Overlord Wizard

Chapter 259: Weird curse

A year later, Li Luo looked at the several successful experiments in front of him, let them go, and slowly left the cave. Baidu, more good-looking novels. During this period, he failed countless times. While obtaining experimental data, he also killed a large number of bandits in red because of experimental accidents. But the first step of the experiment finally succeeded.

With a lot of experimental data as a reference, Li Luo also has a further plan, which is to use high-quality dragon scale fruit to enhance his dragon blood talent. For this reason, Li Luo also returned to the Secret Realm of Rongyuan once again. In the base of the Secret Realm, he produced a large number of phantom potions and exchanged a large number of dragon scale fruits.

The dragon scale fruit in the Secret Realm of Rongyuan was really different from the outside world. Li Luo took it with the dragon meat and kept the dragon bloodline to the third-tier peak before returning to the core laboratory in the Secret Realm.

Because there are a lot of unknowable factors in it to absorb a large amount of the power of the stars, Li Luo prepared a large number of healing potions in it, as well as a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures for the use of the advancement.

"let's start."

Li Luo took a deep breath and began to inscribe arcane runes on his body. Because he has a lot of knowledge about arcane runes, combined with the astrology master's knowledge of otherworldly practice, he inscribed it without any experimental accident trigger. After he had inscribed an energy circuit, he sat cross-legged in the center of the laboratory, in a star circle.

There is another reason for choosing to advance at this time, that is, the energy in his body is becoming more and more unstable. The third-order acquired martial artist's true energy has already appeared extremely unbalanced with the second-order phantom mana, and it is mixed. There is a great phantom mana that is detonated by the qi at any time. Fortunately, he has carried out the imprint of the star curse some time ago, and he has not died in a violent state.

At this time, Li Luo Jianxiu's meditation thoughts of Dragon Soul Casting and Star Radiance, he chose left and right. He first meditated for a week with Tier 3 Dragon Soul Casting, after smelting all the invisible fissures in the soul. Calmly started the practice of Starlight.

As time passed a little bit, the star mana flowed towards the lower abdomen, and soon his dantian began to boil, but Li Luo did not panic at all, stopped the flow, swam the energy along the Owen circuit, and then continued. Aroused the mana of the stars.

Li Luo is very patient. The healing potions and concentration potions he prepared are sufficient. His patience like dripping through rocks has allowed him to spend three years in the laboratory. During this period, he did not know how many potions he purchased. This day finally Caused a qualitative change.

At this time, the energy in his body was completely liquefied. Although the whole person did not seem to have changed, the star array under the seat suddenly lit up, and countless star energy began to flow into him. Li Luo did not panic at all. Drinking many bottles of healing potions, as many as possible to infuse the energy of the stars into his body.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi. Baidu, more good-looking novels.

There were countless thumb-sized blood holes exploded on Li Luo's body, but he just licked his teeth and continued to bear the power of the stars. What he drank was all high-level healing potions, coupled with his giant anaconda bloodline talent, and he recovered very quickly, but there were still blood holes exploded with flesh and blood, and his appearance looked extremely miserable.

Outside the laboratory, star beasts rushed in, fighting against each other, fused into a swarm of stars that could spread towards the laboratory. The group of wizards who just wanted to enter the laboratory ignored the giant lizard at the entrance. Surge towards the entrance of the laboratory

With the passage of time, after the blood hole granulation regenerates and recovers, a series of arcane runes have appeared out of thin air, forming a series of new arcades and connected with his own inscribed arcades, and some of his inscriptions Some of the Star Arcane Runes were destroyed, and they were replaced by other Star Arcane Runes.

Finally, after a full three days, the power of the stars in the circle skyrocketed again, but Li Luo's injuries did not reappear. His whole body was flushed red, as if under great pressure, but still gritted his teeth. Persevere.

In the end, with a roar of rising to the sky, Li Luo's aura exploded at this moment. After he slowly stood up, he felt the energy in his lower abdomen, and found that he finally stabilized, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

Now he has finally fully advanced to the third level, embarking on the path of the star body refining wizard.

Feeling the change in himself, his face changed, and he realized that something had happened in his body. He quickly sat down and started the Heaven and Earth Hegemony, which didn’t matter. He surprisingly discovered that his spiritual sea also started to operate automatically, Xingchen Zhihui doesn't need to operate on its own, but automatically begins to absorb the thin star energy in the void.

After thinking about it, he simply continued to retreat, and then continued to practice with the rich star energy in the circle.

Because there are a lot of heaven and earth treasures in the secret realm, although Li Luo's cultivation of the heaven and earth hegemony is not as smooth as in the gene stock solution, he also stumbled and practiced to the peak of the early stage of the third-order wizard before he had to stop.

He discovered something that drove him mad, that is, he did not understand the true meaning and the true meaning of the wizard is the key to the promotion of a Tier 3 wizard. Therefore, the bottleneck of the training was reached. In addition, he had already been promoted to the Tier 3 wizard. After leaving this special laboratory, he would refuse to be outside of the Rongyuan Secret Realm forever. He carefully wrote down the star circle at his feet and some surrounding circle, carefully recalling the spells and knowledge exchanged from Lilafi.

One, mystery. Passive Star Arcane, which greatly increases a person's spell power, at the cost of double mental power. Li Luo did not hesitate to imprint in the sea of ​​spirit.

