Overlord Wizard

Chapter 381: Bell's decision

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   Seeing, the nine members of Li Luo are about to be submerged.

   A cold snort sounded suddenly, golden light shining in the mist, Diana's charming face was extremely cold, and a pair of deep eyes appeared, killing intent surging.

Everyone held their weapons in their hands, and there was no time to make any moves. The devilish and heartbreakers were immediately penetrated by golden rays. At this moment, a sacred and solemn breath quickly spread to the surroundings. At the same time, everyone Feeling the evil thoughts in my heart dissipate quickly.

   "Ho **** ho~"

   Obviously, as a monster without a heart, even if it gives birth to a heart, it is hard to hurt its roots after it is penetrated and destroyed. The youths and teenagers in dresses around them still rushed towards the crowd with distorted expressions.

   just moved, the golden flames on their bodies quickly spread, and a bowl-sized blood hole was burned in their hearts during a few breaths, and it was even spreading further.

   Li Luo put on his gloves, and rushed in one direction without hesitation, towards the crocodile monster.

   only greeted him, but it was a low cry of "roar", and even the monsters surrounding the others rushed towards Li Luo.

  The front and back were blocked, and Li Luo seemed to be overwhelmed by monsters.

   Until the "buzz", his hand threw more than 20 silver **** into the air, and the silver light flashed in the air, turning into more than 20 silver spider puppets, and rushed out to the surroundings.

   "Speaking of which, this is the first time that I have refined these hybrid creations of technology and witchcraft on the battlefield."

   Li Luo's brilliant smiling face suddenly confronted the crocodile monster with a brutal and ferocious look in the distance.

   Boom! ........

   Before waiting for the crocodile monster to feel bad, the blazing sun burst in vain, and bursts of energetic shock waves surged in all directions, and the whole villa was frozen for less than a second when viewed outside, and it suddenly turned into a wave of debris.

Not to mention the hot spring illusion, even the blood was evaporated and dried up at this moment. Eight powerful men were standing in place covered in blood, and they were reluctantly guarded by a light curtain of a shell witch by Diana and Kaschi. intermediate.


   The weird screams like a rat's scream suddenly sounded.

The huge body of the crocodile monster was struggling and shaking in the sea of ​​fire. It wanted to cast fel spells, but was submerged by waves of energy particles. The fire waves rolled and burned under the surge of elemental particles. More violent.

   The turbulent elemental power impacted his body several times, disrupting the power of his spreading rules.

   It roared in fierce pain: "Damn reptile, I'm just an insignificant servant of the Lord. You will be soul-lifting one day, and I will watch you suffer all the torture in the twisted void!"


   As an elite among the Tier 4 demons, this crocodile monster obviously has more powerful vitality, stood up and staggered a few steps, fell down, and stood up again.

At the same time, Li Luo and other strong men are not so lucky. Diana and Kasqi are okay, with the surging of elemental particles, leading a few others to escape quickly to one side, but Li Luo is just in a hurry. From the space bag, he took out a black gold bell-like magic weapon, barely blocking the first round of impact.

   The whole person turned into a human-shaped coke, but fortunately, he was lifted to the end of the fire wave, and took a breath temporarily.

   Devil, this monster, the difficulty in the battle is reflected.

   They have a strong physique, and with some burnt flesh and blood, they can recover quickly.

   A few people discovered with horror that the crocodile monster gradually recovered from the flesh and blood that had devoured other monsters, without killing the demon in the first place.

   must hurry up!

   Diana crossed her hands, floating in the air, chanting soprano witchcraft.


   With a high-pitched cry, the golden light was released between the hands and crossed, and a golden beam of light the size of a washbasin shot out. When it reached the body of the giant crocodile, a strange scene happened.

   A red golden light began to bloom, like a blooming golden flame, quickly spreading around the crocodile monster.

   Wherever he went, the crocodile monster's body immediately stiffened.

Although the light hits the body of the giant crocodile and spews turbulent evil energy, the red golden light is like the nemesis of evil energy. Seven golden leaves bloom, like a seven-leaf lotus flower, slowly rotating, at the same time Layers of whispers like gods sounded superimposed, filling every corner of the surroundings.

   The evil energy on the crocodile is undoubtedly useless. In just one second, it is like a dumb firecracker, instantly extinguished.

   Li Luo gradually recovered a little, drank a few bottles of healing potions, looked at the crocodile monster's half-kneeled body, frowning.

   Obviously, Diana used the forbidden curse in the inheritance to make the devil soul repent of the ‘sigh of sin’.

   This spell is very useful for dealing with severely wounded demons. Maybe Diana has just accepted this inheritance and cannot really make the demons repent, but there is absolutely no problem controlling it for a while.

"Ah! What did Jim do? How did I become what I am now?...I am a devil, and this beautiful world will be in my bag after all! I want to conquer this world!.. ..... No! I am a retired mercenary, I shouldn't do this! ... Those **** nobles have defiled my daughter, I must have revenge, I want strength! Ah!"

   The crocodile monster gradually stood up in the hoarse roar. Unlike this, his eyes were not emotional at all this time, and he stared at a few people with cold eyes.

   But just as the crocodile monster stood up, a colorful glow quickly swept from behind.

   At this time, Li Luo seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly his expression changed.


A pair of palms wrapped in colorful glow slammed into the back of the crocodile, stirred for a moment, and then "chill", a boy rushed to one side, and a dark, squirming light ball appeared in his hand. .

When the light ball was taken out of the crocodile, an extremely frightened voice came immediately~www.readwn.com~ This is its original evil energy, mixed with the delicacy and delicacy of many living human hearts that he has swallowed over the years. soul. It gets pleasure from torturing these souls every day, the nature of the devil becomes stronger and stronger, and the darkness in its heart becomes purer.

   "How is it possible, how can you easily break through my flesh..."

   The crocodile monster's voice gradually lowered, and his body gradually turned into a rotten old man, falling to the ground.

  Unfortunately, what Li Luo felt at this moment was that evil energy began to bloom on Bell, as if it was about to swallow him in the next moment.


   Bell didn't mean to surrender at all, he snorted coldly, his hands burst into a colorful glow without hesitation, and he tried to absorb this group of evil spirits.

   "Power!" A fierce look appeared on the childish face, and he looked at Diana: "Two big sisters, help me this time!"

   Drops of cold sweat dripped from Bell's forehead, and a strong black air appeared on his body. He looked at Diana and Kaschi.

   "Help him." Li Luo sighed slightly and stood up: "We don't have a second choice."

Diana's face changed: "But..." Caskey shook her head at this time and sighed: "It's exactly the same story as the ancient queen told me. I hope you don't become the next nightmare, little brother. Devil!"

Soon, the turbulent golden flames drowned the little boy down, the colorful glow and the purple black evil light interweaved and surged, and the two circling energies rose towards the sky, and a colorful tornado glowing in black and purple began to fill up. Raged in the ruins of the land.



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