Overlord Wizard

Chapter 265: Cthulhu Cellar (Part 2)

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"Very well, not only did your Excellency not be afraid of the curse power of my lord, but he also killed so many of my subordinates at once. It's really amazing. A few months ago, I should listen to Zirfeld's words and flatten the Silverbird City. There won’t be so many troubles. But it’s not too late. The funerals of these believers will definitely help our Lord descend into this world!” The dark sacrificial cult at the end of the hall said hoarsely, and at the same time, he half-kneeled in front of the statue and began to pray. .

   Soon, a jet of pitch black liquid rose from these dead second-order dark sacrificial rites. Li Luo and Annel only remained to decompose and purify a part, and the remaining statues at the end of the omnidirectional hall rushed past.

   "Gu Yuan-senior, we must find a way to stop him!" Anel's voice sounded on the side, and his face looked extremely panic.

   Without him reminding, at the end of the hall, Li Luo could obviously feel an unsightly malicious attack, which made him feel the power of the dead.

However, Li Luo did not respond to what he said. He flew out a dozen black spider robots, and flew towards the hundreds of second-order dark sacrificial cults left in the hall. At the same time, there was an extra metal ball in his hand. As a giant metal bird flew straight towards the dark sacrificial leader.

The surrounding dark priests also wanted to stop the giant metal bird, but immediately felt a glare of glare. Those black spiders that looked like alchemy puppets suddenly exploded, faintly passing through the moment they burst. These dark priests still watch. A silver ellipse was reached, but it was immediately overwhelmed by a stronger explosion.

   This time the missile exploded, and more than a hundred people died at the Dark Sacrifice, and more than a hundred small eagles were destroyed.

   "Idiot, your cover is just to send this rotten iron before me?" The dark sacrificial leader at the end of the hall looked at Li Luo indifferently and shouted coldly.

   But a shocking scene appeared. Li Luo stood in front of a newly inscribed magic circle, chanting the spell constantly, and soon disappeared in front of everyone. And the metal giant bird that was about to fly in front of the dark sacrificial leader, unexpectedly appeared in the circle out of thin air!

   Everyone was surprised and looked towards the end of the hall.

   Li Luo had already turned into a three-meter-tall purple-gold giant, with a dazzling purple decomposing true meaning on his body, appeared ghostly on the side of the dark sacrificial leader, and slammed down the altar with a punch.


   Then only a loud bang was heard, and the stone altar shattered in an instant, but the dark priest's eyes did not show any shock.

   Li Luo suddenly felt that the power of the curse around him was greatly reduced, but the large statue behind him seemed to be more powerful, and even turned around to look, as if he was about to come back to life.

   Watching this scene, the other elves were about to follow closely, but were stopped by Anel.

   "You got the trick!"

   The leader of the Dark Sacrifice smiled strangely and spoke again.

   He looked at the statue behind him and said with a weird smile: "My Lord needs a very powerful carrier to come, you should have understood it! Now, everything is too late! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

As his voice fell, the statue suddenly showed a billowing gray-white dead spirit air current, and then the next moment, a vicious grimace suddenly condensed around, and the dark sacrifices around him, including his own flesh, quickly dried out and billowed black. It rushed towards the grimace.

   The billowing black air began to condense on the grimace, and the black halo began to envelope, slowly gathering into a phantom.

   Under the gaze of the shocked eyes of many elves, Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, and an extra metal ball appeared in his hand, instantly pouring all his mana into it.

   The round ball clicked and made a chaotic sound, and in an instant, countless spatial runes popped out and fell on the ground, and Li Luo quickly chanted a spell.

   It was an extremely large human grimace, a monster phantom with four arms and six legs. On the phantom, there were black scales, and each scale seemed to reveal the true meaning of the endless curse, which was extremely terrifying.

   As soon as the phantom condensed, it plunged towards Li Luo.

   But the next moment, Li Luo disappeared into the witch formation out of thin air, but the phantom was plunged into the metal giant bird.

   But even if it plunged into the giant metal bird, the dead and undead dark sacrificial rites on the ground all burst into countless pieces of flesh and blood and rushed towards the giant metal bird. At this moment, the surrounding statues began to emit black light, and the entire sacrificial witch formation began to operate. However, because of the destruction of the altar and a large number of small statues, the dark energy rushing to the metal giant bird was extremely limited.

   Boom! !

   A black wave tossed here, and then collapsed like a lack of successor.

  In Li Luo's eyes, the cursing power of the remaining statue rushed to the giant bird drowned in flesh and blood. But after its unwilling roar, the power of the giant bird was firmly restricted to the state of the third-order peak, and after a final wriggling, the phantom turned into reality and became the legendary fear spreader.

Roar! !

  The terrifying natural disaster monster began to scream frantically, as if trying hard to hit the Tier 4 barrier. In the end, the power of the curse was consumed with the sound of the sacrifice witch formation, and it was firmly restricted to the level of the Tier 3 peak.

   But even so, the huge coercion of the third-order peak began to spread, and the terrifying mental force field erupted from the fear spreader's body, turned into a substantive black power and spread out, gradually covering the entire hall.

   It's just that when the force field was about to cover Li Luo and others~www.readwn.com~ two force fields, one silver and one purple, barely blocked it.

   Feeling all this, Li Luo looked forward.

   At this time, in his field of vision, the horror spreader had fallen from the air.

"A moonlight elf wizard, and a son of **** blood..." An inexplicable roar suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, like the roar of a wild beast, and like the curse and roar of a creature before death. It made everyone's hearts beat wildly, and a black air rushed to them from the void out of nowhere.

   But then it was blocked by two force fields, and the voice stopped.

   "Go out, this guy is too crowded, but it's getting in the way." Without Li Luo's words, Anel glanced at the many elves and said.

   The elves quickly ran out, leaving only Li Luo and Annel in front of the hall.

   At this moment, the **** pattern on Li Luo's body glowed involuntarily, and the blood in his body couldn't help but boil, causing the body's shape to begin to change.

   His eyes began to turn purple, the force field filled with his body expanded three times out of thin air, and his black hair instantly turned into a purple red, which seemed to be filled with a sense of majesty that was difficult for Yu Ming.

  Looking at Li Luo's changes, the monster in front of him finally jumped down with his huge eyes and let out a fierce roar.


  In an instant, Li Luo, who became a purple giant, and this monster disappeared out of thin air.


   An incomparable shock wave suddenly spread in all directions.


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