Overlord Wizard

Chapter 166: Wu Meier's new ability

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   Li Luo flipped through the booklet page by page, and his expression gradually became gloomy.


The booklet mainly introduces some of the cooperation between the nobles in the Snow Eagle Principality and the ghost ghosts, but the specific nobles, this booklet does not explain in detail, but it is marked for example, the ghost ghosts three, the ghost ghosts four, etc. Pseudonym. What makes Li Luo's face most ugly is that the elders of the ghost ghosts planted corpses in the people of these noble territories. These nobles also cast corpses to suppress the corpses into the well water every day according to the agreement between the two parties. Potion, if these nobles can't contact the elder within a month, they will stop the drug delivery. These corpses will also absorb the blood of these people and regroup to bring the elder of the ghost mythical creature back to life.


   "No wonder... this elder of the ghost ghost hasn't been eliminated in the country for so long. It turns out that this is the reason..."


   Li Luo muttered to himself, and came to the damaged teleportation formation. There is still a month left, and with Xiaojin, it is not without the opportunity to completely obliterate this elder of the ghost ghost. Thinking of this, he felt that time was really urgent, and immediately tried to repair it.


   About an hour later, the teleportation array exudes bursts of silver light again. At this moment, Li Luo felt a delicate fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose, and Wu Meier walked to him again.


   Li Luo glanced at the space bag that she didn't know what age she was holding, and took it unceremoniously.


   After investigating for a while, Li Luo took out a silver sphere. With the mana in his hand, the sphere clicked and rattled and turned into a metal bird with its wings spread six meters and four meters high.


   After looking at the bird for a moment, Li Luo nodded in satisfaction.


   As soon as the bird came out, he gave Li Luo a clever look, and an ethereal voice came out.


"the host."


   Li Luo said, "Well, there are three dead human corpses in the hallway outside this hall. There must be corpses inside. You find them all and incinerate them."


After   , Li Luo came to the gate of Guimian, muttering words in his mouth, and clicked along the gate.


   Then, on the other side of the door, five energy hands immediately appeared, grabbing the five keys and turning around, the door rumbling up again.


   After the gate was raised, the metal bird immediately flinched its wings and galloped toward the relatively narrow passage for it.


Wu Mei'er groaned, her eyes curled and said, "Brother Li, there is a magic circle restriction in this passage. Those corpse bugs should not survive. If the younger sister is right, the one killed by my ancestors The corpse witch should be a clone of the corpse insects, and some of them should enter the bodies of the copper corpses outside."


   Li Luo raised her brows when she saw Wu Meier's expression, and asked a little unexpectedly, "Ms. Wu is not worried, but rather pleased? Is there any good strategy to deal with this guy?"


"Hmph, I, a witch who can only control zombies, can I have a good plan! How can I get into Brother Li's Dharma Eye!" Wu Meier said with a humorous expression, as if the four characters of utter resentment were written on her face. .


   Li Luo was taken aback, wondering if this Hu Meizi really could not do anything.


Thinking of this, he hugged Wu Mei'er's waist, hugged it in his arms, touched her nose, and said unkindly, "Miss Wu has worked **** this journey, let me stretch your muscles and bones for you~ !"


   Li Luo's voice fell, and he recalled some of the methods of pressing acupoints he and a doctor of Chinese medicine had learned in his previous life. A faint grudge lit up in his hands and began to try on her.


   "Ah! Stop it!"




   "Stop it, Brother Li. Please. I'm itching to death!"


   "What? Don't stop?"


   "Stop, please. I have a way to control that corpse witch!"


   Hearing this, Li Luo stopped the action in his hand and lifted Wu Meier up. He couldn't help but smiled and stood aside, watching the beautiful woman with faint tears floating in the corner of his eyes.


   Wu Mei'er was tossed by Li Luo, suddenly lost her temper, a little angry, and walked outside.


   Soon, the two of them came to the outside of the hall again, Wu Mei'er said a spell, and a tyrannical mental power spread.


   After a while, she came to a piece of soil, with a blue light in her hand, and sneered, the soil opened up a large piece and turned out a black nematode about one foot long.


Immediately, she turned a cyan energy hand to hold the black corpse worm firmly, muttering words in her mouth, and constantly punched into the nematode one by one spiritual runes and runes of various colors, and the black corpse worm also showed strange patterns on her body. She was still struggling in the hands of the cyan energy, but she gradually calmed down.


   Then, Wu Mei'er murmured again, and the black corpse insect began to emit waves of strange mental fluctuations, spreading in all directions.


   After Wu Meier finished all this, she returned to the entrance of the hall that had moved a short distance, and jumped up. The cyan energy hand also picked up the black corpse insect and landed not far from Wu Mei'er.


   Li Luo saw the entire process of Wu Mei'er's casting in his eyes, and his complexion changed slightly. The witch in front of her, combined with the inherited knowledge of mind control magic and the knowledge inherited by her own blood-colored raven, has actually branded the clone of this ghost elder slavishly!


   Secretly jealous, Li Luo still jumped down beside Wu Meier, and waited quietly, cross-legged.


   After a while, a large group of bronze corpses and evil corpses ran over and stood quietly in front of the hall.


   Immediately, Wu Mei'er muttered a word, and the blue energy hand dissipated, and all these bronze corpses and evil corpses were also shriveled down. Also, black corpse insects lined up and jumped towards the black corpse insects beside Wu Meier.


