Overlord Wizard

Chapter 167: 1 net catch

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   Li Luo walked to the police station while thinking about some details of his visit to the ancient tomb.


   Obviously, this ghost ghost elder came prepared, and he happened to meet him, it was not so simple by accident. In addition, the two members of the blood corpse guild who harmed the cowherd village are also the strength of the first-order wizard, and it is impossible for other wizards to come to investigate and return without success. Among them, I am afraid there is more or less the shadow of this ghost ghost elder intervening.


   Li Luo thought of the booklet he got from the corpse witch space bag again, and a vague conjecture became clearer.


   After he came to the police station, he directly found Chief Rosen.


   "Brother Rosen, if you haven't seen you for a few days, your complexion will look better." Li Luo teased as soon as he entered Rosen's office.


   At the same time, his fingers flashed black lights, which sank into every corner of the office, forming a magic circle that temporarily isolated all mana probing fluctuations.


"Are you?...I remember, you are the one who led the mission to hunt and kill the dark wizard in the cowherd village!" Rosen was puzzled for a moment when he saw Li Luo coming in, and cried out loudly. Tao.


Li Luo heard the words and said half-truths and half-truths: "Hehe, I am ashamed to say that although I participated in the mission of the cattle herd village, I really didn't contribute much. It all depends on the leader of Huo and a few foreign wizards. The evil disasters there are quelled. However, this task reward... can you give me a little."


Hearing this, Rosen glanced at Li Luo with admiration, and smiled: "Hey, your Excellency, don't be humble. Even if you don't have much power, but with the strength and courage of this powerful wizard, it is enough for me to admire. Come here, bring the rewards for the quest in the cattle-grazing village."


   Li Luo waved his hand, glanced at the sheriff, as if he had recognized something, nodded, his eyes suddenly widened.


   Rosen immediately blurred his eyes. Li Luo suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a cloud of pink light on the man's face.


   Rosen's eyes were dull, but in an instant, he muttered to himself as if he was talking to someone.


   "I was dragged into my spiritual world so easily. It seems that I must not be a wizard. But for insurance, I should check it out in his mind..."


   This is a kind of illusion invasion method that Li Luo has obtained in the academy after he advanced to the first-order wizard. You only need to rely on your own powerful spiritual power to create an illusion world transformed by spiritual power, drag this person into the illusion, and you can get a complete memory from his mind.


   A quarter of an hour later, Li Luo took the pink light away. At the same time, a police officer walked into the room, and handed over a box with a rattling sound and two purple fruits. The police officer didn't say much, put the box down, and went out.


   In the illusion just now, Li Luo has acquired the memory of Rosen over the past few years, and he has roughly understood that there is nothing wrong with his identity.


   "This brother is called Gu Yuan. Did you use any spell on me just now?" Rosen's eyes flashed, and he said uncertainly.


Li Luo nodded unceasingly, then took out a booklet and handed it over: "Sergeant Rosen, don't ask me why I cast spells on you, first look at me in this battle against the dark wizard. , Get this booklet about the trade between the master envoy and the nobles. Since you are the sheriff, you should understand wizard language, so let's go through it yourself."


   After receiving the pamphlet, Rosen was a little confused, and opened the pamphlet to observe.


   As the captain of the police detective in Kyoto, he must be proficient in wizard language, and he quickly understood the contents of the booklet.


   After reading the contents of the pamphlet, the Rosen immediately closed the pamphlet and looked at the door to make sure that no one was standing at the door and closed the door.


"Brother Gu Yuan, this is horrible. We must report this pamphlet to the imperial palace as soon as possible, and...I am afraid that there may be a problem with the identity of the sergeant..." Luo Senguan After coming to the door, he looked at Li Luo nervously, and said in a flustered manner.


   Li Luo nodded, and after collecting the booklet, he blew a pink light to Rosen, and a burst of white light appeared in his eyes, and the silver runes in his hand fell into Rosen's forehead one after another.


   A quarter of an hour later, Li Luo walked out of Lawson's office. The latter smiled and weighed half a box of gold coins, unable to close his mouth for a long time.


   At this time, the fat middle-aged man walked into Lawson's office, took a look at the gold coin box in his hand, and walked over with a smile.


   "Cannes Sheriff." Lawson immediately stood up and saluted when he saw the person coming in. Seeing that, he didn't even doubt the identity of the person in front of him.


   "Lawson, what's the matter with your box of gold coins?!" The middle-aged man asked with a cold face.


"Uh. This...Sergeant Lord, that man kept the gold coins and only took away the fruit of Origin Qi. So..." Rosen stammered when he saw Cannes's angry expression. .


"Huh. How many times have I told you. You can't embezzle the bounty hunter's finances. You just don't listen. Then you don't take the position of the detective captain. Let Baiji replace you!" Cannes slapped the table with his hand. , He turned red and went out.


   Rosen's complexion also turned blue and red, and after a while, when a handsome and fair-skinned man walked in, he walked out unwillingly.


   After Rosen walked out, Cannes walked in again.


