Overlord Wizard

Chapter 380: Horror Tea Party

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"Then, I can't disappear for too long, it will cause the devil's suspicion. After you find the little boy, you don't have to persuade him to hand over the dream fruit. The power of the nightmare in this town is the best nourishment for dream energy. Find a way to make this little boy. The boy masters the rules of dreams as quickly as possible. In this way, the grasp of finding the fel mystery from the world of nightmares will also increase, and it will be more powerful for our actions." Li Luo uttered the words indifferently and beat. With a snap of his fingers, the silver light all over his body flashed, turning into a white light and disappeared.

   Soon, the surrounding metal fragments flew upside down, turning into a metal sphere and quietly floating in front of the avatar Kyle.


   Li Luo avatar Kyle took a deep breath, put away the metal transfer ball, and took out the animal skin left by the boy from his arms.

   A huge underground network clearly appeared on the map, extending to every corner of Moore Town.

   "Then, let's go."

   Li Luo quietly turned around, and under everyone's eyes, walked forward along the sewer passage, and everyone hurriedly followed.

"Since the little boy said that his father doesn't take care of him often, he should be quite introverted, and he should have the habit of keeping a diary. We can go to his house to find him, maybe we can guess him from the diary and the like. Where to go and what to do next."

   walking in front, relying on Terry's light magic ball, everyone easily passed through the sewer passages.

   Relying on the map's markings, Li Luo fumbled for a moment on the side of a passage, and pressed a palm-sized depression. With a little force, a passage appeared in front of a few people with a click.

   Diana and others seemed to be a bit accustomed to the secret tunnels of this kind of mechanism, and did not show any surprises anymore, they all walked in with a straight face.

   The passage is not long, and at the end is a wooden elevator, which needs to be manually pulled by the rope. Everyone, in pairs, quickly rises to a spacious cellar.

   Climbing up to the cellar, everyone finally walked into the antique shop that they wanted to enter before. What caught their eyes were the broken pottery, calligraphy and painting, and scattered ancient coins.

   "Look for it, everyone."

   Soon, everyone dispersed. Within a quarter of an hour, Robin found a wrinkled diary under the bed in a bedroom. The handwriting was very delicate. Although it was not the boy's, it was the boy's friend.

"Brother Bell, I thought that those people were taking me to do what they were doing. They were just asking me to eat some delicious snacks. The snacks are so delicious. I ate a lot of them, and finally fell asleep... .March 17th----Annie."

"I woke up. There is a special feeling, this feeling is so good, it makes my whole body hot, it is really strange, the big brothers didn't tell me to go, they gave me snacks, I ate a lot, and fell asleep again. ...March 18th----Annie."

   "The big brothers finally let me go today. But I don't want to go, I don't know why. It's strange...April 4th-your good friend Annie."

"Bell, Bell, where have you been? I want to come out with you. I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been? I gave this diary to your father. I hope you can receive it. If you see this diary, come to thirty-two villas in the rich district on May 1st, and join the tea party. I heard that even Tom and John will be there, so remember to come... -------Your dear Annie."

   Seeing this, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly, for no other reason, today is May 1st!

   Li Luo led everyone back into the sewer again. After slaying a few blind monsters, he finally crawled out of a dry well of the poor.

"It's so refreshing and fresh air, I swear at most in my life... the next three times in places like the sewer!" Cam smelled the smell on his body, vomiting as if he was about to spit out the drink, "No , I won't go down once!"

   Robin glanced around, and said lightly: "Stop complaining, Gruul goes to church by himself, and the others go to a group of three to Villa 32."

Soon, the group of three people left the abandoned courtyard. Although Gruul was stupid, he was not too swayed to go out. After covering himself with a huge cloak, he simply took out a smoker. The meat enters the abandoned house and enjoys it.

   Li Luo and Diana and Kasqi were a group. Because they changed their appearance, there was no attack on the road. When they even entered the rich area, the guards kindly gave them a few pieces of candy.

Time is approaching dusk, and inside Villa No. 32, the crystal lamp is already shining brightly at this time. When the three of Li Luo enter the villa under the guidance of several maids, what is eye-catching is one by one. Young and old girls, they danced with laughter, sipped fruit tea and snacks, surrounded by some well-dressed young men and women, the picture is still harmonious and perfect.

   If the person who walks out next is thrown away, everything seems to be no different from a normal party.