Second, the arrow of stars. Li Luo also learned a powerful spell that must kill with one blow and a spell that a Tier 3 star arcanist must choose.

Third, arcane transformation, you can transform the energy of stars into any elemental energy you want, the conversion rate is 2:1

Fourth, star enhancement, passive witchcraft, this is the talented spell that Li Luo himself advanced to the star body refining wizard. Can greatly enhance a person's spell resistance.

Fifth, the eye of the stars, when activated, can see through falsehood and disguise.

Among them, the one with the strongest auxiliary effect is the Star Eye, which can recognize the disguise of monsters at a glance, which can be described as a necessary spell for team adventure. In this spell introduction, it can be described as a very powerful existence that can identify a demonic disguise that is one rank higher than itself. When other spells were used in conjunction with the mysterious spells, Li Luo was confident that he would never be any less powerful than the spells of the elemental wizards.

Li Luo looked at the witchcraft circle whose two arms had been completely replaced by the stars, and revealed a touch of doubt. After trying to decompose a monster, he was surprised to find that the efficiency was surprisingly good, and an indescribable feeling surged. Heart.

After a while, Li Luo was taken aback and said: "It seems that it is time to go to the front line to resolve the true meaning, but before that, it is better to go to the Silver Bird Domain to find out the situation on the front line."

Three months later, Li Luo came to Silver Bird City again.

Along the way, he experimented with his new spells several times, and all received some backlashes. In desperation, based on the knowledge of the spell model he learned, he made some changes to the spell model of the spirit sea, and when it became extremely stable After that, no backlash was released.

After leaving the secret realm to find the sleeping Xiaojin, he put him into the beast control bag, and then came to the Silver Bird City. Standing in the city, feeling the sunny sunshine and the bustling scenes around, Li Luo sighed.

At this time, it has been more than three years since he left last time.

For the environment, the changes are also great. When Li Luo left, it was still desolate, but when he flew all the way, it was full of spring.

To his surprise, along the way, the red bandit has never encountered one. Although the cultivated land in the city has been improved due to the improvement of the environment, all of it has been replaced by residential houses and shops, and farming outside the city. But Li Luo saw that there were few people walking on the street, and the few of them were covered with a layer of gauze and looked cautious.

Li Luo followed a woman all the way.

"This gentleman" woman's voice sounded and turned to look at Li Luo. Behind Li Luo, the figures wrapped in gauze were secretly watching from a distance. At this time, Li Luo did not change his appearance and looked extremely handsome. The girl looked at him a little shyly: "Are you a wizard?"

Li Luo looked at the girl in surprise and nodded: "Yes, I see you all wrapped in gauze, is there something wrong?"

The girl unwrapped her gauze, and a black mark appeared on his forehead, which seemed to spread around her face. It looked like a dark blood vessel protruding and looked a bit hideous.

"Sorry, I scared you." The girl quickly wrapped the gauze again.

Li Luo's eyes lit up with a gleam of stars, and after investigating, he found a small black mist, entrenched in the girl's mind, constantly eroding her, which should belong to a curse.

Li Luo cast a curse-purifying spell on the girl, and the black mark on the girl's forehead quickly faded. But the girl did not look happy.

"My lord, you don't have to work hard. Even if this kind of curse is temporarily removed, it will regenerate in two days, and the effect of the curse will be even stronger." The girl's complexion became ugly, and she continued: "Those wizards too. Cursed, but can be suppressed at any time, but ordinary people like us, we may not survive the curse for a week." While talking, the girl's voice fell into a low tone and walked into her house.

Li Luo retracted his gaze and slowly walked into the Wizard League, looking at the task bar to find the source of the curse, and the words rewarding 300,000 merit points, he walked directly to the task recipient and asked for details.

After a quarter of an hour, after inspecting all the wizards with the Star Eye, and finding that there was nothing unusual, he patrolled the whole city again, and nothing was gained.

In the end, he came to the house of the person who started the curse. After entering, he saw two old people with a seven-year-old child with a sad expression on their faces.

The old man saw Li Luo appearing out of thin air, his muddy eyes showed a touch of surprise, then he knelt down excitedly and said, "Master Wizard, please save my children~www.readwn.com~Li Luo's robe With a wave of his sleeves, the old man was dragged up by a soft force.

"Tell me about where your children went before they were cursed. Why did they die?" Li Luo's voice was low, but it seemed to have hypnotic effects.

The old man swallowed choked and said, "They went to a newly built orchard sixty miles away a month ago. When they came back, the blood vessels on their faces became very dark, and their minds gradually became darker. After being blurred, both died. The most distressing thing is that the curse was passed on to my grandson after death. It's **** it." While speaking, the old man could no longer restrain himself from crying.

Li Luo turned his head and looked at the faint black mark on the child's forehead, showing thoughtfulness, and then asked: "I want to see the corpses of your son and his wife."

"It's buried in the cemetery 40 kilometers west of the city. The names are John and Nalin, in the ninth row of the cemetery." The old man picked up his grandson, turned around and took a piece of white bread and handed it over.

Li Luo retracted his gaze, and disappeared into the house under a blue light.

When he pulled out the lid of John and Nalin's coffin, his complexion suddenly changed, and it was hard to see the extreme.

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