Overlord Wizard

Chapter 286: Light polluter

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   In front of a wasteland fifty kilometers away from Dawn City, the place is full of corrosive pollution energy.

   More than twenty figures flew away and landed slowly. It was Li Luo and others who came to investigate.

   There are many mercenaries here, including powerful elemental wizards.

   Li Luo didn't expect that a mercenary group would take on this kind of task.

   Looking at these people in front of him, Li Luo's eyes suddenly condensed, and then he looked at a mercenary in the corner.

   In the corner, there was a young mercenary with a plain appearance. He was wearing a black leather armor and stood inconspicuously in the crowd.

   Li Luo's eyes lit up with two purple star vortexes, and the spell of Star Eyes was released instantly.

   The next moment, a purple-black brilliance swept across the surrounding space, with a huge purple-black force field, causing the surrounding mercenaries to immediately draw out their weapons.

Under the angry eyes of the surrounding mercenaries, Li Luo acted boldly, and powerful star energy emerged from his body. A bright purple star arrow emerged out of thin air. The incomparable purple and black true intentions rendered the surrounding void of more than ten meters. Then all rushed into the arrows.


   The arrow immediately radiated a deep purple-black light, which appeared extremely restrained, seemingly powerful, but in just an instant, it seemed to span a hundred-meter-long void and directly shot in front of the young man.

Roar! !

   A low, low growl came from the youth.

   In the horrified eyes of everyone, the appearance of the young man changed drastically, with gray-black hair growing all over his body, his eyes turned blood red, and the teeth in his mouth suddenly pierced out.

   In just an instant, his image became extremely ferocious and ugly, and the fur on his face was also wrinkled, and then burst out with a low growl of power and a gray-black true meaning, opposing the power of the stars and arrows.

   Boom! !

   A grey-black aura permeated the surroundings, and the strange force field spread, and it was only in contact with the stars and arrows for only one breath, it was like a piece of leather armor, and it was directly penetrated.

   The flesh and blood in his wounds constantly collapsed, dissolved, and dissipated in the purple-black wounds.

Just as the surrounding mercenaries reacted and were about to hack him to death, the monster suddenly smiled weirdly, and the whole body suddenly dissolved, and then the gray energy stained with purple and black true meaning rushed towards the surrounding mercenaries and disappeared. among them.

   "Damn it!"

   barely supported the body, the mercenaries were shocked to find that their energy began to be out of control.

   But then, Li Luoyao gave them a grip on the void, and a purple-black force field appeared out of nowhere and enveloped them. Then, they felt a warmth in their lower abdomen, and the weird state of being unable to control the energy of the body gradually calmed down.

   The next moment, the expressions of the mercenaries became shocked, looking at the silver shotguns on the shoulders of the wizards in front of them, they immediately stood aside honestly.

   "Then this human being in front of me seems to have been corrupted by the fallen light polluters or willing to embrace the darkness." Li Luo slowly retracted the force field and said lightly when he looked back.

   Coulson scanned the remaining pollution energy around, closed his eyes, and opened them after a moment, "found it. Come with me."

   Then Coulson ran towards the distance.

   At this time, Geral looked at the remaining mercenaries and said faintly: "The land knights or elemental wizards of the third stage of the late stage can follow and help eliminate the evil. After success, they can obtain a lot of training resources."

   Then he stopped talking, and ran in the direction of Li Luo and the others.

   Some mercenaries rushed along with Li Luo and others with expressions of ecstasy. Other mercenaries left here soon.

   When everyone disappeared, a hoarse voice sounded beside a withered old tree. A gray-black figure emerged out of thin air.

   This is a monster of its kind stronger than the monster just now.

   His face was distorted, his blood-colored eyes looked at Li Luo's disappearing back, and there was a weird smile on his face.

   There is no doubt that this is another believer who has fallen into the light polluter.

   And on the shoulders of this corrupted human, there is also a gray-white monkey standing.

   Different from ordinary monkeys, this monkey is obviously also tainted with the corrosive pollution aura. A pair of scarlet eyes are full of violence, which is actually a source of pollution from the evil god.

   They just hid Li Luo's tens of meters away. It stands to reason that they should have been spotted by his Star Eye.

"Although the human body does not emit the strongest energy, those eyes that can see through our disguise are really tricky. I can't help but dig out those eyes, make them into specimens and put them in the box!" After saying these words with a distorted face, a scarlet light glowed in his eyes.

Standing in place, looking at Li Luo's disappearing back, the altered man's violent complexion slightly eased, with an ugly arc at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "He should have spotted us just now. The direction he went is obviously the Lord. Entrance to the hidden underground world..."

"Are you going to destroy the doppelganger’s clone directly? It’s really self-defeating... But I really hope that you will succeed... Next, I will find a hidden place to slowly accumulate strength... Wait until the doppelganger’s clone dies. , It's the moment of my rise... Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

   The abnormally changed man smiled strangely, looked at the monkey beside him, grabbed it savagely, and threw it towards the dense forest in the distance.

   "Go! To pollute more of the same kind, and bring them here..."

   Silently raised his head, the changed man's face was cold, but his tone still fluctuated: "As long as they succeed, I will absorb the chaotic energy from those monkeys, and then change to a principality to slowly accumulate strength..."

   The changed man took a deep breath and coldly swept his eyes in the direction where Li Luo disappeared, and said: "In order for you to successfully approach that evil god, I'll give you a gift."

As the weird man spoke, he stretched out his gray tongue, dripping mucus, and licked the corner of his mouth, "Speaking of which, it seems that the monsters around here have been almost killed by the **** evil god~www.readwn.com~ It's really unpleasant..." The mutant man narrowed his eyes slightly, and strange fluctuations appeared on his face.

   quickly disappeared here.


   Li Luo soon came to a huge cave.

   He glanced at the bottomless hole, his gaze swept towards Coulson: "This is the entrance you are talking about? This kind of airflow should be the underground world below."

   "So, the divination is extremely dangerous." Coulson nodded and replied inconclusively.

   Li Luo's face is still calm: "The underground world of the former black sickle dead zone should be full of monsters, and the mandala shouldn't be completely purified."

Geral stepped forward at this time, "Yes. Because there are too many monsters, after a few unsuccessful attempts, Mandala also released a large number of uncontrolled clones and sent them inside, allowing them to grow freely. It is estimated that the number of monsters will not be too much now."

Listening to Geral's words, Li Luo nodded suddenly, turned his head and said to the other wizards, "After entering, try to enslave the high-level mandala clones. As soon as possible through the psychic these guys, find the hiding place of the evil **** clone. "

   "You will not be disappointed."

   Numerous college wizards slowly looked into the depths of the cave entrance and jumped down one after another.

   Li Luo was about to jump down, suddenly a monkey ran over in the distance, gave him a piece of animal skin, and fled here quickly.

   Li Luo looked at the underground world map depicting this area in detail, closed his eyes for a moment, and jumped down.


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