   What came out was a monster with a crocodile head and a human body. The long, ferocious mouth seemed to smile like this and greeted everyone, but none of the young girls or young men and women felt the slightest weirdness.

   Li Luo's brows wrinkled immediately. It was obvious that this monster had revealed its identity at the beginning, and he had no time to find the boy.

   Just as he was holding the hands of the two girls to leave, suddenly at this moment, a vigorous, low voice came into his ears.

  The source is the crocodile face.

   "Hehehehe...Look at what we are waiting for, a human whose seeds have not yet exploded in the nine individuals?"

"You are here to hunt monsters, or want to taste the taste of eating the forbidden fruit! Welcome to the old Jim's house. Old Jim is getting old and his health is out of use. Let my lovely babies play with you. Let's play."

   "Speaking of which, has the desire in your heart exploded? Not yet? It doesn't matter, let Old Jim help you."


   Listening to the crocodile monster's words, Li Luo felt a deep and incomparable malice, as well as an unquenchable and uncontrollable evil desire that quickly grew in his heart.

   The scene that appeared in the next moment was even worse.

   After discovering the identities of Li Luo and others, the surrounding young men and women did not make any attacks. They just kissed each other affectionately, and a thick pink mist gushed out of their bodies, which quickly submerged the entire villa.

   "Then, enjoy yourself! Baby. Jiejiejiejiejie......."

After the last sentence of the crocodile monster, the voice began to become shrill. Soon, Li Luo and others discovered that they were in a spring with "gurg~gurg" bubbles, and even a faint warmth came from the spring. It turned out to be a misty hot spring.

   A beautiful woman with a fiery figure slowly walked over from the misty spring.

   It's just this beauty, her complexion looks a little sluggish, but she just walked over so mechanically.


   The beauty used her hands to slice open her chest, dug out the emerald-like heart inside, and then handed it to Li Luo.

   Obviously, this is the so-called "forbidden fruit".

At this time, the weird crocodile's head came out slightly from one side, smiled kindly, and softly ordered: "Eat, eat, it's delicious, after eating this, you won't have any grudges in your heart anymore, you will be all over your body. The heart's experience is what true'love' is."


   Li Luo took a deep breath. The horror tonight is the most powerful one in his life.

   He thought that this city was just a group of succubus and succubus. Now, it may not be anymore.

   eyes, unprecedented seriousness, concentrated on that crocodile face.

"Fallen demons, master the rules of fall, like to play with people's hearts and make people fall. At the same time, they are powerful and natural warriors among demons who like to seduce people after falling, dig out their hearts and swallow them, and are humans who are swallowed by their hearts. It will turn into a monster like the heartbreaker, and it will also become a monster that likes to swallow the hearts of other creatures."

   Li Luo retracted his gaze and looked at the beauty in front of him again.

"The heart of the devil, after the fall, the heart was dug up by the fallen demon, and the soul was trapped in the corpse. He relied on constantly digging out the hearts of other creatures for food. You only need to devour enough hearts to advance from the heartbreaker to the devil. The chest recondenses the heart. After being eaten by the transcendent, it will be transformed into the lowest-level fallen demon."

   When recalling these materials, Li Luo seemed to have felt something, and suddenly raised his head, stepped over the layers of mist, and looked at the entire phantom hot spring.

   Gudu~ Gudu

   A number of figures emerged from under the hot spring.

   A large number of demons and heartbreakers surrounded the nine, including all the young girls who became sluggish.

   These demons walked step by step in the hot spring, staring at Li Luo and others with their lifeless eyes.

   Here, this crocodile is simply the master here, controlling the thoughts of all the demons.

  At this time, Li Luo finally understood why the succubus and the succubus hadn't encountered too much.

   It seems that these demons and heartbreakers should be cultivated in this town, or is it the real purpose of these hidden demons to cultivate fallen demons?

   Now, Li Luo and others have transformed into the seeds of fallen demons.

   The eyes of the nine people suddenly became extremely cold, a few flashes, and they stood together back to back.

   The crocodile demon stretched out its long scarlet tongue, fiercely cut out the chest of a demon-hearted person, swallowed a beating, crystal-clear heart in one bite, and the corners of his mouth slightly aroused.

   "My beauties and handsome guys, the guests don't seem to like your forbidden fruit, so take their hearts out."

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie"

   Amidst the strange laughter, it seemed as if a black breeze was blowing up, causing everyone in the hot spring to cool from their heads to their feet.



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