Overlord Wizard

Chapter 162:

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)

Seeing the corpses of the sky-eating insects all over the floor and Xiao Jin constantly devouring them, Li Luo couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

What kind of monster did he cultivate? !

Even Li Luo himself didn't know if he could control the golden beetle in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Li Luo simply ignored Xiaojin, and walked towards the stone platform at the end of the hall.

On the stone platform, a total of three items were protected by a blue light curtain.

A key similar to the previous one, a crystal that emits dark black light, and a diary.

Li Luosi measured for a moment, a azure blue mana emerged from his hand and stretched toward the diary.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, the prohibition on this stone platform was ineffective for humans. As soon as his hand touched the blue light curtain, the blue light curtain suddenly turned into dots of light and scattered. Li Luo picked up the diary, one by one wizard language, fell into his eyes.

Although it is an ancient wizard language, its grammar is only slightly different from that of modern wizard language. However, after comparing and scrutinizing before and after Li Luo, he still understood the meaning of the words.

"The younger wizards, you can see this diary, which proves that the dark forces are likely to be ready to move again. As ancestors, we remind you that you younger generations may have mastered the human use of necromantic magic, but you must not be delusional. Rely on these two tricks to deal with the demons. Those guys are the masters who control the army of the dead. If you get the five keys by luck, put this black crystal on the back of the warrior that we transformed. In this way, he can provide him with a steady stream of dark energy. And this resurrected warlord will not devour your flesh and blood to gain energy because of insufficient dark energy. After all, we still retain his consciousness in it. In the body......"

The diary is very long, and it took Li Luo more than twenty minutes to finish it.

Then, a blue flame suddenly appeared in this diary, which turned into a smear of ashes and floated in the air.

Taking a deep breath, Li Luo patted the flying ashes, and subconsciously stretched his hand to the stone platform.

But soon, his complexion changed, and he glanced at the top of the stone platform suddenly.

As a result, under this look, he almost fell to the ground without being angry.

On the stone platform, apart from the key, there was only a pea-sized scum from the fist-sized black crystal, and Xiaojin rolled over lazily, and the two forelimbs lightly picked up the scum. It was swallowed in one bite into his stomach, and two bean-sized eyes were staring at Li Luo constantly, which seemed a bit silly and cute.


Li Luo was so angry that Xiao Jin smiled, and his mood at this time was as if ten thousand horses were galloping past. The mood was simply too much.

According to the diary, the warlord had taken the initiative to ask these wizards to make themselves corpse puppets. However, with the technology at the time, he retained all his consciousness and sealed it in the main hall of the hall. But even so, this guy has been hypnotized by the powerful magic circle and has fallen asleep to this day. According to the diary description, as long as the main hall is opened, the magic circle will be invalid within three minutes. If the black dazzle crystal is not inserted into the body that will be transformed by the war, so many years have not eaten any fresh flesh and blood. This corpse king...

Li Luo: (benefit)

"Eat the rest of the meal first, and be overwhelmed." Li Luo muttered to himself, and sat down tremblingly.

After eating a full thirty boxes of lunch, the space bag given by Rudal was also empty.

Feeling that the sense of weakness after Shenwen's transformation had improved, Li Luo stood up, his entire face collapsed, and walked slowly towards the place where Wu Meier and the others were, like a corpse.

Suddenly, Li Luo only felt cold in his abdomen, and a thumb-sized thing was stuck on his belly.

Li Luo opened his clothes, and when he took a look, he suddenly leaned against the aisle on one side, almost unable to stabilize his body, and fell to the ground.

Xiao Jin didn't know what kind of evolution had happened, and it shrank to the size of his thumb, and this guy unceremoniously bit open his close-fitting armor, swallowing a large piece in a few mouthfuls, and then stopped satisfied.

Seeing this, Li Luo simply moved in his heart, took off the treasure armor, threw it aside, and let it eat it.

Sitting aside, Li Luo's eyes suddenly brightened as he watched Xiaojin eating a lot of food.

"This little thing is so easy to eat epic-level armor. If you deal with the corpse inside, it may not be impossible to win... But you have to order this little guy to win by surprise and kill him in one shot. That's it..."

Li Luo muttered to himself, his eyes brightened.

"Little Jin..."

Just as Li Luo wanted to say something, the little guy's voice rang lazily in Li Luo's mind: "This uncle only makes one shot. The old monster in the hall can eat anything! I don't want to grow up. As a mature body, I was eaten by that monster as a snack!"

"Hey, can you know what I mean in my heart?" Li Luo was surprised when he heard the words, and leaned his head towards Xiaojin, his eyes fixed on the purple-red lines on every silk of this little guy's carapace, as if he had seen something rare. A strange beast.

"That is. Although this uncle has established a contract with you, you are too weak. This uncle is just a thought, so he can easily search out all the thoughts in your heart." Xiao Jin swallowed the last piece of armor into his stomach. , Di Yao turned around, got into Li Luo's arms, and added: "Don't worry, it seems there is nothing wrong with following you. This uncle will not tear up the contract for the time being, but if you stop at this level of strength, this uncle But we have to find another owner!"

"Sure enough, you can easily tear up the partner contract!" Li Luo was shocked and couldn't help but yelled out, but then calmed down and asked: "Why did you choose me? Is it because I have a Protoss Bloodline?"

