Overlord Wizard

Chapter 168: Corpse water

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   Just when Tai Lan and the others were out of the city, the Cannes Sheriff, who was in the police station, looked very sulky.


   At this moment, he has already risen into the air, floating above the roof.


   After a while, a shower of blood on his body suddenly shot out on Thursday, turning into red corpse worms along the street, crawling in all directions.


   Then, his figure flashed, and he returned to his office again.


   After a while, a black round witchcraft appeared in his hand, suddenly a black light floated in front of him, turning into a black figure.


   The black figure emits a faint black light all over, and slowly turned around, revealing a young face with a blue complexion. The flesh on the face is almost as complete as an ordinary person, and it looks like an ordinary person who is sick. It's just that the little puss on his face and the two slightly exposed fangs all prove the identity of the man in front of him, he is a complete zombie.


   This zombie is not so different from the corpse king that day! Even if the zombie didn't visit the Cannes office in person, there was a force of chill from the inside out, like a cold-blooded hunter, giving people a sense of killing.


   "Master." Cannes said, bending slightly, with a very fanatical and complimenting expression on his face.


   "Nazu, it has been so many years before you contacted me? If it weren't for the soul-separation on your fate card, my king thought you were dead!" The black figure said in a deep voice.


"My master, I have been cautiously lurking in this Principality of the Human Race for thousands of years, and I didn't dare to contact you. Only in recent years, under the precise layout, I have had some opportunities. However, there have been some changes in the end, and now my men think Ask the owner, do you implement the plan in advance?" Cannes said immediately.


   The black figure suddenly became dark, and the whole zombie looked blurry.


   "Changes? Are you lurking for so many years for the last change?! Humph, then tell me, you are a little sure!" The black figure sneered.


   "Report to the master that I can take this Principality with a five-point confidence" Cannes's complexion changed slightly and replied respectfully.


   "Five points? You have been lurking for so many years, so you are so sure in the end?" The black figure suddenly became cold when he heard the words, and said furiously.


"Master, calm down, I planned to be a god-blooded person. This person is not an ordinary human wizard. These days, I also get some information from him. This person has only practiced in the Tatar Wizarding Academy for less than ten years, but now It is assumed that both the wizard cultivation base and the knight cultivation base are advanced to the second level, and some dragon grammar skills are also available. And... this person can do everything I can to destroy the more than 30 ghost pawns I have placed in Kyoto, I am afraid that is not the case. An ordinary second-order wizard." Cannes said hurriedly.


   "God of blood? Very good, are you sure to take out his blood and send it to me!" The tone of the black figure fluctuated slightly, and said unexpectedly.


   "No, but I have a way to turn the entire Kyoto into a hell. Let everyone become a zombie who chooses to eat!" Cannes's complexion changed, and he hurriedly said.


"Huh, the corpse of Kyoto? Then!" The black figure snorted, and then added: "Then let the old fellow Tatar take action and burn the entire city, making my plan fall short!? Naru, you give it. I listened well. Either send the blood of the blood of the gods, or I am sure to plunge the entire principality into chaos, so that I have a chance to take this principality. Otherwise, if you don’t provide enough blood for my advanced corpse king, you Just wait to drink the corpse water!" The black silhouette had a very bad tone at the end of the speech.


   "Please rest assured, master, I will definitely give you a satisfactory result." Cannes looked stiff, took a deep breath, and said with a slight bow.


   The black figure snorted again, and the light flashed into black spots and disappeared into the room.


   Cannes raised his head, his face faintly blue.


   He picked up and walked out of the office, yelling: "Come on!"


   A figure ran up from downstairs and stood beside Cannes.






   A few days later, after Li Luo came out of the Flame Rose, he picked up a dozen children and entered the paradise of exiles in the sewers.


   During this period, he asked Xiaojin to investigate these people in Exile Paradise, and found that none of them had been infected with corpses, which really surprised him. After inquiring, I learned that these people usually take blood acid medicaments to temporarily increase a person's blood acid, and no parasites can safely parasitize in their bodies. Coupled with the continuous injection of a potion called ‘decomposing corpse water’ into the sewer, which has a powerful melting effect on corpses and carrion, these talents have been living here safely.


"Brother Mogan, the refining of this corpse water is really surprising to me. You know, this kind of pure corpse water can be regarded as a first-order potion!" Li Luona in the poor exile house Holding a bottle of syrup that exudes a faint musky scent, it is utterly tongue-in-cheek.


"Brother Gu Yuan can rest assured that with the purity of this box of corpse water, it is only effective for zombies, and for ordinary people, it is just mild diarrhea. Hey, after all, I have been refining medicine for this period of time. It took a lot of inspiration to refine a potion of this quality!" Mogan smiled contentedly and said.


