Overlord Wizard

Chapter 161: Little Golden Power

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One of the sky-eaters has a slightly weak aura, but it is extremely ferocious. It is covered with golden spots, and its shape is almost the same as the original sky-eaters, but except for the golden spots, there are interlaced silver patterns on the body surface. A pure and introverted temperament.

The sky-eater screamed, and he took the initiative to rush towards the sky-eater with a stronger breath. However, this scented sky eater has black spots on its body, and its shape is somewhat different from the original sky eater. It is oval, but its body surface is covered with dark green lines. Compared with it 'S opponent looks very weird. It saw the other party rushing forward, and two bean-sized eyes suddenly shone brightly, and the figure appeared in front of the opponent in one bite.

However, this sky-eater with a slightly weaker breath revealed a hint of sly in his eyes, which was unexpectedly agile. With a sway of his body shape, he flipped one hundred and eighty degrees and appeared on the side of this sky-eater with a slightly stronger breath, and then came with a bite.


The sky-eater with a stronger aura was turned into a sky-eater with a slightly weaker aura, and the carapace was broken in one go!

However, the slightly stronger aura of the Sky Devourer also reacted quickly. With a sway of its wings glowing with black spots, it lifted the opponent out of the sky, and rushed towards it as soon as it turned around.


The two sky-eaters slid down on the wall, and immediately began a new round of fighting.

However, the two fierce worms couldn’t tell the difference for a while. Although they fought, the aura was so weak that the sky-eater was completely suppressed, but with its rich combat experience and high intelligence, it was resolved many times. The opponent's attack was dangerous every time, the more he fought, the more bravery he fought, and there was no sense of fear.

At this moment, Li Luo's heart was already settled, and the purple-red **** pattern flashed wildly on his body, and his figure was more than a foot taller out of thin air. A flash appeared on the side of the oval sky-eater, and his arm was blurred. , A purple-red pike was practiced like a whip shadow, thrown down from this fierce bug.


After Li Luo's divine pattern was transformed, his physical body was so strong, but he hit this sky-eater, like a previous life's body blasting on a hard board, and a heart-piercing pain surged from his fist.

Looking at the muscles and bones exposed on his fist, Li Luo was shocked. The blow was very sudden, and even the aura so weak that the Sky Devourer flew into the distance of the hall, wandering around, not daring to approach Li Luo easily. Not far away, the slightly stronger sky-eater carapace cracked, and a stream of light green body fluid continued to flow out, and the breath became wilted.

Li Luo's eyes flashed, grabbing the badly injured sky-eater, and carefully recalled the beast-taming mystery that he had obtained in Thunder Bluff Griffon Cave that day. With a force in his hand, he tore the sky-eater into several petals. Put it on the ground. Then, a little bit of his own blood was dripped. Li Luo recalled the knowledge of runes he had learned in the academy, and under his words, one by one, spiritual runes and fuchsia runes were submerged in these worms, and it took a few minutes before retreating to the outside.

After Li Luo exited the hall, he felt exhausted, and he could not help but lift the **** pattern and transform.

As soon as Li Luofang lifted his divine veins and transformed, he heard the chewing hum of the sky-eater in the hall, and heard the sound of chewing and a whirr of excitement.

At the same time, a weak connection appeared in Li Luo's mind.

What Li Luo did to the corpse of the sky-eating insect was based on the unique blood breeding secret technique of dwarf animal taming technique. This technique can only work on one monster. Once a spiritual connection is reached, it is difficult to disconnect, and it is an equal spiritual connection between the two parties. This technique is only used by the dwarf on his beloved Warcraft partner. Once it is cast, not only will the Warcraft not be rebellious because of its blood connection with the dwarf, but on the contrary, it can communicate with the owner in a very convenient spirit, and its intelligence will be greatly improved The promotion!

However, Li Luo knew that this sky-eater is inherently powerful, and this technique will probably not have much effect. Combining some spiritual runes and bloodline runes he learned from the academy, he also added some spiritual slavery and bloodlines. Deterrent casting. Li Luo believes that with the blood of the **** race he has evolved, he still has a chance to establish a partnership with this fierce bug.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to be careless, and cautiously stepped into the hall, and walked towards the big golden bug in the distance.

As soon as Li Luofang approached, the big worm shook his whole body. From the mental connection, Li Luo clearly perceives that the other party seems to be extremely hostile. But Li Luo did not give up. After taking out a lunch box, he cut through the skin with a dagger, dripped a few drops of bright red blood glowing with lavender red, and chanted an unknown spell in his mouth for a while. Stayed and retreated.

After a while, the fierce worm really couldn't help the appetite in his heart, flew to the side of the lunch box and smelled it, and swallowed a few mouthfuls along with the lunch box.

At this moment, Li Luo clearly felt that the fierce insect was a little bit happy, and his hostility towards him was lessened.

Li Luo was overjoyed, and took out a few more lunch boxes full of food and cooked them in the same way, entered the hall carefully and put them aside, then slowly backed out.

After about a quarter of an hour, the hostile worms became less hostile, and they urged Li Luo mentally to want more of this kind of food.

Li Luo felt the message from the sky-eater, and was naturally overjoyed. After sending food three more times, the worm immediately calmed down, and he was also closely connected with Li Luo on a spiritual level, completely free of hostility.

