Overlord Wizard

Chapter 273: 1 hit

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   As soon as the two of them chased and fled, Li Luo was secretly anxious. This was clearly the vampire Claudia who attacked him that day!

   "Xiaojin! Be careful of the sword in his hand, go!" Li Luo shouted, and a purple-gold shadow shot out, and his body was also bright, and his speed increased by more than 30%.

   On that day, after Claudia drank his blood that had a huge poison against vampires, according to his estimation, his strength should be retreated. Unexpectedly, today's speed is not much worse than that of the day!

Claudia's body flashed with blood, and there was an extra meniscus-like blood knife several feet in his hand. Under the sway, a **** light blade of several feet in size was suddenly shot out, and Li Luo slashed at the head. Next, and the other holding a plague blood sword, he whizzed down and changed hands, and Xiao Jin quickly turned into a funds ghost to dodge.

   Li Luo naturally wouldn't take this bloodblade, his body flashed with blue light, his body was blurred, and he avoided the past dangerously and dangerously, but this delay caused Claudia to take a distance.

   He was very anxious, Irene and Ivy were notoriously reserved, I am afraid they were still virgins, if this ghost king sucked it, it might be possible for this servant to advance to Tier 4.

   But there is no way. Although he has some strength, he still hasn't been able to resist this kind of bloodblade attack, so he can only catch up and keep dodge the bloodblade from the lasing shot.

   "Damn it!"

   The purple light flashed in Li Luo's hand, and the lightning came out, and a purple ray shot out, hitting the blood-colored shield of Claudia with a scream.

   "It was a hit!"

Just as Li Luo was in an accident, suddenly in the void behind Li Luo, **** energy appeared out of thin air, turning into a huge **** vortex, Claudia's hand in front of him slammed into the void with lightning, and the **** vortex gleamed with blood. Now, a **** claw protruded out, digging towards Li Luo's heart.

   Li Luo only felt a tremor in his figure, and Feidan's figure slackened for a while, followed by a tingling pain in his eyebrows, and he was shocked to directly stimulate the blood transformation.

   The next moment, a billowing purple gas suddenly emerged from his body, and at the same time a "crack" sound came from his body, and the whole person raised a few feet high, turning into a giant with purple-red lines, and suddenly he turned around and took out a punch.


   The blood-colored claws shattered immediately, turning into a little bit of blood-colored energy, dissipating, turning into a bat statue and falling from the air. Li Luo quickly glanced over and put the statue into the space bag.

   But this moment of delay also stretched a lot of distance.

   Li Luo raised his hand and waved, the newt sword in his hand was released with purple light, and a burst of energy poured into it. He quickly slashed towards Claudia's back, and instantly a giant purple energy sword light shot out.

Claudia's face changed drastically. He wanted to fly away from the attack range with his posture, but the sword light was too fast and he had to make a special dodge action. He had to turn around and turn into a **** light to move horizontally to the right. He went out, but there was still a purple gold bug beside him slamming into his chest!

   Xiaojin turned into a purple gold phantom, moving up in the wind, like a miniature purple gold meteor, slamming on Claudia's chest, causing him to stagger suddenly.

   Under the shock and anger, the vampire threw Irene at the sword light, and his body shape continued to fly forward without hesitation. Xiaojin's reaction was not slow, and he slammed Irene's side and knocked her out of the purple sword light's attack range, but he was sturdily exposed to the sword light.

   Suddenly, the purple sword light touched Xiaojin. An astonishing loud noise erupted, Li Luo only felt that the sea of ​​spirit was violently shaking, Xiaojin let out a weird neigh, and his carapace suddenly revealed a deep white mark!

   "How about Xiaojin?" Li Luo was startled in his heart and lased quickly.

   "I haven't been hurt too much, the boss should chase after him." There was a painful expression on the little golden bug's face. Li Luo hesitated and said: "Take care of Irene, I'll go after this!"

Li Luo's whole body ignited a purple flame, and his speed rose more than three minutes out of thin air. His eyes turned into purple, a purple phantom. Suddenly, it was faster than Xiaojin's speed. It's a bit.

   "Since your strength has regressed, why not leave that girl behind?"

At this time, Li Luo finally found some clues. This vampire was obviously fleeing by some kind of secret technique. Even his purple sword light did not dare to hold on, and he was even more upset that he didn't dare to hold on to the opponent's **** blade. But carefully feeling the power of the blood blade just now, Li Luo was puzzled again, and then he seemed to understand something.

   "So, your blood blade is driven by the energy of the blood knife in your hand! Stay here today!"

   Li Luo's face was cold, his eyes fell on Claudia, the different color on his face was fleeting, and he grabbed the space ahead with one hand, and the space instantly solidified.


   A dazzling purple force field immediately enveloped Claudia, and as expected, the speed of this vampire was drastically reduced, and he did not even get rid of the shackles of the purple force field.

   Claudia felt the true meaning of decomposition, purification and incineration contained in the purple force field, his face changed drastically, and he was unwilling to wait any more with his third-order post-level cultivation.

