Overlord Wizard

Chapter 407: Encounter fight

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"Perfect level golden jade liquid!" A dozen Ke Qing all showed an expression that could not be calm, and their faces were filled with indescribable desire.

Yafei, who was not far away from Li Luo, licked her jade lips, and stepped lightly to the side carefully.

"Jin Jade Liquid, also known as Marrow Washing Liquid. It can wash one's martial arts talents. The higher the quality of Jin Jade Liquid, the better it will wash the body."

"That's it." Li Luo touched his chin, and drank the golden jade liquid in the flask in his hand after a while.

Feeling the itching sensation in his body like ten thousand ants gnawing, even his complexion changed.

"It looks like you have to accept me as a guest." Li Luo moved his neck while enduring the itch, while looking at the dozens of guest qings around him with a smile.

"Of course!" The eyes of the headed Ke Qing almost flashed green light, like a rat who has been hungry for a long time.

"Mr. Li Luo, right?" The headed Ke Qing quickly took out a registration form, "The Chief Pharmacist Guest Qing is none other than you! So, look, can you also try to refine these formulas?"

After Li Luo took the medicine formula and recorded it with a mechanical heart, his eyes were immediately surprised.

"Bloodline reconciling stock solution can reconcile the hidden bloodline power of the body. Although the bloodline power will decrease sharply after taking it, it can minimize the bloodline rejection for people with multiple bloodline powers. Even long-term use can make Fusion of multiple bloodlines."

"The potion of brutal beast power can permanently increase a person's strength."

"The Unicorn Kiss Potion can permanently enhance a person's ability to cast spells."


Looking at the formulas of several medicines, there were three that were exactly what he needed urgently.

Regardless of how powerful Li Luo is now, but the transformation of his own bloodline is somewhat of a hidden danger, and he dared not use his bloodline power when fighting, for fear that his own sacred beast bloodline would mutate and become difficult to control.

But if this bloodline and original solution were refined, it would be different.

"Okay. Let me try." Li Luo nodded, looking at the unique aura of several people, his eyes condensed, and a hint of desire was also revealed.

"The so-called kiss of the unicorn is probably the evolving potion of the blood of the unicorn..."

Feeling the unique breath of many Keqings, Li Luo muttered to himself, and quickly reported his name, and briefly met a dozen of them.

"I'm ashamed to say, the most important ingredient in this bloodline blending liquid is that we don't have much left in the Hundred Treasure League. So...if you want to refine it, you have to wait for a while." Ya Feilian Stepping over, the expression on his face was overjoyed.

"Then, everyone." Li Luo's face gradually became serious, "As the pharmacist of Baibao League, I can't drink this bottle of Jinyuye for nothing, right? Next, give me a separate laboratory, and I will give you Each person refines a portion of this marrow lotion."

"Okay!" Asner headed shook his hand slightly, and quickly handed Li Luo a key, "The innermost laboratory, room 105."

One hour later, inside the laboratory.

Li Luo looked at a bottle of pale yellow liquid in his hand, and beside him was the little fairy Pepel, holding a rhizome of a golden plant, and his hands were shining with patterns like runes.

After about an hour, Li Luo looked at the bottles of various liquids in front of him, looking a little unbelievable.

Prior to this, Li Luo had been using soul condensing potions to enhance Pepel’s ability. What he never expected was that after several years of training, this little family could directly extract the essence of Tier 4 magic grass, even reaching perfection. The level status.

"It's amazing, no wonder those ancient wizards are willing to sign a contract with you fairies..." Li Luo shook his head and couldn't help sighing.

Pepper flew back to Li Luo's arms, stretched out his head and replied lazily: "This kind of ability cannot be more common in our fairy world. If it weren't for the level of medicine to be too high to reflect my value, I just paid it back. I really want to get out and show my hand." Yuba, the little fairy got into the robe.

Looking at the magic grassland liquid in front of him, Li Luo muttered to himself: "I'm afraid that an average Tier 4 pharmacist who uses this kind of perfect liquid medicine to refine it will easily reach my standard for refining that golden jade liquid. "

Secretly shook his head, Li Luo started refining.


A month later, in the depths of the wild forest, a figure in black leather armor was walking on foot.

This person is unusually handsome, but he does not lose his sense of mighty power. It is not someone else, it is Li Luo who is not fake.

"Big man, I can already feel a breath of magic grass!"

In Li Luohuai, Pepper's cry was heard, and there was a bulge in front of his chest. Pepper came out and landed on his shoulder.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Li Luo flipped his hand, and two dark iron blocks emerged out of thin air, tied to his back.


With a muffled noise, the ground under Li Luo's feet suddenly cracked and collapsed more than a foot within a few meters.

"You wizard is really weird. Obviously the spells are terribly powerful, and you still have to practice physical skills." Pepper clicked his mouth, his eyes secretly aimed at Li Luo's back, "Hey, I said you are too exaggerated, back. With a load of 500 kilograms, really... okay?"

Li Luo glanced at Peper, who was swallowing drool on his shoulder, and took out a bottle of soul condensing potion and handed it over: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and show the way, I just drank the potion of brute force and the kiss of the unicorn. Now that the powerful spellcasting bloodline factor of the unicorn is in conflict with the genetic fusion of our human race, this repulsion must be wiped out as soon as possible!"

Peppel curled his lips: "Well, Rongmaigrass, the main material of that bloodline blending potion, seems to be ten kilometers northwest of here."

Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words: "I found it so soon?"

"I am a famous fairy! The man who will become the fairy king in the future!"

Pepper looked angry, his small face suddenly wrinkled, and it looked a bit funny.

"You guy." Li Luo yelled with a smile, put away his load and hurried to that direction.

Just after running five kilometers away, Li Luo had a body shape, and looked at each other with Pepper, both of which were surprised by the other's eyes.

One kilometer away, UU reading www.uukānshu. There was a sound of fighting from the com, and it was also vaguely mixed with the crisp sound of weapons colliding.

Although it is a kilometer away, Pepper and Li Luo can hear clearly under the strong mental perception, and it is the two gangs who are fighting each other!

"Listening to this voice, it seems that someone is fighting, and there seems to be a lot of people." Li Luo took out the newt sword and slowly moved closer, Pepper quickly got into his leather armor.

Even if Li Luodang flew away quietly, he came to the vicinity not long after, and saw a clearing where more than a dozen knights were fighting with each other.

These people are mostly Tier 3 earth knights, but the things they hold in their hands are real enchanted weapons. Judging from their clothes, they seem to be divided into two factions, and they are fighting together.

But everyone on one side was wearing green leather armor, and under the infusion of vindictiveness, the weapon in his hand flashed with red light, and the scarlet sword light, mixed with fireballs, shot towards the other group.

On the other side, there seemed to be a larger number of people, but the people on the other side had a slightly inferior aura, and their weapons were also lower, and they looked more like some wandering knights.

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