Overlord Wizard

Chapter 272: 1 net catch

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The two witches in front of them are not others, they are the two girls Irene and Ivy! Originally, Li Luo was just exploring the way. If the monster's strength was equal to him, he would kill it, and after it was broken down, he would further understand the true meaning of the decomposition. But I didn't expect to be calculated, and I met them. It's not going to be saved. There is no reason. Li Luo and the second daughter have a good relationship. Although the strength of this spider monster has reached the third stage of the third stage, he can also use the witch formation that shifts their position. Rescued.

Suddenly, the spider demon grandmother poked her head forward, and then slightly sniffed around.

Li Luo looked solemn and did not dare to make any changes. He had already smeared the smelly wormwood sap on his body before on the road. No matter how good the smell is, he believed that when Li Luo's breath was completely hidden. I can't smell anything.

He knew that although the spider demon in front of him was worthy of the late third stage, he was full of evil energy, and there were so many descendants around him. He couldn't hold back any weird methods. If he acted rashly, he couldn't prevent the other party from discovering himself. Once the time comes to fight with the opponent, Jin will be restrained by this kind of spider-web-spraying monster. At that time, it will be bad.

And now Li Luo's only thought was to find a way to make these mercenaries and spider monsters fight to death, and finally let him catch them all in one go.

Li Luo quickly went to a passage where there was no spider demon patrolling, and put the metal giant bird down, and then returned to the spider demon grandmother. He looked at the dense spider demon guards, his expression on his face remained unchanged, and he waited quietly.

at the same time.

A dozen miles away, Long Bayuan’s solemn face showed a hint of joy, and he glanced at the green armored man, and said to a dozen other scouts: “Brother Zhou Ruisi just sent me the message, and there are all Tier 1 spider monsters inside. He didn't dare to go deep himself. You people go to help him continue to investigate further, but remember that you must find out that there are not many second-order monsters. This is the potion to dissipate your breath. Take it well. Others , Follow me to meet outside the cave!"

"Yes." A dozen scouts all ran over quickly, and other mercenaries followed closely. When all the scouts entered the cave, Long Ba winked at Chai Yan, who drank a bottle of dark green potion before walking in.

There was a noise in the tunnel, Li Luo's ears quivered, and he was delighted, inspiring the breath assimilation and concealment ability of the Phantom Lost Trace Clothes, and he approached the two witches along the cave wall heartily.

At this time, under the commotion of the surrounding spider demon guards, the spider demon grandmother licked the corner of her mouth and let out an ear-piercing scream, and continued: "The people are here, go and bring those human beings for my sake. This son is preparing for the blood sacrifice ceremony!"

In the meantime, the grandmother of the spider demon walked under the two creeping cocoon pupae at the top of the cave, grabbing a gray-white spider silk rope with both hands, and slowly pulling it up. The two cocoon pupae were creeping more and more intensely, as if the next moment. It's about to break out of the cocoon.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes and hid behind a gray-white boulder. There was a one-time array ball in his hand. The blue light flashed and pressed to the ground. Then the circular magic weapon bounced out countless runes, which were arranged in a tight and orderly manner. Below, the witch formation that shifted its position suddenly emerged.

"It's the sneaky bug, hidden there!" At this moment, the Nerubian grandmother neighed, and Li Luo felt the ground vibrate, and some monster approached.

With the anger in An Nai's heart, Li Luo flickered and picked up the two girls of Irene Ivy, and instantly returned to the witch formation.

"Stupid humans!" The spider grandmother's face was joyful, and the belly button of the waist and abdomen, with a stab, sprayed out a large amount of white matter, which directly turned into a huge spider web, entwining Li Luo and the two daughters.

The spell in Li Luo's mouth was also finished at this moment, and the entire pupa cocoon disappeared at the core of the cave at this moment.

