Overlord Wizard

Chapter 169: I want to follow you

(Seeking to add to the bookshelf and recommendation ticket)


   Li Luo spread his mental power, and soon found the zombie figures surrounding the drain, a total of 20 evil corpses and 160 bronze corpses.


   "What a big pen!" Li Luo was secretly surprised, but did not hesitate too much. After giving Xiaojin the last fruit of Origin Qi, numerous golden lines flashed across the drain.




   Nearly two hundred zombie corpses fell here.


   Immediately, there was another burst of scarlet fire, covering the entire drain.


   The flames dissipated, Li Luo stood on the spot, frowning, and after a while, he said faintly: "Xiaojin, you didn't kill it completely. There is also a man behind these evil corpses who didn't kill it."


   Not far away, on the wall, a golden beetle the size of a thumb buzzed and said: "Master, where is it? Why didn't I find it!?"


"This guy is in the middle of the copper corpse, it is difficult to be found, but today it happened to meet the sergeant's clone!" Li Luo smiled calmly, and then another blue light lased out, and it turned into a blue wind. The blade was cut on a copper corpse.


   After this bronze corpse was cut by the blue wind blade, instead of suffering any harm, he stood up unharmed, revealing an extremely hideous color.


   "I didn't expect you to cultivate a mature sky-eater!" The sergeant clone is obviously also a well-informed person, and he recognized Xiao Jin's identity at once.


   "Oh? You recognize it. Then you won't be able to get out of here alive." Li Luo raised his brows, revealing an extremely unexpected look.


   His voice fell, and Xiao Jin once again turned into a thin golden thread, traveling back and forth from the body of the bronze corpse more than a dozen times.


boom! When he was dying, this sergeant clone had an unbelievable expression.


The fire continued to ignite, and Li Luo shook his head severely and muttered to himself: "Or I have a high resistance to toxins, and today I have truly followed the sheriff's way... "


   "Master, do you mean these bronze corpses were smeared with poison that came into effect when exposed to fire?" Xiaojin flew to Li Luo's shoulder when he heard the words, and said through a voice transmission.


   "Well, it should be like this, let's get out of here soon." Li Luo nodded and glanced at the dazzling fire around him. A red-brown shield lit up all over his body, and his figure disappeared in a flash.


  All the underground drainage outlets in cities are facing a place similar to underground fungus cultivation, because it is sewage treatment and reuse. The sewage discharged into this place directly catalyzes a mushroom called dark mushroom. Because there is no industrial pollution, the discharged water does not look very dirty, but it looks a little dirty. Therefore, the mushrooms cultivated have some mutations over a long period of time. In general, some very sinful humans in ordinary cities have also been exiled here. Over time, he became a kind of human who specializes in eating mushrooms. People living on the ground are called spore people.


Recalling the memory in the monster’s manual, these spore people have evolved into a special race that can manipulate and catalyze fungi. They wear a mushroom head, their eyesight is degraded, but their sense of hearing and smell have become very sharp. Specially catch some newly entered humans, or transform them into spore people, or simply wash and rub these humans, in exchange for the fun that they have been distorted by being locked in the ground for a long time.


   Li Luo put away the firelight in his hand, closed his eyes and felt for a while, relying on elemental energy, flew towards a dark river next to this dungeon.


   Although these spores are not bad enough to be called, Li Luo also didn't want to have any intersection with them. The illustrated book clearly records that these sporemen once set a trap and captured an apprentice wizard. And this apprentice wizard was finally humiliated and killed by these sporemen, and even the corpse was eaten by them.


   Obviously, these spore people are all in a kind of closed tribal life, and they have forgotten everything about the human race.


   Wow, la la la.


   Li Luo glanced at the map, glanced at the dark river under his feet, his body shape suddenly plunged downwards, plunged into it with a thud, and then swam towards the higher ground.


   Except for the sound of water hitting the rock layer in the whole river, it is the sound of thorns, fangs, and fishes biting Li Luo's energy shield.


  This kind of fish, Li Luo has seen it in the Monster Illustrated Book. The name is Sharp Tooth Frenzy. It is a fish that has been mutated by fel energy and viruses. It is not completely demonic, but very aggressive. With a move in Li Luo's heart, a crimson flame lit up all over his body, roasting all the surrounding sharp-toothed mad fish into dried fish and putting it into the space bag before continuing to swim upward.


   Li Luo only needs to swim in several high-lying directions marked on the map to reach the surface. So along the way, he didn't stop too much, and kept swimming in these directions at a flying speed.


   "Oguduo, you called us over, is there anything wrong?"


   "Yeah, Ogudo, you guy, you will never be full. If you have nothing to do, come and deliberately tease us."


   "Oguduo, I want to go to the tavern. Recently, there have been a few new humans, the skin, the scent of the body...really, tusk.",


   Their strength is not very strong, but most of them have reached the rank of knights, and the rest are all senior knight apprentices.


"Hmph, why would I call you all right. This time, I heard that a fugitive Qi Qi will pass by here. We will catch her and we will give it to the chief, but there will be human beauties who can enjoy endlessly in the next life! "One of them snorted coldly, his tone full of complaints, as if the others were just a bunch of idiots.


   "Really? There is such a thing! Great, you are so interesting, Ogudo!"