   Immediately, a dazzling blood burst out of his body, blocking the whole body. A blood-colored beam of light immediately rose into the sky, and the purple force field immediately dissipated, but Li Luo had already rushed two meters behind Claudia at this time, the newt sword in his hand flashed, and it pierced his heart.

   At this moment, the vampire suddenly turned around and threw Ivy at Li Luo, with a weird smile on his face. The figure flickered and disappeared. Li Luo hurriedly guarded against his hostage-throwing hand, the newt sword danced out a sword flower, and as soon as it was retracted, Ivy was picked up with the other hand.

   And at this moment, Claudia has appeared on his side!

   Li Luo saw this situation, but didn't even think about it, his backhand was a sword slash, but the cunning vampire flashed ghostly, turning into a **** light that moved more than 30 meters out of thin air and escaped.

   When Li Luogang cleaved this sword, the abnormal change suddenly appeared! A dark green figure appeared out of thin air behind Li Luo, and the fel energy in his hand was released and pushed forward suddenly.

   Even though Li Luo was fully focused on the battle at this moment, he didn't expect to hide such an enemy. There was no time to react. He only had time to hold up a purple mask and punched out his backhand.

   Boom! Li Luo's whole person has turned into a little purple light glowing with strong evil energy, and fell on the ground.

   Suddenly, the earth cracked and opened, and under the raging evil energy, the surrounding flowers, plants, and trees suddenly withered and withered, the whole person was surging with blood, and the energy in his body was even more disorganized.

   The dark green figure's eyes flickered, and after all, the color of greed flashed in his eyes. A green light enveloped his body and rushed towards Li Luo.

In the high altitude, Claudia saw that the helper he had invited wanted to monopolize the fruits of victory, and immediately rushed towards Li Luo without even thinking about it. The two of them did not attack each other very tacitly, and instantly appeared one meter in front of Li Luo. Everywhere, one stretched out dark green claws, and the other opened his black and purple lips, exposing two fangs, and rushed towards Li Luo.

next moment!

   Li Luo's eyes suddenly opened, revealing a dazzling pure silver light.

   The two monsters were startled, but they were too late to make any moves.

An astonishing thing happened. At this moment, Li Luo's mental power suddenly exploded, mobilizing his whole body power on his right arm, and the rolling mental power was poured into the salamander sword as if it were substance, and his arm was blurred. With a flash of silver light, the two Tier 3 monsters suddenly froze in the air.

   stab! The two monsters suddenly split in half from the air, and smashed to the ground. Even Claudia's remnant wriggling, trying to transform into a bat, could not succeed, as if a raging force was acting on it. Above his remnant body.

  At the critical moment, Li Luo suddenly realized the sword intent Li Laffi said that day, and killed two monsters in one blow!

   Li Luo is not much better, the whole body energy is chaotic, and it is because of the trance of full blows, there is a tendency that he can't control his body energy.

   And just at this moment, with a scream, Ivy woke up, who was severely dropped in the distance. After seeing the scene in front of her, she spit out a mouthful of blood and quickly drank a bottle of healing potion.

   Li Luo even took advantage of this effort to quickly decompose and purify the evil energy raging in his body.


   Two days later, two women and one man were sitting in a corner of a tavern in the newly built town. It was Irene, Ivy and Li Luo who were not the others. Suddenly Ivy said, "Li Luo, are you interested in taking on the task of purifying the last three dangerous places? If you guess right, there are no leaders in two of those three dangerous places!"

   "No interest." Li Luo said lightly, carefully feeling the progress of dissolving his true meaning and incinerating his true meaning.

At this moment, Irene chuckled lightly, blooming like a rose in an instant, and slowly said: "I heard that ~www.readwn.com~ this area is all in a secret realm. If the elements of heaven and earth exist It becomes richer, maybe there are ancient wizards in that secret realm who practiced sincerely, maybe!"

   Li Luo slowly put down the wine glass and stared at Irene. After a while, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he said faintly: "Go pick it up, I'll join you in another identity."

   "Okay. So, a word is settled. Three days later, we set off, and we are somewhat sure that you will be there." The two women looked at each other, and their eyes suddenly turned into peach blossoms, charming and moving.

   But Li Luo has no interest in the two women at all, and is carefully perceiving the mark left by the vampire on him.

After bidding farewell to the two witches, Li Luo returned to his room and began to probe every corner of the body carefully according to the blood family occult characteristics in the vampire’s memory. This probe was shocked to find a dozen large and small. Mark of blood and gray!

   This time, he was shocked that he hadn't recovered for a while, and quickly stimulated his own true meaning of decomposition, and the turbulent energy rushed towards these marks.

   "Crack!" An electric arc flickered on Li Luo's body, and a **** smoke and gray gas appeared. His face was even more uncertain, revealing a very annoyed look.

   After thinking about it for a moment, he simply found Irene again and asked her to go to the Wizard League to exchange for an expensive passive spell model that specifically removes her own mark and other foreign auras before returning to the room to close up.

Three days later, when Li Luo appeared again, he had already turned into a wandering mercenary in leather armor, followed by Irene and Ivy, and followed a team of more than 300 mercenaries behind him. The destination, the evil bone burial site walked over.


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