"Cunning human!" The spider demon grandmother's complexion was distorted, and there was a loud rumbling under the six abdomen feet, like a giant tank rushing towards a passage, all the way, debris of earth and stone splashed and smashed into the core cave wall. Fist-sized potholes exploded one after another, and the power was astonishing.

The eyes of the spider demon grandmother were extremely cold, and the crimson light was constantly scanned around the passage, and the sound of a lion's roar suddenly came from her scarlet mouth, coupled with the violent enchanting cheeks, the weirdness to the extreme.

"Fortunately, this phantom fan track suit can be expanded, otherwise it will be paralyzed by these spider silk toxins, and it will be really unable to recover for a while..." Li Luo thought secretly in his heart, and quickly changed the body shape of the two women of Irene and Ivy. He hugged tightly, and looked at the grandmother of the Spider Demon with some shock.

At this moment, he had moved away from the position he had just teleported out, changed seven or eight channels, and purified energy particles to the spider silk and aura that had been contaminated by the two women and himself. Although he had confidence in his heart, at this time The toxins of the spider silk erupted, but they couldn't afford any strength.

Sure enough, you can't join any mercenary group casually. If you want to hunt monsters in the future, you still need to find a way to get information and follow them... Li Luo secretly swears, and waits for the toxin antibody in his body. produce.

He dare not delay for too long! This is not a safe place. Once a few Nerubians stepped on him, it would be terrible.

And Jin was also firmly put into his sleeve robe, hiding his good breath. If something accident happens, he is always ready to give this Nerubian Master a fatal blow, but this Nebonic Man is the nemesis of all otherworldly evil insects, neither is Li Luo. Dare to release the gold hastily.

Although "Grandmother Spider Demon" knew that the three of them had'disappeared' here, they were not sure whether they fled to other passages or outside. When they were about to step on the front passage suddenly, a dozen mercenaries ran from another passage. After coming out, it attracted her attention, and then turned into a thick afterimage, and roared like a lion, and slammed all the way in that direction. For a while, under the splash of earth and rock, Li Luo heard a burst of misery. The calls sounded one after another, and then I heard crunching chewing sounds mixed with screams, which sounded chilling in my heart.

Seeing this, Li Luo took out a bottle of detoxification medicine and took it with difficulty. After more than a dozen breaths, his body gradually became conscious.

He stretched out his hand and patted a bulging space bag around his waist. Suddenly, a dozen metal **** appeared on the palm of his hand, and the blue light was released, and there was a creak, turning into a metal giant ape.

As soon as these two-meter-high puppet apes appeared, they immediately rushed towards another passage under Li Luo's mind.

At the same time, the spider demon grandmother's body shape flashed and appeared in the passage where the metal giant apes disappeared, and her mouth spouted countless white spider silks, wrapped around the giant apes, and suddenly tugged, as many as possible. These puppet great apes dragged back.

But then, after these were dragged back by the spider silk, there was a burst of red light all over the body, and the whole body exploded with a bang. But then, the spider demon grandmother's forehead cracked a few blood gaps out of thin air, and a few eyeballs emerged from it. At the moment of the explosion, a few weird blood beams were ejected from it, and the space instantly solidified, and the explosion appeared. The fire wave was frozen in place immediately, and it dissipated in a few breaths.

After the grandmother of the Spider Demon made this blow, her face was completely devoid of alluring, her face was extremely ferocious, and the blood oozing from her mouth full of fangs fell on the ground, giving off a terrible smell, which made Li Luo couldn't help feeling guts. trembling.

"How many people did this product have to eat to evolve to what it is now?" Li Luo muttered in his heart, stood up slowly, and finally regained his ability to move.

Immediately he no longer hesitated, holding the two women, and before the Spider Demon grandmother found them, a few flashes followed the golden prompt and rushed toward the entrance of the cave.

There was a burst of sound, and Li Luo had only time to dodge to the right. The protective mask was strafed by a beam of ray of the spider witch grandmother. The crushed rock trembled and shattered. Signs of it.

