Overlord Wizard

Chapter 260: Curse erupts

   Looking at the empty coffin lid, Li Luo lifted a few new tombstones around and found the same empty one.

   When he opened most of the new coffin lid, he thought of a possibility.

   But then, more than a dozen second-order wizards flew over from a distance. All of them had a black mark on their heads, and their eyes were pitch-black. When they rolled up in their hands, a black-red flame rose up. Apart from anything else, facing Li Luo, an overwhelming black and red fireball smashed down.

   The fire wave dissipated, and under the black smoke billowing, Li Luo's figure emerged.

   "How could it be possible!" The black gloom in the eyes of a second-order wizard was full, with an unbelievable look.

But then, Li Luo slowly raised his hand, purple arrows appeared out of the sky all over his body, and with a sudden wave, hundreds of energy arrows turned into streams of light, passing through the air, giving people a kind of The illusion of arrows piercing the heart.

   bang bang bang!

   One by one, the second-order wizards fell from the air, and did not die immediately. This was the key point for Li Luo deliberately avoiding them.

   Li Luo's body shape flashed, knocking them out one by one. Grabbing a Tier 2 wizard, the purple light in his hand was released. This wizard instantly began to melt, and after a few breaths, it turned into a black aura engulfing spirit group, which appeared on Li Luo's palm.

Surprised to see the jet black air flow like a tarsal maggot, Li Luo was slightly angry, and increased the frequency of the two decomposition witch formations in his hands. The jet black air flow did not shrink, but more and more in the further purification. After completely swallowing the spirit group, it was continued to be decomposed by Li Luo's two decomposing arrays.

   But the difficulty is not normal. The decomposition lasted for three hours. During this period, Xiaojin came out and pretended to be stunned several times.

   After the decomposition, although Li Luo was tired on his face, he was ecstatic in his heart. The subtle decomposition of the true meaning was obviously understood in this decomposition process! He glanced at these unconscious wizards, and simply moved them to a mountain wall one by one, opened up a cave, and continued to decompose.

   Three days later. Li Luo walked out of the cave, feeling the faintly comprehending true meaning of decomposition, and felt more and more in his heart that he should go to the lair of these dark wizards.

   This time, he came to the cemetery again and waited quietly.

   After a while, brand new coffins were turned over. A figure stood up from the coffin, and Li Luo was wearing a Phantom fan track suit and looked at him carefully. It was found that this person's body shape had more than doubled in a few breaths, a pair of scarlet eyes with brutality and bloodthirsty, like a puppet, slowly walked in one direction.

   Soon the lids of the coffins were opened one by one. These people were generally average, and they all walked in one direction.

   At this time, a few Tier 2 wizards came over, their mouths were determined to move, and they controlled the puppet-like monsters.

   "What to do, these guys are resurrected, we have to notify those in the Wizard League as soon as possible." One of the second-order wizards said with a ugly expression.

"No, you can't leave any of you today. Just stay here." At this time, a dozen second-order wizards flew in mid-air. Apart from anything else, dozens of fireballs were thrown towards the wizard below. Billowing away.

   "Damn it! Activate the three-turn Royal Fire Shield!" One of the wizards who came to investigate shouted to the wizard beside him.

   Soon, a small yellowish-brown shield turned into a size of more than ten meters in a flash, shrouding many wizards who came to investigate.

   rumbling! There was a blast.

   These three-revolution Royal Fire Shields seem to be of a not low level of witchcraft. Although the wizards below seemed to be struggling to infuse their mana, they finally blocked it.

But at this moment, the eyes of the resurrected puppets shone brightly, and the whole corpse quickly dried up, turning into a few jets of black air that poured into the bodies of the wizards who came to investigate. Then, the bodies of these wizards became stiff. , Fell down.

   A dozen figures in the air glanced at each other, their gray faces suddenly smiled weirdly, and they landed slowly.

But at this moment, dozens of purple arrows shot out, passing through their limbs one after another, and at the same time a thin purple-golden thread banged against their heads, these guys were all unconscious. .

   "It takes no effort at all..."

   Li Luo looked at these unconscious wizards, stretched out his hand, a huge energy hand grabbed them together, and flew towards the cave.

a week later.

   Li Luo stood quietly in the cave, feeling the artistic conception brought about by the energy of the dark curse after thirty times of decomposition, as if he had realized something, a purple spot of light lit up between his fingers, and then disappeared.

   After a day's rest, he came to the cemetery again.

   This time, after the corpses turned into monsters and walked out, three third-order elemental wizards flew over.

   "This time the deity will look at those little things that killed so many of our followers!" One of the third-order dark wizards scanned the surroundings, trying to find something, but frowned, but found nothing.

   Seeing these guys surging with imposing dark energy particles, they communicated with Xiaojin, and one person and one insect disappeared immediately.

   The imprints on the foreheads of the three elemental wizards were even darker, and even exuded bursts of gloomy light. It seemed that they all sensed something, and the wizard force fields immediately supported them.