"However, how did I hear that recently I heard that the priests of the tribe developed corpse poison mushroom spores because many people were poisoned by corpse poison, and they hunted down some spore people whose corpses had changed. Let's not attack this Qi. Qi, was sacrificed to a spore zombie by the sacrifices around her, and became a corpse poison mushroom experiment!


Under Li Luo's strong hearing, he could still hear these people's conversations from far and near. With a move in his heart, he jumped out of the dark river, and under another burst of blue light, his figure slowly dissipated in this dim world. .




  As soon as Li Luo came out, several sporemen in the distance took out their weapons on alert.


   But the surroundings were very quiet, there was no sound at all, and even a trace of the smell slowly dissipated.


   "Damn it, who should be the escaped human, we scattered to find, maybe it is a woman, I can smell it, she is very fragrant!"


   One of the plaque mushroom cephalosporins exclaimed excitedly.


   Hearing this, Li Luo only felt a dense black line gathered on his forehead, his mouth twitched, and finally did not hold back his impulse.


boom! ......


   approve it!






   It was almost as if the spore people just yelled in excitement, these spore people flew upside down at the same time.




   "It hurts me so much!"




   "Big...sir, please forgive me!"


   Li Luo walked towards the sporemen who crashed on the rock step by step. Among them, the more powerful sporemen recognized Li Luo's strength at a glance, and said with some shock.


   "Sure enough, these spore people are all bullying and hardworking guys..." Li Luo muttered to himself, with a tick at the corner of his mouth, and he walked towards them.


   "You said, you want to attack Qi Qi? What is Qi Qi's status in your tribe?" Li Luo asked quietly, but his tone was full of irresistible colors.


  The look of the sporemen around them suddenly changed. They yelled and yelled, saying that Ogudo was instigating them, but their gazes were evasive and very unnatural.


"I don't want to hear what you say and who instigated you, if you want to survive, please obediently tell me what Qi Qi is!" Li Luo shouted, stomping the ground hard, with a bang, and the ground in a radius of 100 meters collapsed straight. More than three inches.


   Finally, the surrounding voices calmed down a lot. One of the spore people looked a little dodged and said: "You are a human being, Qi Qi is in our spore people world, like a princess in your country."


   "Oh?" Li Luo raised his brows, showing an unexpected look, and slowly walked over.


   "Next, you will live according to my instructions..."




   An hour later, a carriage pulled by a purple beast drove from far and near.


   Looking at the beast with its head resembling a sheep, its limbs being extremely thick, and a trace of purple saliva constantly flowing from the corner of its mouth, Li Luo gradually overlapped a picture in his mind.


"It is a mushroom-eating horse. After long-term consumption of mushrooms has evolved, it looks similar to sheep. It's just that these mushroom-eating horses are too nutritious!" Li Luo muttered behind a few spores. Muttered to himself.


   "Sir, the last thing we spore people lack is food. Hehe."


   One of the spore people smiled and said.


   Li Luo nodded, and said calmly: "Let's do it."


   "Yes, my lord!" The many spore people looked excited, and hulked down the hillside.


   The carriage in the distance stopped abruptly, and a small spore man who was very inconsistent with the large wizard robe flew out.


   "Who, dare to attack..." Before the spore man wizard could finish speaking, he was hit by a stone with a bang and fell from the air.




   The Sporeman wizard planted heavily on the ground, and the Sporeman screamed in excitement in the distance, and rushed towards him.


   Soon, many sporemen surrounded the carriage firmly.


   "You are so brave, do you know who I am?!" A shrill female voice came out of the carriage.


   "Dudu Gaziqi, your name is famous far and near!"


   "Haha, eloped with a slave because of escaped marriage, you really belong to you"


   "Not only do we know who you are, we will kidnap you today! Hahaha..."


   Immediately, their eyes fell on a spore woman who came out, and they kept looking at her, with all bad intentions in their eyes.


   "You! As long as you let us go, Ben Qiqi promises you everything!" The spore woman seemed to be anxious, and said in a cry.


   "Dudujia, don't be afraid, I'm here, these **** can't hurt you!" At this moment, a tall sporeman came out of the carriage, his eyes scanned a circle of many sporemen, and his voice said coldly.


Li Luosau murmured to the sporeman, "The high-ranking knight...If you didn't meet me, you would really want a hero to save the United States. But how is this possible? The hero wants me to be this time. ."


   Li Luoyu, with a flick of his finger, a stone shot out and hit the spore man's forehead impartially.




   A circle around the head of the spore man, the mushroom fan suddenly shattered and opened, and a stream of mushroom juice flowed down immediately.


   The spore people around immediately followed what Li Luo had told them earlier, UU reading www.uukanshu.com gathered together, looking overwhelmed with fright, and shouted: "Who!"


   Li Luo patted his forehead: "These idiots! They can't even act well!"


   But he still flew slowly from a distance, kicking all these spores out with a few feet.


   "Dudu Jiaqiqi, are you okay." After kicking all these sporemen away, Li Luo bowed his body and performed a wizarding ceremony toward him.


   At this moment, Qi Qi immediately screamed and said: "It's so handsome, I won't run away with this useless trash, Ben Qi Qi will follow you!"


   After a while, Li Luo reacted.


   Li Luo: (Д)


   At this time, if I have to describe Li Luo's mood...


   is like a 10,000 grass mud horse galloping past his eyes... (to be continued)

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