Overlord Wizard

Chapter 287: Ambush in the valley

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   Standing in the dark underground world, looking at the map in his hand, Li Luo didn't see too many surprises.

   He just saw the figure of the person and the monkey. The reason why he didn't make a move was because this person was very special. It seemed that the chaotic energy in his body was derived from his own meditation, or for some reason, this guy cut off the connection with the light-polluting person.

This person turned out to be an independent chaotic creature, so Li Luo did not kill him, but let Xiaojin quietly leave the mark of stars on him. After this action is over, he will find and take it. , As an experimental subject, do a good job of studying it.

   "I am afraid that if this evil **** clone does not disappear, this guy will not be able to use his abilities well...In this way, his motives are reasonable, but they can't be determined..."

   Li Luo muttered to himself, his eyes were deep, no other expressions could be seen.

"Dean, we found a few vine monsters that were advanced to Tier 3, but none of them evolved into a mandala. And... these vine monsters seem to be contaminated." The expression seemed to be mixed with a look of fear.

   Li Luo touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and asked, "What do these creeper monsters take as food?"

   The color of the surrounding hands changed, and they looked a little ugly, as if they didn't want to raise this issue more. It was also a new wandering wizard who broke the silence: "All creatures... whether dead or alive... even saw some human bones. Through the lighting spell, the bones are very smooth and clean, and they don't seem to be transformed by ghouls. "

"It seems that these evil gods sacrificed themselves by feeding these corrupted vines, allowing them to grow up, and then directly extracting the chaotic power from them to improve themselves." Li Luo's voice was low, his complexion seemed to be filled with lead, The map in his hand forms a ball and squeezes it fiercely.

   The map in his hand immediately turned into a cloud of powder and spread out.

"wait for me"

   Suddenly, Li Luo wore a blue light, and he and a few Tier 3 mercenaries around him flew up with him, and it took about an hour before he returned alone.

   "President, you want to take us to the place where the vine monsters gather. Cut off the rations of these cultists?" the young elemental wizard named Gulant asked with some excitement.

   "Yes, we directly deal with the high-level mutant vine monsters. You are only responsible for imprisonment." Li Luo's voice fell, and he flew away into the distance.

   Other elemental wizards also followed.

   A month later, Li Luo felt the purple-black glow on his body, showing a wry smile.

During this period of time, relying on Coulson’s divination spells, they avoided most of the main powers of the Cthulhu offerings, and constantly shuttled in the underground world. Whether it was chaotic vines or small groups of Cthulhu offerings, they were all the purple The true meaning of black has turned into nothing, but the comprehension and improvement of one's true meaning is limited.

"Coulson, use your divination spells to perceive where the threat of the evil **** sacrifice to us is within control." Li Luo glanced at the few low-level vine monsters remaining around the circle and turned to ask. .

   Coulson closed his eyes and felt for a while, then hesitated, and said: "The southeast is orange, and we should be evenly matched."

   In a valley, everyone fell down, and the environment at this time was even darker. If it weren't for the large amount of gloomy grass around it, Li Luo would have to release the lighting spell.

  Even if a wizard is strong enough in spirit, he can't cover everything, especially in the underground world where monsters live. Therefore, the powerful vision of the wizard is an indispensable part.

   "Coulson, is the danger approaching?"

   Looking at the divination wizard in front of him, Li Luo quickly swept his eyes around, and then asked.

Coulson and Geral are the two Tier 3 pinnacle elemental wizards who came to assist Li Luo this time. Their strength is considered top-notch among the elemental wizards, and they have rich combat experience and ability to attack. The black sickle's dead zone was extremely prominent, and it really helped Li Luo a lot during this time, especially Geral was better at perceiving monsters, some parasitic monsters, he can always spot and remind everyone in advance.

   "This...the situation is a bit complicated."

Standing next to Li Luo, listening to his words, Coulson showed a wry smile on his face: "My divination spells seem to have changed from orange to latent red. And the target is less than fifty miles away from us, but it doesn't seem to be noticed. We, they are coming in the direction of the creepy vine you just cleansed."

   Li Luo was silent for a moment, and asked: "How many elemental spars are there?"

   Geral came forward and replied: "Everyone still has a spare piece for battle, but there are a lot of magic stones."

   Li Luo pondered for a moment, nodded, and said: "Immediately set up a few second-order imprisonment witch formations, excluding the consumption of magic stones."

   Soon, several witch formations were deployed. To be safe, Li Luo personally arranged a hidden witch formation to cover the flow of elements of several witch formations.

   The crowd hid behind a huge rock, hiding their good breath, and after a while, the evil spirits sacrificed came over. Behind them, a group of ghouls were escorting thousands of human beings, looking desperately forward.

"This is to feed the vines there." Behind Li Luo, the accompanying Geral frowned, feeling the despair of the humans in the distance, and his face was full of disgust: "These clutter reminds me of the war. In those days in the city, the dark creatures even sacrificed all the humans in captivity to their strength just before the city was broken."

Kurson's face is also a bit ugly, but he can basically remain calm: "I am afraid that the danger I have fortune-telling still comes from these humans. We have done so much during this period. They must be aware of it, and I am afraid that these people will be first. Help them get rid of the trap."

   Hearing these words, the faces of the people around are a little ugly.

   appeared silent for a while, until Li Luo's voice sounded again.

"There are a total of three Cthulhu sacrificial offerings at Tier 3 peaks~www.readwn.com~ Three of us are responsible for dealing with one, and Gurant doesn’t need to consider wasting mana. When ordinary people enter the imprisoned witch formation, try to summon more. The elemental puppets, protect them, and then others will rush up directly with me, these people will be of great use." He looked at the evil **** priests who were opening the way for these people, and said.

   Thousands of humans quickly entered the imprisoned witch formation. In the huge valley, a dazzling red glow suddenly lit up, fixing these people firmly in place.

bump! boom!

   Several huge explosions sounded behind them, accompanied by the roar and boiling of flames.

Around Li Luo, Coulson and Geral rushed to the forefront, the true meaning of their bodies whirled, covering the surroundings for a while, countless flames, ice cones and wind blades, flowing with powerful true meaning, whistling towards the evil **** sacrifice below. Away.

Although these Cthulhu sacrifices seem to have extraordinary strength, they may not be as strong in fact. Except for the sacrifices of the late third-order and the peak, the other Cthulhu sacrifices are very fragile, comparable to those of the wizards catalyzed by the mandala. Those who did not reach the late third stage were basically bombarded directly by their spells, and there was no resistance at all.

   But there are also a lot of Cthulhu sacrifices left, there are more than a dozen, and they are undoubtedly the existence of the third stage or higher.

More than a dozen figures of evil gods sacrificially pulled up slowly, growing gray-black hairs on their bodies, and their appearance instantly became extremely hideous. Each of them lit up with a dense gray light, an extremely aggressive energy particle, instantly from them. The body was surging. Turning into countless gray lights spread out, a chaotic and corrosive force field spread out instantly.



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