Soon, the black nematodes continued to melt, drowning the black corpse next to Wu Mei'er, and Wu Mei'er gradually showed a trace of sweat on her forehead, and there were continuous runes sinking into it, and at the same time, she was muttering words, far away. The black corpse bug there also temporarily stopped crawling towards her.


   So, after another firm control, she continued to let this elder ghost ghost fuse with other black nematodes.


   It took three full hours before all the black corpse worms were integrated into the main black corpse worm, and the elders of the ghost ghost appeared in front of the two again.


   However, at this time, the elder of the ghost ghost is sluggish, as if he has lost his soul.


   Li Luo frowned and looked at Wu Meier.


"Brother Li. The elder of the ghost is scheming. At the last moment, I obliterated his intelligence. In this way, this girl can also form a zombie army." Wu Meier smiled charmingly at Li Luo and said slowly .


   Li Luo suddenly got a layer of goose bumps on his body, some Shanshan smiled, and walked towards the teleportation array in the hall.


   The army of zombies... How come these words are spoken from the mouth of a very charming woman, so against peace!


   Li Luo thought secretly that this woman would never be offended in the future, while wondering whether he should compliment this woman and help him get rid of all the corpses hidden in the territory of the principality.


   Finally, before the teleportation formation, Li Luo still defeated the formation.


   "Li congratulates Ms. Wu again, she has become a peerless corpse puppet, and wished Ms. Wu in advance for generations to come and unify the world!" Li Luo twitched his mouth as if humbled.


   "Huh. I want this girl to help you find those corpses in your principality." Wu Mei'er snorted, looked at Li Luo, and said angrily.


   "Uh, how come, with my Li's ability, I still can't catch those corpses..." Li Luo said, er, with an extremely determined expression on his face.


   Wu Mei'er also gave a sneer at this moment, and stepped onto the teleportation formation with the new corpse puppet.


   Li Luo took a deep breath and followed.


   The three figures turned into three white lights and disappeared in the hall.


   But they didn't find that a black nematode slowly crawled out of the main hall, jumped off the main hall, and crawled towards the graves.


Three hours later, an evil corpse stood up, moved its neck, and said hoarsely: "Fortunately, this warlord has prepared some backhands. Hmph, you five old immortals, let me remember. When this warlord is born again, it must be the day when the world will perish!"




   Li Luo has no idea about the resurrection of the corpse king in the secret realm. Now he has left the secret realm with Wu Meier and returned to the main world. Moreover, Wu Mei'er also promised Li Luo to take back all the corpses hidden in the various territories of the Principality on the grounds of saving her life. For this, Li Luo wanted to thank her again and again, but the girl refused him without hesitation.


  Flying away, Li Luo thought to himself the reasons for this, and couldn't figure out why this girl wanted to help him, so he could only return to the cattle-grazing village first.


   The location of the teleportation was the back mountain of the cattle-grazing village. Li Luo was surprised to himself, wondering if this secret realm was opened under the cattle-grazing village.


   shook his head, put the thought down temporarily, and he turned into a blue light and returned to the village. Soon, Li Luo found Huo Commander.


   At this time, Huo Commander had multiple burns on his body, but it was obvious that there was no life threatening, so Li Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


   "Brother Gu, it seems that you succeeded in killing the man behind the scenes." Huo Tong led his teeth and smeared ointment on the burned area, and said with some pain unbearable.


   Li Luo hesitated, and still said, "No, but I've beaten him back for the time being. Leader Huo, what about that kid?"


Hearing Li Luo's words, Chief Huo suddenly showed a complex look on his face, sighed, and said, "You are talking about Gaia. I have protected him since the zombie attacked the village, but it was weird. Wait. After we repelled the zombies, this kid kept his fever, as if he had been infected with some kind of wind-cold plague."


   "I'm going to see him." Li Luo nodded, and the powerful mental power swept away, then turned into a blue light and disappeared in place.


   What else did Commander Huo want to say, he only felt a warm current rushing into his body, and the whole person was also enveloped in an emerald green glow, and the burns on his body recovered in a few breaths.


   "Wonderful! Wonderful! Really awesome! As expected, he is the man who can fight back the man behind the scenes!" Huo Tongling looked at his newborn baby-like skin, his face suddenly excited.


   Li Luo quickly found Gaia in a bluestone house, touched his head, and lightly patted his stomach.


Xiaojin quickly flew out ~www.readwn.com~ and circled around Gaia, and said, "There are traces of parasitism by corpses, but the corpse has already got out of the body. I am afraid it was taken away by the woman. ."


   Soon, Xiao Jin's voice rang in Li Luo's mind.


   Li Luo nodded, took out a bottle of medicine to Gaia, and hurried out of the room.


   An hour later, there was an extra bottle of white medicine in Li Luo's hand. This kind of medicine is called typhoid analgesic, and it is a common medicine in mainland China, but Gaia was obviously infected with the plague and became like this. On the contrary, his other medicines did not have much effect, so I had to look for it in the back mountains. I took some herbs and simply refined a few bottles of this medicine.


   Then, after he gave Gaia’s sister a bottle of this medicine, he found a room, let Xiao Jin put on the whistle, dropped himself on the bed, and fell asleep.


   A month later, Li Luo took a dozen children and re-entered Kyoto.


  He took these children all the way, put them in a house in a slum area, and walked slowly towards the police station.

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