At the next moment, a purple-red three-meter-high figure appeared out of thin air in front of a Tier 3 wizard. It swept across a rock in the distance without a vision field. It smashed into the rock with a bang, spewing out several mouthfuls. Blood, went into a coma directly.

   Li Luo completed his transformation and stunned a third-order elemental dark wizard. The energy rays of another elemental wizard had already blasted toward his heart, as fast as a teleportation.

   A purple-gold ray flashed, Xiao Jin blocked Li Luo's heart, and Li Luo squeezed his right fist fiercely.

   "Dahuangba Tiquan!"

The space around    suddenly wrinkled, and the huge fuchsia fist resembled a giant hammer with a harsh sonic boom, and a blur hit the dark wizard who was casting a spell.

  The shadow of the fist seemed to contain a mighty force, and the dark wizard immediately collapsed in his chest. The wizard force field seems to have no effect at all. Under the sound of rolling thunder, this dark wizard followed the previous one, but it was a little different. He smashed a tombstone, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the body shield was **** even more. Before the shadow arrived, it broke apart.

   The last dark wizard was shocked. Just about to move again, he felt as if his forehead had been hit by something flying at a high speed. He slammed his head and shook his head suddenly, and his whole person was in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, when his vision was clear, a huge purple-red giant fist slammed into his face and slammed into his face. After breaking a small tree that had been growing for a few years in the distance, he slid all the way up. It stopped after a hundred meters.

   Xiaojin kept moving, shuttled back and forth between the places where the three wizards were seriously injured, directly slammed their heads severely, and then returned to Li Luo's sleeve robes.

   Li Luo grabbed the three wizards with huge energy hands and quickly returned to the cave.

   didn't ask why Xiaojin didn't advance to Tier 4, Li Luo directly began to disassemble them one by one.

A week later, Li Luo took a deep breath of the air outside the cave and raised his hand to look at the full-bodied purple spot between his fingers. The true meaning of this decomposition was finally fully understood, but it was mixed with a little silver brilliance, obviously because of the decomposition of these curses. With the power of power, I realized a little purifying true meaning.

   "It's not enough...I don't know how Silver Bird City is now..." Li Luo's eyes flashed, and he walked to Silver Bird City.

   As soon as I entered the city, I found a large number of elves, walking through the city continuously, and their faces showed extremely anxious expressions.

   Li Luo had no surprises about the arrival of these elves. Just rented a hotel in silence and waited quietly.

   In the night, the sky gradually dimmed.

   As the sky became completely dark, houses suddenly opened up in the city.

   Li Luo looked out along the window, and black shadows walked through the city, revealing the appearance of a person.

   It was a tall black man wearing a black robe and only revealing one pair of eyes. A dark mark on his head exuded bursts of energy particles of the second-order dark wizard.

   It just walked straight by, and the houses were opened directly, and the people walked out with a dull face, and followed these people in black out in one direction.

   In a house, an old man with a knife in his hand is looking at the man in black outside with sweat, his face is full of fear.

   "How come... why would my grandson follow them..."

   "Grandson! Wake up!" The old man whispered, clutching the boy beside him tightly.

   But at this time, the boy's appearance changed drastically. The black mark suddenly spread on his forehead, and at this time it has spread from his face to his chest and even his whole body, and his whole body has more than doubled.

   There was a scarlet light in his eyes, he glanced at his grandfather violently, smashed him to the ground, and then followed the black-robed wizards step by step and walked out.

The pitch black mark exudes a billowing black air, and the boy lingered around his body, his arms began to grow thick, and the blood vessels on the whole body seemed to be more than several times thicker~www.readwn.com~ The blood vessels and muscles were tall and tall, and the skin was full. It tore apart at this moment, but hardly any blood shed, it looked more like a ghost coming out of hell, and it looked terrible.

   At this time, one by one elves came out of the private house, but they didn’t dare to rush out when they saw so many black-robed wizards. Li Luo scanned the number of elves, his expression changed, and the whole person rushed out from the hotel.

   "Leave all the second-order wizards to you, kill them directly and come to support me!"

   Li Luo gave orders to Xiaojin, and rushed towards the three third-order wizards at the gate of the city.

   "It's really looking for death!"

   A wizard with dense dark particles all over, said hoarsely, and pointed at Li Luo from a distance.

   Immediately, a dark ray flashed suddenly, as if ignoring the space of thousands of meters, and came to Li Luo in a flash.

   Li Luo's body shape suddenly stopped in place, a dazzling purple light lit up in his hands, his hands formed a circular force field, and the black rays were firmly fixed in front of him.

   "Idiot." The other two third-order wizards sneered hoarsely, without intending to do it.

But as time went on, the Tier 3 wizard found that no matter how he strengthened the transmission of dark mana, the purple light in Li Luo's hands became more and more prosperous, and he even disintegrated all his rays. In the end, his mana was exhausted. After all, the human being in front of him stopped his hands.

   "Something's wrong, I think the servants who didn't come back should have been wiped out by this man." Another wizard glanced at Li Luo and said hoarsely to his companion.

   "That's not to let him go back."



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