"Because you are still young, you have the opportunity to take me to see other worlds. To be honest, your wizards were in the ancient times, but you were very prestigious. How come this uncle saw you, just follow the memory of those ancient wizards. How about ordinary people?" Xiao Jin said slowly, and then he seemed to inhale on Li Luo's stomach, seeming a little puzzled, and couldn't help asking like this.

Li Luo was taken aback, thinking that he was underestimated? Immediately he said with a bit of annoyance: "Oh, it depends on your length and tone. If I didn't have the relevant auxiliary knowledge for advanced second-order wizards, it would be your turn to teach me!"

Xiaojin immediately kicked out of Li Luo's arms when he heard the words, and lazily transmitted the voice: "Huh, there have been many wizards before, including Tier 3 and Tier 4, and I haven't seen the one who talks like you. Not blushing at all!"

Li Luo rolled his eyes and said with some disdain: "That was a wizard from the ancient times. At that time, the elements of heaven and earth were very rich. It is normal for them to have that level. How can I compare with them. Besides, just give me a little time. , Will reach their level sooner or later. The ancient wizard... by the way. The broken space bag!"

When Li Luo mentioned the ancient wizard, he remembered the leather bag around his waist and took it out.

"Xiaojin, hurry! Don't sleep. See if you can bite this space bag. It may contain my knowledge of advanced second-order wizards and auxiliary treasures!"

Xiaojin also became interested when he heard the words. He flew out of Li Luo's arms, wandered around the space bag in his hand for a moment, and then suddenly turned into a golden thread and swept across the space bag.


Immediately, a pile of ashes fell out of the space bag, full of a small passage.

The blue light in Li Luo's hand swept away, and all the ashes drifted away, revealing a golden book and a golden crystal ball, a bottle of golden liquid, and a dark stone that exudes powerful elemental energy fluctuations.

"Don't move these things." Li Luo commanded Xiaojin before putting his head on the crystal ball.

Xiaojin wandered around in front of the golden medicine bottle for a while, and finally An Nai got off the urge to eat, lay down on the ground and rested.

At the same time, Li Luo only felt a burst of pain in his head, and bursts of experimental data and knowledge poured into his head like cotton.

"I am the great wizard Molan! I have swept the demon legion in the human-devil battle, and rarely failed. But in the end, the demon king released a vicious curse, and lingered on this remote battlefield. His body resisted dark energy and During the period of time of the law, I finally got my mind, understood the true meaning of light magic, and developed a set of techniques for wizards to advance to the unique light talent spells. I call it the baptism of light. After the baptized wizards enter the level , There will be a passive light talent witchcraft, which continuously strengthens the physical body, but the corresponding spell power will temporarily weaken. But over time, this spell power will gradually improve with the improvement of physique and spell talent. Increase it up. And I predict that there will be a qualitative leap when you are promoted to the fifth-order great wizard. This technique is an extremely time-consuming method to improve your strength, so those who inherit, please think about it before drinking the bottle The light of the source! The books record the knowledge and precautions required for the baptism of light and the promotion of each rank wizard..."

An hour later, Li Luo's eyes flashed with golden light, and he put away the gold liquid bottle, crystal ball and books. Afterwards, he picked up a black stone and observed it carefully. After a while, he couldn't help being surprised.

At the moment, the elemental energy contained in this stone is even higher than that of the advanced magic stone, which really made him knowledgeable. After quickly putting away all the magic stones, Li Luo's body shape flashed, and he ran towards the exit of the main hall.

Soon, the exit of the main hall appeared in front of Li Luo, and at the same time, fierce roars came over.

"Little gold!"

Without requiring Li Luo to finish speaking, the little gold on his stomach shot out, turning into countless golden threads, walking through the evil corpse.


It's just a quarter of an hour. There were more than a thousand evil corpses, and a thumb-sized hole was exposed in their temples, and they fell down.

Without saying anything, Li Luo took out two sacrificial witches and replaced them with two newly obtained magic stones, urging them to move...

I don’t know what level this magic stone is. After pressing on the two sacrificial witchcraft ~www.readwn.com~, the corpse in a place is like snow meeting the spring sun, and it melts into a stream of liquid in an instant. It turned into a stream of **** essence, and finally was purified for a while, and turned into a stream of milky white essence and gathered in Li Luo's hands.

As soon as the formation of the spirit group was formed, it formed a sharp contrast with the entire thousand-meter-long palace. It is comparable to the size of half a palace!

After Li Luo purified it again, after turning into one-third the size of the palace, he asked Xiaojin to protect the law, take out the book and read it carefully.

Soon, Li Luo's whole body was shrouded in a purple-red glow. After about half an hour, golden light continued to rise in the glow, and it looked like a purple-gold reddish color, which was extremely dazzling.

An hour later. With a long roar from the sky, on the ground where Li Luo was sitting on his knees, a purple-red and gold-colored light suddenly rose to the sky, and a whistling of Sanskrit sound stirred the dark sky, as if there were nine-day Buddha chanting The text is average.

When the light was gone, Li Luo flashed a golden light in his eyes and stood up.

After squeezing his fist, Li Luo twitched the corner of his mouth, flicked his sleeve, and walked towards the hall of Wu Meier and others.

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