, these dead copper corpses turned into a puff of gray smoke and sank into the two copper corpses that were about to become evil corpses, two copper corpses. The breath also began to rise steadily.




   The two bronze corpses roared, and Xue Yu and Wu Mei'er both shook their bodies. After a few steps withdrawing, their expressions were panicked, and they began to chant a spell nervously.


   Other people saw this, and quickly shot energy chains or simply controlled witchcraft to control the two fast-advanced bronze corpses.


   After a while, the two bronze corpses finally stabilized, and the luster on their bodies gradually turned into blood, exuding an astonishing suffocation.


   "Haha, it's done." Xueyu said with joy when he saw the changes of the two bronze corpses.


   Wu Mei'er finally showed a smile, but then she frowned and looked in the other direction.


   "Be careful, 300 meters ahead, an evil corpse came with more than 20 bronze corpses!" Wu Mei'er's face tightened, and she quickly reminded her.


   Except for the blood jade, the others all ran out in different directions. After a while, they brought back five or six bronze corpses.


   Soon, an evil corpse and a dozen or so cyan bronze corpses appeared in front of everyone, and rushed over with a roar of the evil corpse.


   There was a clear gap in the combat power of the two sides. After killing the bronze corpses, the evil corpse was quickly subdued by several people, and was subdued by the fat man Rudal.


   "Three evil corpses! One evil corpse can control three hundred bronze corpses, we are worthy of this trip!" At this moment, the skinny wizard walked over and smiled excitedly.


   "Huh, unambitious guy." At this time, Xue Yu gave a cold snort and said sarcastically.


   The skinny wizard smiled slowly, didn't dare to get angry, and stepped back.


   At this time, Rudal also sarcastically said: "Liu Hui, you are so prosperous? I really regret bringing you here!"


   Liu Hui's face became gloomy and cold, and she was about to have an attack, but Wu Meier put her hand between the two and stopped her at once.


"You two, the tomb has not been explored yet, so we are in conflict? Our wizard is strong in spirit, and controlling these low-minded corpse puppets is naturally handy. Once the first-order wizard controls it, they can control the three evil corpses. , I also agree with Rudal. But Liu Hui is right. The three evil corpses are indeed beyond our expectation. If you don’t even dare to exist in normal times, you two should stop arguing. Up."


   Wu Mei'er said nothing more than this, and the two of them couldn't say anything. They both retreated to the middle of the team and stopped talking.


   The Scarlet Raven and his group continued to walk into the depths of the ancient tomb. After obtaining the three evil corpses, they did not have the eager look of eagerness, and became less irritable.


   Li Luo, who followed behind, was naturally not impatient. With these experts in dealing with zombies, he still had some strength left, but he still maintained a certain speed, hanging silently and silently at the rear of the team.


   Everyone went forward for more than a thousand meters. Li Luo suddenly stopped, his complexion changed suddenly.


   Everyone soon arrived in front of a hall, and Li Luo was shocked that there were more than a hundred scarlet corpses lying here. The whole body was emitting a light red mist, which filled the surrounding with a horrible aura.


   Li Luo thought that if these hundred evil corpses sprang up from the ground, they rushed up together, and his heart shuddered.


   The Scarlet Raven’s people were also startled at first, but Wu Meier said: “Don’t worry, I just felt it. There should be some kind of witchcraft forbidden here. These evil corpses can't wake up.”


   Li Luo's face suddenly loosened upon hearing this. The others were even more relieved.


   "Mei'er, can you tell me in the future so that we can be mentally prepared." At this moment, a wizard of medium stature came over and said with some complaints.


   The other wizards also showed this expression, but Xueyu immediately became angry, and yelled: "A group of greedy things and fear of death. Follow us! Talk more, cut off your tongue!"


   Everyone's expressions tightened when they heard the words, and they didn't dare to say anything. They were all chanting spells, and the **** runes fell into the Sha corpse's mind, and each Sha corpse began to stand up.


After    and others had controlled the three evil corpses, they all turned their heads to look at the blood jade.


   "Hmph, you rubbish, come here with me for this purpose!" Xue Yu coldly snorted, looking at the expectant gazes of several people.


   Li Luo frowned when he heard this, and didn't understand why this blood jade made such an unclear sentence.


   But soon, he knew why.


   I saw this blood jade take out a dagger, and pierce all the remaining evil corpses into his eyes. After killing them, he took out a **** scale-like witchcraft, and muttered words in his mouth.


   Soon, the balance rose to the height of a hundred meters out of thin air, and the blood light flashed, and these evil corpses were quickly enveloped. These evil corpses quickly melted and turned into a **** spirit group floating and condensed.


   "Hey, the witchcraft made by Zhao Hu is really exquisite, and it is no loss that it is the number one crafting master in their college.


   "It's very much ~www.readwn.com~ I didn't expect these useless necro creatures to be transformed into scarlet energy."


   Seeing this, a few people said with joy.


   The blood jade snorted when he heard the words, and did not speak much. After a while, he took out a silver balance witchcraft, and repeated the spells in his mouth, and the blood energy quickly contracted into a milky white spirit group.


   Seeing this, even Li Luo couldn't help but change his face. The children of the wizarding family really made an extraordinary move! The two magical weapons just now consume high-level magic stones. One must know that one high-level magic stone is equivalent to 10,000 low-level magic stones. The magnanimity of this blood jade really surprised him. Not only that, but Zhao Hu's ability to refine such witchcraft was also beyond Li Luo's expectation.


   Li Luo saw that the crowd had divided the spirit, naturally, he was extremely greedy, but he did not show up rashly, but continued to hide his figure calmly in his heart.


   After the people divided the spirit, they walked in to a dark entrance in the middle of the hall.


   Li Luo waited until everyone had entered, and it took three full minutes before he followed.

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