Overlord Wizard

Chapter 382: Bell's growth

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   Tornadoes started raging here, and the golden flames burned the impurities in the soaring dream energy. Kazki poured water of shining light toward Bell with a solemn expression, and the soaring unidentified aura of Bell began to slowly stagnate.

   The golden flames began to spread, burning all the dead monsters into ashes, turning into a stream of milky white spirits mixed with black air currents and rushing towards Bell, and the little boy began to transform at this moment.

   The two diametrically opposed energy breaths of fear and pleasure are intertwined at this moment, the tornado becomes bigger and bigger, the purple-black nightmare energy is getting stronger, and the unknown breath is skyrocketing again in the little boy.

And at this moment, the little boy’s chest burst into a dazzling colorful glow, a dreamlike colorful fruit at this moment turned into a stronger colorful energy to wrap up the little boy, purple-black energy Began to be suppressed gradually.

A lot of people came from a distance, guards, wealthy merchants, and mercenaries in leather armors. Their expressions were very strange at this time. They stared at the tornado in front of them, their eyes gradually became feverish, and their bodies began to emerge. A wave of weak evil energy, and then, these people's bodies seemed to be fuel-like, hulling, a wave of evil energy instantly skyrocketed.

   Like cult members who set themselves on fire, these people rushed towards Bell frantically.


   In mid-air, there were more than twenty silver spider puppets. A silver bomb appeared in the barrel of the gun. The light flashed, and the bomb came to the crowd in an instant like a displacement.

   rumbling! ......

   Dense explosions, mixed with flying stumps and broken arms, even some people were blown into two pieces, still crawling in the direction of Bell frantically.

   Zi Zi Zi!

   The turbulent golden flames instantly swallowed these people, turning them into a faintly black spirit group and flew towards Bell.

   Bell's breath grew more and more, and his body began to gradually suppress the power of the nightmare with the help of the dream fruit. With the help of Kaski and Diana, he began to smelt and purify it, turning it into a strong source of dream energy and absorbing it into the body.

   "La la la la!"

But at this moment, a little girl in a red skirt walked over from a distance. She was wearing a ponytail, and she looked like twelve or thirteen years old. She looked innocent and cute. She held a teddy bear in her hand, step by step. Walked towards Bell.

   "Brother Bell, what are you doing? Let's play together!"

   The little girl showed two dimples and smiled slightly at Bell. Bell's breath suddenly stagnated at this moment, staring at the little girl, but there was no other movement.

   "Anne..." Bell looked at the little girl with tears in his eyes, "Anne, what did they do to you? I can feel that you are even more evil than the breath of the crocodile just now!"

At this time, Anne held the teddy bear and looked at Bell, with a touch of sadness in her eyes: "They didn't do anything. The big brothers treated Anne very well. They gave Anne strength. In fact, they are not what people say, they are just The power he grasps is biased towards the dark, but in fact it is a group of very kind big brothers."

   "Brother Bell has always been lonely? Join us, brothers are very kind to every little brother and little sister."

   Annie's voice seemed to have an extremely bewitching power, and the constant ringing in Bell's ear made him feel in a trance, and her eyes were filled with deep confusion.

   "Brother Bell, the colorful power on you is really annoying, let me help you disperse them."

   Annie walked towards Bell step by step, touching the edge of the colorful tornado with her hand.

   "Stop it!" Li Luo yelled as he saw this, cold in his heart.

   Reagan and the others don’t need to say, the weapon in their hands has already been aimed at this weird little girl, a cylindrical fire wave broke out in an instant, and the ultimate explosive bomb of Reagan’s ultimate skill exploded with unprecedented power at this moment.


The fire wave cleared, but Annie appeared on the other side of the tornado with tears in her eyes: "Brother Bell, look at these savage guys and want to kill you. Let's go quickly, or even Annie will be too today. Die here with you."

   Obviously, this Annie not only escaped the attack, her strength was still above Li Luo's expectations!

  A dazzling dark green light appeared in Annie's eyes, and her voice seemed to carry some weird rules, penetrating layers of dream energy, and pierced into Bell's ears.