Seeing this scene, Li Luo raised his hand without thinking, dozens of metal giant apes rushed out, rushing to meet the spider demon grandmother...

After these dozens of puppets were blocked, Li Luo finally activated the concealment function of the Phantom Fan’s trace clothing, smashing into each of the Nerubian guards, bringing Irene and Ivy to the entrance of the cave, and flew to Zheng in the sky.

Longba's mercenaries only felt a strong wind, when they looked forward again, they saw a giant spider demon woman more than ten meters tall rushing over aggressively, and a few weird red light beams were directed towards them. Shot over.

"Damn beast! Ready to fight!" At this time, Long Ba didn't even ask why the Nerubian turned his face, so he had to organize a siege.

Suddenly, the mercenaries around rushed up and fought against the surging spider demon guards, and Dragon Ba, relying on his third-order peak earth knight strength, temporarily stood on par with the spider demon grandmother, and swallowed a bottle of pink potion from time to time. It seems to be an antidote specifically to deal with this spider magic toxin.

The scene suddenly became **** and chaotic, and mercenaries were constantly being bitten by the arachnids who were swarming up, and a large number of arachnids were chopped over on the spot, and a green and red blood shed on their heads from different places. . A fireball exploded in the depths of the hole, and under the rolling rubble, the hole was quickly buried.

Both sides seemed to have killed and lost their minds. Long Ao, under the spell blessing of a man in green leather armor, could temporarily use the weapon in his hand to deal with the master spider demon, but gradually, Li Luo found out from mid-air. The guy's eyes began to blur. And the more he fought, the more dull he was. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that this spider demon master exuded a pink energy field, covering a radius of hundreds of meters, and then a few **** cracks in the forehead, red glow. Under the big flash, all the mercenaries who were irradiated around were stiffened and stopped there.


Suddenly, the pink force field dissipated, and the six gastropods of the Spider Demon grandmother stepped back half a step, seeming to be a bit exhausted, and set a huge body. The Spider Demon grandmother grabbed the still-static Dragon Ba and tore it with force, stabbing it. Hey, Long Ba's whole person was directly divided into two, and under the spurt of blood, he was directly drunk by this spider demon grandmother.

"Boss, good opportunity!"

Without Li Luoduo, Jin turned into a purple-golden light and shadow, passing by the spider grandmother's two arms holding the corpse, and the pink force field had long since disappeared~www.readwn.com~The purple-golden light and shadow flashed, The two arms broke apart with a stab, and fell from the air.

boom! The arm hit the man in green leather armor who had just recovered, who was Long Ba's eldest brother. Jin kept moving, swept across the man's neck, and Gululu dropped a big head.

Li Luo placed the two girls on a rock, and the silhouettes of the two girls appeared on the side of the spider demon grandmother. The Rongyuan sword turned into afterimages, and the three stomach feet on this side were cut and opened. The entire huge body suddenly pressed down against him.

"Hiss!" Under the shock of a sharp and harsh sound wave, Li Luo hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue, leaped back a dozen meters away, and landed next to the spider demon grandmother who was on the ground.

By this time, the spider grandmother had been severely injured after two consecutive magnification moves, and she had no much resistance anymore. Li Luo knew this well, and with a move of his mind, a purple force field instantly enveloped the Nerubian Grandmother. Then the purple glow instantly enveloped the monster, the flesh and blood on its body began to disintegrate and melt away, gradually dissipating into a stream of steam.

The light and shadow of gold turned purple and gold returned to Li Luo's sleeve robe, leaving only corpses all over the floor.

Li Luo retracted his gaze and turned to look at Irene and Ivy, only to find that the two girls were lifted up by the familiar blood-colored figure, gave him a mocking look, and turned into a **** shadow flying high into the sky. Escape.

"Jin. Chase it together!"

When Li Luo saw the appearance of the blood shadow, he immediately recognized that it was the vampire who had fought him that day.

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