   "Is this corpse water effective for Tier 2 corpses?" Li Luo asked quickly.


   Mo Gan's face was a bit heavy when he heard the words, and even Li Luo could see some resentment from his expression.


   Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, but when his mind turned around, he became more and more confused about the identity of this Mogan.


   This Mogan had clearly discovered the anomaly in Kyoto long ago, and being able to hide in the sewers to fight against these dark forces up to now is quite powerful.


   Immediately, Li Luo's powerful mental power extended to the whole body of this Mo Gan.


   "The first-order peak! Why did you improve so quickly?" Li Luo narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.


   "You don't need to be nervous, little brother, you can see the vitality of my whole body." Mo Gan's face changed slightly, and he sighed and said.


   Li Luo immediately patted his shoulder, a trace of vindictiveness sank into Mogan's body.


   Soon, the fighting energy returned to Li Luo's body, and the active state of Mogan's whole body cells was also fed back to Li Luo's mind.


   "You were promoted by a secret method that burns vitality?" Li Luo's expression changed, and there was a respect for him, and he asked slowly.


Mogan took out a bottle of green potion, drank it in one sip, his eyes were a little red, and said, "I used to have everything, but it was all taken away by those **** dark wizards! Originally, I was lingering and living in the sewer. But since I met you, the kind of **** I buried in the deepest part of my heart has become stronger again. So...Senior, please help me regain everything I lost!"


Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he thought about what he had thought of. He looked up and down this Mogan with deep meaning, and slowly asked: "If I'm not mistaken, you are the eldest prince who died ten years ago. ! Good."


Mogan did not deny it, but said angrily: "My father didn't know that Mei Fei was a dark wizard through and through! The reason why Mei Fei was able to hide the perception of other wizards in the palace was because she was a demon. Transformed human woman, soul-sucking demon! This kind of demon usually does not look any different from the human race, but the soul has already fallen, and it can only maintain the integrity of the soul by sucking the essence of others; or transforming a mana into Fel energy, that is, turning into a demon can maintain the integrity of the soul. Because of my rivalry with her son, I also investigated her secretly before I learned her secret. However, behind this dark witch, I don’t know who is supporting her. Not only did he conceal the truth from his father, he also transferred and replaced the wizards in the palace one after another. Now the entire palace, except for the second-order wizards stationed in the three colleges for a long time, almost the remaining wizards are all this kind of monsters like soul suckers! "


"No wonder..." Li Luo nodded suddenly, and continued to mutter: "This makes sense... The academy hasn't received any information for such a long time. The wizard blocked it."


Knowing the key, Li Luo didn't hesitate anymore, and said, "Come clearly, I can help you. But you have to listen to me for specific actions. First of all, refining a corpse that can melt Tier 2 corpses. Water, what materials are needed, tell me everything."


Mogan heard the words and said, "Since they discovered my secret, they have always listed three of the materials as contraband. They are the three potions of devil musk, rot grass, and hemolytic grass! If I can find a way to get 1,000 beads for each of the three herbs, I can refine enough Tier 2 corpse water and put it in all the wells! And these three kinds of magic weeds can be found in Crow Ridge, so I think we Go to Crow Ridge..."


   Li Luo thought to himself after hearing the words, nodded, and said: "You don't need to go, this matter will be handed over to me. During my absence, you can concentrate on tutoring that Gaia."


   Li Luoyu didn't wait for Mogan to agree or disagree, so he put on a mask and walked outside.


"Brother Gu Yuan, please wait..." Mo Gan hurriedly chased him up, and said: "My people told me that there are all wanted warrants for you outside, so you can't take the road, you can press Using this map, go through a few sewer forks~www.readwn.com~ to find the drain...and then go out. It's just that the road is a bit dirty..."


After    Mogan caught up with him, he passed an outdated map, showing a trace of exhaustion, and returned to the house.


   Li Luo glanced at the map, put it away, and walked out in one direction.


   Now even if he has advanced to the second-order wizard, if he is besieged by a group of second-order wizards, although he can retreat with his whole body, it will be difficult to enter Kyoto again. There will be a lot of unnecessary incidents.


   Therefore, in line with the prudent rules of acting low-key, Li Luo still walked out according to the map route given by Mogan.


   Except for a few eyesless wolf slaves, nothing happened. But when he reached the outlet of the drain, Li Luo's complexion changed and he hid in a dark corner.


   Not far away, although it is quiet, there are other things mixed in it.


   Although it is difficult to recognize in this stinking environment, Xiao Jin still smelled a very faint smell of corpses.

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