   Suddenly, a purple-black light appeared in Bell's eyes, and his aura began to become distorted and dark at this moment, and the black-purple nightmare energy began to grow stronger.

   "Damn it!" Menbo cursed secretly, holding two short swords, like arrows from the string, and instantly came to the little girl, and a sword smashed it.

   But what greeted him was a slightly thin little hand. After pinching his neck, Menpo lost his resistance like a frustrated ball.

   "Dare you do something to my Annie?" Bell's voice was extremely cold, staring at Menbo, as if he was about to break his neck in the next moment.

   "Brother Bell, this guy is really bad, and he wants to kill me, kill him!" An unidentifiable sneer appeared on the corner of Annie's mouth, and she stretched out her hand to Bell's arm.

"not good!"

   Li Luo was shocked, if he let this unknown person see the first drop of blood, he would inevitably be unstoppable, completely accept the nightmare energy, plus the nourishment of the dream energy, he would definitely become an unimaginable monster!

   A few bounty hunters saw this, their feet were faster, and they rushed not far from Annie almost instantly.

   "It's a bunch of nasty bugs!" Annie swept her eyes coldly at Reagan and the others, and threw the teddy bear in her arms with her hand.

   The teddy bear burned a dazzling green flame in the air, swelled in an instant, and turned into a giant bear about ten meters in size in the air and pressed towards several people.


   The giant bear landed and smashed into a two-meter-deep giant pit. Several people felt a hurricane rushing forward, and they all flew out.

   "What the **** is this!"

   Reagan yelled after standing up, and before he could make any movement, he saw a shadow covering him.

   looked up, a giant bear burning with dark green fel flames, raised his hand and slapped it over.

   "It's over!"

   At this time, Reagan completely gave up the resistance, and the bear's paw was less than a foot away from him.

   But at this moment, the giant bear let out a miserable roar, the entire giant bear quickly shrank, and finally turned into a teddy bear and fell on the spot.

   "You are not Annie, at least not the Annie I know..."

  In the distance, Bell's hand has been released from Menbo's neck, and he pinched Annie's arm. Blooming dazzling colorful light.

"The Anne I know is so kind. Once because a rich man kicked and injured a stray dog, I begged me to heal the dog..." Bell's eyes gradually strengthened, "Even if that Anne is dead, I will To create a world with Annie again!"

   Bell muttered to himself, the colorful glow on his body was flourishing, and the nightmare energy coiled around his body was gradually burned by the golden flames, turning into a stream of colorful energy pouring into the little boy's body.

Annie seemed to feel something, her face finally showed fear that was incompatible with her age, but no matter how she broke free, it was of no avail~www.readwn.com~ Bell’s breath finally reached a critical point at this moment, and colorful flames burst into her hands. Submerged Annie in an instant.

   Anne was roaring, and gradually turned into a stream of colorful light, and gradually condensed into a little girl in linen clothes. 78 Chinese debut https://https://

   After Bell saw Annie whose breath had changed drastically, he finally revealed the childish innocence that should belong to him.

   "Annie, let's go, I'll take you to a wonderful world." Bell said so, and Annie nodded heavily.

   Then, Bell turned around and glanced at the messy ground around him, his gaze fixed on Li Luo: "My benefactor, the goddess sister wants me to take you, let's go."

   His voice fell, and a colorful light burst out from his body, and then the colorful light rolled over the nine people, and everyone disappeared on the ruins.

   In the misty time, when Li Luo and others saw things clearly, they had already come to a beautiful mountain range. 78 Chinese Premiere

   Giant bears, elk and pandas with wings fluttered in mid-air, grinning at Li Luo and others.

"Let's go, this is the boundary between the dream world and the nightmare world. The dream goddess told me that only by capturing the nightmare city a dozen miles away can I take you to the node of the fel secret realm." Bell glanced at Li Luo. , Shrugged and said.

   And at this moment, a weird roar sounded in the distance, a dozen meters in size, a chest cavity completely split, and rows of sharp-toothed monsters, rumblingly walked over here.

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