After Cannes came in, he closed the door and said to the handsome man in front of him: "Sixu, you have a chance to eat this Rosen's brain to see what happened to him and the previous person! Also, let me know about the blood. The corpse will hide the ghosts in various bars, find a chance to kill the person who came in earlier!"


   "Yes, the fifth elders." The young man gave a wizarding ceremony to Cannes, then it turned into a black light and disappeared into this office.


   After a flash of blood in Cannes's eyes, he also lifted his foot and left here. After a while, a golden beetle the size of a thumb flew out from under the table, turned into a golden thread and flew out of the window.


   Half an hour later, a man wearing a white mask and black robe appeared in a dimly lit bar.


   On either side of a corner table in the bar, sat a handsome young man and a very pale white man.


After the masked man sat down in a corner, he ordered two bottles of beer and waited.


   After about a quarter of an hour, the handsome man stood up and walked out of the bar.


   As soon as this handsome man walked out of the bar door, the white masked man murmured to himself: "Is this guy the newly promoted detective captain Bai Jiu?"


   This person is Li Luo. After Xiaojin found out everything in Lawson's office, he informed Li Luo.


   He also leaned on Xiaojin all the way, hung far behind this Baijiu, and traced it all the way to here.


   At this time, the pale man in the corner not far away stood up and walked upstairs.


   Li Luo's heart moved, so Xiao Jin continued to follow Bai Jiu, and he followed the pale man to the upstairs.


   An hour later.


   in a room on the third floor.


   A reddish-brown flame glowing with golden spots bounced on the ground a few times and went out. Only a human-shaped black mark was left on the ground.


   Li Luo slowly stretched out his hand, picked up a space bag beside the black mark, and probed it.


After a while, Li Luo had an extra round witchcraft in his hand. He imagined some information obtained from the soul search of this vampire wizard, muttering words in his mouth, and kept punching the round witchcraft one after another. After imitating the accent of the vampire man, after speaking a series of words, he then put away the power items he had obtained.


   Li Luo sat cross-legged on the bed and waited.


   Soon, Xiao Jin returned to Li Luo's side. He stayed here alone until the evening when Li Luo slowly opened his eyes.


As soon as he moved his heart, the door opened automatically. A fat old man looked inside and his face was startled, but before he could move, a thin golden thread passed through his head. People also fell to the ground fiercely.


   Suddenly, there was a hoarse cry from downstairs.


   "Not good, we exposed!"


But before the people downstairs could move, the entire corridor, and even the entire bar, was shrouded in dense golden threads. After more than a dozen breaths, the golden threads stopped suddenly, revealing A round beetle the size of a thumb.


   Xiaojin buzzed and got in through Li Luo's sleeve.


   "Master, there are a total of thirty-two dark wizards, all of which were killed by me. Bring the Fruit of Origin Qi!"


   As soon as Xiao Jinfang got close to Li Luo's belly, he asked for credit.


   Li Luo smiled, took a fruit of Origin Qi, stuffed it into his arms, and said with a smile: "You foodie, let you make one shot, you want me to have a Fruit of Origin Qi!"


   A quarter of an hour later, Li Luo walked out of the bar, a raging flame ignited behind him, and the entire bar burned into a pile of ashes for a few breaths and dissipated.


   The flames dissipated, and only Li Luo's back walked away, as if everything around him was silent.


After a while, the flames gradually dissipated, and a few detectives ran over, headed by a handsome young man. His complexion changed and he was about to make some movements, but then his body spontaneously ignited out of thin air, and the whole person was also destroyed. A reddish-brown flame enveloped it, instantly turning into a piece of coke.


   The expressions of the other police detectives changed drastically, and they fled in all directions, without any brave posture that a formal knight should have.


   Li Luo slowly walked out of a small alley with a trace of pensive expression on his face, then his figure flashed with blue light and disappeared in place.


   a quarter of an hour later.


  In room 327 on the third floor of the Flame Rose.


   Tai Lan, who was originally in a drowsy state, suddenly opened her eyes, and Li Luo emerged out of thin air under the blue light beside him.


   Li Luo took out a book and gave it to Tai Lan, whispered in his ear for a while, and walked out of the room casually.


   After watching the booklet for a while, Taelan took out a round witchcraft and kept talking.


   After a while, three men in black appeared in his room.


"Shadow One, Shade Two, Shade Three~www.readwn.com~ You guys get ready, we leave here, and the witchcraft for battle are all ready. Let’s go to the crow collar outside the city, and a witch of the Scarlet Raven Meet." Tai Lan said slowly after watching the three of them come in.


   "But. Young Master, Scarlet Raven..." The black man in the middle paused when he heard the words, and said hesitantly.


   "It doesn't matter, this woman can be trusted." Tai Lan raised her hand and said firmly.


   After that, Tai Lan took the lead and walked out of the room. The three of them looked at each other and followed closely.




   At the same time, inside the sheriff's office.


Cannes's complexion changed, his eyes showed extremely scarlet light, and he sneered: "Idiot, do you think it is enough to kill some ghosts and soldiers? Let this elder tell you what is meant by endless wildfire, and the spring breeze blows again. Oh...hahahaha..."


   In the room, there was a deep and terrifying laughter.

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