At this time, Li Luo walked into the hall again, but couldn't see the shadow of the sky-eater. I closed my eyes and perceived, and found in a corner, a golden bug the size of a baby's fist was lying prone. If it weren't for the connection between Li Luo and him, I didn't recognize it for a while.

After slowly approaching, the evolved sky-eater just glanced at Li Luo lazily, then flickered, and got in through Li Luo's collar.

At this moment, Li Luo was so scared that he quickly untied his collar and looked in his arms. I saw the sky-eater clinging to his stomach, motionless, as if falling asleep.

Li Luo's complexion changed, and he was muttering words again, and after continuously injecting several spiritual runes and blood runes into the sky-eater, he tied his neckline with confidence.

"I'll call you Xiaojin from now on."

Li Luo muttered to himself, and began to look at the hall.

The blue light emitted from the entrance is exactly the square stone platform at the end of the hall facing the entrance. To be precise, it was an azure blue inner armor exuding from it. On the side of the inner armor, there is a half-foot-long primitive key, which emits bursts of faint red glow similar to the blood color, which is extremely strange.

After Li Luo slowly approached, he looked closely at the blue inner armor, and couldn't see anything surprising from the left or right. But the more this happened, the more shocked Li Luo's heart became. Based on his experience, how could he not know that this treasure armor has restrained energy and must be a protective witchcraft of extremely extraordinary quality! As for whether it is epic or legendary, he doesn't know.

He slowly moved his hand to the blue inner armor, and the envelope suddenly flashed blue light, and he felt a tingling pain in the palm of his hand, and couldn't help but put his hand back.

Li Luo lowered his eyebrows and pondered for a moment, and bit the tip of his tongue, a drop of rich purple-red blood spurted out, dripping onto this azure blue inner armor.

As a result, the next moment.

This azure blue armor flashed light, swished into a blue light and crashed into Li Luo's arms, disappearing in front of his eyes out of thin air. Immediately, a refreshing and cold feeling came to my heart, and he peeled off his underwear, and found that the azure blue inner armor had been worn close to his body, and it did not disturb the sky-eating insect in the slightest. It seems that everything is so natural, and it seems incredible.

While Li Luo was stunned to himself, he couldn't help but sigh the greatness of the ancient wizards. Shaking his head, he picked up the key, took out the tray and looked at it, and ran out of the hall.

An hour later.

In front of a gate, Li Luo found other people.

Blood Jade, Wu Meier, Kyle, and Rudal are all here, but Yale and Pat are missing. Except for Kyle, all of them had a key in their hands, and Blood Jade had a staff inlaid with a scarlet orb and a pair of green boots. There was an extra blood red bowl on Rudal's body, and an extra fuchsia bracer in Wu Mei'er's hand. Kyle didn't get any powerful witchcraft on his body.

Li Luo frowned and asked Rudal, "Where are Yale and Pat?"

Rudal looked ugly, and said with some grief: "The two sacrificed to lead away those **** bugs..."

Li Luo narrowed his eyes when he heard the words and stopped asking other questions.

At this time, Xueyu walked over and said, "Now there are four keys, and one is missing. You drown me with the three lights on your body, and I will get the last key."

Several people took out the porcelain bottle and handed it over without hesitation.

But then, after Xueyu poured all the liquid from the porcelain bottle into a porcelain bottle, his complexion changed, and he said in a cold voice, "Why is this a little bit like this? I'm afraid this is not enough to deter the bugs!"

At this moment, Li Luo's eyes lit up and he stepped forward and said: "Leave it to me. I am fast enough. I will give you the witchcraft, but the treasure that enters the hall after that is more for me."

When Li Luo said so, Xueyu's eyes brightened, and he agreed.

Immediately, Li Luo took the porcelain bottle and galloped away in one direction.

At this moment, Rudal came over and said, "Big brother, do you believe this kid will kindly give you the witchcraft?"

Xueyu's complexion changed, and he turned his head and asked in a cold voice: "Otherwise? Let me try? Burial into the sea of ​​insects?"

When Xueyu said this, Rudal retreated angrily, but there was a faint flicker in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Luo did not go directly to the location of the key, but after running at full speed for half an hour, he finally found dense blue light spots on the tray. There were so many blue light spots, it was more than six or seven times more than what he had discovered at the beginning~www.readwn.com~ Although I was a little surprised, there was nothing unexpected. In the passage of the hall, there were even more powerful witchcraft in the hall in front of you. Other witchcraft were shielded by the spirit of Xueyu and others, and these evil insects would naturally not be discovered.

As a result, he just wanted to smear the whole body with Three Lights and drown, the golden sky-eater in his arms trembled and rushed out of his arms.

The next moment, the swarms of sky-eaters in the hall, under a neighing sound, all seemed to be fried. Li Luo looked along the entrance of the hall and saw them running around, constantly crashing into the wall, seemingly panicked. .

And the golden sky-eater beside Li Luo was also an illusory figure, and under the harsh sound of howling, only a golden thread shot into the hall.

In an instant, countless gold threads seemed to pass through from all directions at the same time, and the harsh sonic boom was endless. Li Luo's ears were humming in the friction of the air, and he couldn't help but cover his hands. .

Countless sky-eaters were touched by this golden thread without even screaming. They fell from the air in two segments. The broken corpses of the sky were like raindrops, and they fell in the golden hall. in.

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