Overlord Wizard

Chapter 266: Fierce Battle Ruandimore

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   In the hall, two figures constantly staggered in mid-air, and the harsh sonic boom made Anel's ears feel warm, as if the blood vessels around the eardrum were about to burst in the next moment.


   Two little giant figures knocked away from the air, and landed on the east and west sides of the hall respectively.

  Annel did not make any supportive actions, but showed half of his head at the door, staring at the fighting man and one demon, mobilizing all the power of purification of the whole body, and preparing to take action at the critical moment.

  The scene doesn't look bad, at least Li Luo hasn't fallen for the time being.

   After the two temporarily fell on both sides of the east and the west, the horror spreader no longer had the look of greed and anger, but a kind of scrutiny.

   The look in his eyes has completely met Li Luo's opponent, with a solemn look.

Now he is just a temporary condensed incarnation. If he occupies a complete body of a Tier 3 wizard, he won’t be equal to the flesh man at the beginning of Tier 3. The most important thing is that the temporarily condensed body will not last. For too long, if there is no high-energy blood food supplement, the body will quickly collapse.

   Li Luo, who is standing opposite the terrorist spreader, is even more insecure. The maximum duration of the transformation of the blood of God will not be long. If the opponent cannot be solved quickly, the next battle will be in a state of weakness.

  Although he was anxious in his heart, Li Luo calmed down when he saw the monster on the opposite side also showed an anxious look. The **** pattern on his body involuntarily flashed a purple-red gleam, and he suddenly stepped on the ground and disappeared in place again.

On the opposite side of the horror spreader, that kind of destruction and necromantic aura that belongs to the undead world appeared on his body. At this moment, it seemed to collapse the void, causing the surrounding space to be distorted. There was a kind of extremely terrifying. The power is showing. Obviously, he was going to have a violent outbreak, and he didn't want to drag it any longer.

Streaks of dark cursing power began to permeate this place. It can be said that if the two people not present have advanced to the third-order wizard, if those elves are still in this place, I am afraid they will be cursed into one by one in a few minutes. The monster turned into the nourishment for this horror spreader.


The power of divine blood boiled, and the huge whirlwind came towards the horror spreader. Almost instantly, the space in which the horror spreader was living was distorted, dark and muddy, and the entire field of vision could not be seen clearly, and there was an extremely hazy sense of ambiguity. . Immediately afterwards, an indescribable huge pressure suddenly spread.

   The purple-red fist slammed down, and the power inspired by the blood of the gods also exploded at this moment, like a huge hammer, if it hits other places, it can definitely smash a mana tank in one blow!

   At this time, the horror spreader whose breath was soaring just randomly waved a few hands randomly and made a loud bang.

   Li Luo's fist was blocked by him, and then several arms followed one after another, bursting out instantly.

And at this moment, the purple-red **** pattern on Li Luo's body was bright, and it instantly boiled, and a ray of divine light permeated this place, covering the body of the terror spreader in front of him, and the purple decomposition true meaning surged out. The blessing was on his arms and turned into overlapping shadows of fists and flooded the horror spreader.

With a bang, the two hit each other in an instant, and the purple fist shadow and the black fist shadow instantly impacted each other more than a hundred times, and then they backed away from each other at an unimaginable speed, each looking at each other.

   Li Luo looked and saw that the black scales on the horror spreader had not been affected by his true meaning of decomposition, and the true meaning of the curse on it was still very strong. On the contrary, his brute force slapped the monster with a grin. It seemed that it was very difficult to bear it.

   Looking back at myself, his body was covered with black marks. If he hadn't maintained his blood transformation, I'm afraid he would be overwhelmed by the power of these curses in the next moment.

  嗤! The horror spreader spouted a mouthful of black and red blood, and his complexion didn't look very good.

   Li Luo forcibly urged the blood of the gods, turning the resolution of the true meaning to the limit, dazzling purple light all over his body, step by step towards the terror spreader.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, you are the high-end combat power of the undead world? If it wasn't for our wizarding world that was badly beaten by the devil, to be honest, I really want to go to your world to see it." Li Luo smiled not madly , And not wantonly, just like an old friend chatting with each other.

   But this tone fell in the ears of the horror spreader, but it had another meaning.

   I am not afraid of you, I want to hit your door! I have this strength! This was the first judgment of the terrorist spreader on Li Luo's current behavior, and he hesitated at this moment.

   Isn’t the wizarding world weakened to the extreme? How could any Tier 3 wizard be able to compete with Tier 4 to such an extent after its catalyzed explosion?

   "Boy, you are unique, please sign up for your name!" The terror spreader hesitated, chanting an unknown spell in his mouth, as if he was putting a vicious curse on Li Luo.

   Li Luo naturally noticed it too, but pretended to be angry and said: "Gu Yuan, you should also sign up!"

next moment.

  Annel appeared not far away in an instant, and the whole body was shining brightly, and a moonlight star directly enveloped Li Luo.

   At the same time, Li Luo's body was shining purple, and the dark curse marks began to crack ~www.readwn.com~ stupid bug, you shouldn't call your name! My name is Ruandimore, and I am a lord of the undead world. With your current strength, you have the right to know whose hands you died, so give your body now! "Ruandimore's complexion was distorted for a while, and the six arms showed different postures, and a dark phantom appeared on the body.

   I saw the monster's forehead suddenly cracked with a blood gap, the blood gap expanded, revealing a black eye, and then a streamer shot out and hit Li Luo's forehead.

   "Ah!" Li Luo let out a scream, and he knelt down. But there was no tremor on his body. Anel's eyes flashed on the side, and the curse in his mouth continued, and the rich silver brilliance drowned Li Luo.

  In an instant, purple divine light and silver light alternately appeared, and there was a faint black air crackling in it, turning into white steam, and rising.

   Ruandimore made this blow, and his whole body stepped back a few steps, and all six of his legs knelt down. Obviously, this blow was also quite costly for him.

   But soon, he stood up and looked at Annel savagely, his whole body disappeared in an instant.

   And at this moment, Li Luo, who was drowned in silver light, shot Annel out of thin air, and Annel flew towards him and was caught at his waist.

   With a flash, Li Luo came to the teleportation weapon he released not far away, and the spell in his mouth was finished at this moment.

   White light flashed, the two disappeared into the circle, and then an angry roar came from the shattered altar near the hall.



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