Overlord Wizard

Chapter 408: Red-haired woman and Melting Vein Grass

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"Unexpectedly, you can find Rongmaigrass outside the wild forest, brothers, be cleaner, don't let the fat sheep you get lost!" A big bearded man in black leather armor looked at the big knights on the opposite side. A bright red magic grass ten meters away, a scorching light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, the nine wandering knights on the side of the beard had a dark bead in their hands, but seeing a flash of grudge in their hands, they suddenly threw the bead towards the six knights on the opposite side.

A few pitch-black beads swelled instantly under the infusion of grudge. When they reached the opposite side, they made a muffled sound, and in a blink of an eye they turned into pitch-black mists, enveloping the six great knights.

"Elder, be careful, this is a defeated bullet!"

"Damn it, Hilna! You guys pull out that Melting Vessel, we split up and run away!" Among the six knights, the leading man covered his nose, glanced at the red-haired woman beside him, and exclaimed.

"But! Elder!" Hilna wanted to say something, but then she felt that she was pushed hard, and she had already slid back for more than 30 meters under a stagger.

Seeing the flash of fire in the surrounding black mist, Hilna didn't dare to hesitate, turned around and pulled out the magic grass, and rushed out to the distance.

"Little, bitch, son! Where can I escape!"

Immediately, the flames exploded in the black fog, and after a burst of rumbling, only a miserable howl was heard, the black fog surged, and a few weird sounds, and the nine wandering knights rushed out like cheetahs.

Hilna hadn't ran a few hundred meters. When she heard the miserable howling, her face suddenly paled, but she didn't delay her, and her speed increased by more than 30%.

But the wandering knight behind him took out a bottle of black and red potion and drank it in one sip. The speed increased by more than 50%.

In almost 30 seconds, the nine wandering knights surrounded the woman again.

"Hahahaha..." The headed man with a beard smiled wildly, and looked at the woman's proud curve unscrupulously, with a look of bad intentions.

The other wandering knights are also like hungry wolves, as if they saw a delicious sheep.

"No, I'm still useful to you!" The girl shivered and leaned against the tree. "This Rongmaigrass has extremely demanding requirements for the growth environment, and it only emits this faint musky smell when it reaches maturity."

Li Luo frowned slightly looking at the direction in which Hina was fleeing. Then a faint layer of mental power spread to the surroundings, and instantly enveloped the woman and these wandering knights.

next moment.

These people seemed to be drunk, with blurred eyes, and gradually fell to the ground.

Li Luo slowly floated in front of the woman, and slowly collected the Melting Vein Grass in her hand into her own space bag, and then flew towards the depths of the wild forest.

"Hey, big man, you should take the human woman behind you."

At this time, Pepel flew out of Li Luo's arms and shouted.

Li Luo hesitated when he heard the words, and nodded: "It's okay, in this way, it also counts as an extra good helper."

Immediately, he returned the same way, and gently held his hand towards the distant woman. The woman floated out of thin air and was caught by a giant hand of lavender energy.

Li Luo dragged the woman, and disappeared in this dense forest for a few breaths.


That night.

It was too quiet, and the original sound of wind and cicadas seemed to have disappeared, spreading in the **** air from time to time.

After a day’s journey, Li Luo gained a new understanding of the areas hardest hit by the devastation. At the end of this day, there were no fewer than three surprise attacks by the Shadow Blade Demon, let alone other demons.

In the night sky, a gleam of light pierced through the densely covered dead branches and leaves on the tree, and reflected in the pupils of a bird. Then, the dark clouds slowly began to exit the sky, showing the moon bit by bit, along with a burst of wings. The fan broke the silence of the forest.

Looking up at the moon in front of him, Li Luo's heart seemed to be severely grabbed. The whole moon was bright red, like a blood moon. But he clearly remembered that he couldn't see this **** moon at all in an area controlled by the human race.

An inexplicable panic emerged slightly, making Li Luo feel a little irritable.

"Hello, noble sage, I have cooked the flesh and blood of that pig beast."

Shivana's vigorous and proud body walked slowly, holding a pot of stew in her hand, gently laying it on the newly cut wooden stake.

Li Luo gave a hum, and secretly gave an order to Mechanical Heart.

"Scan to see if the food is poisonous and if there are strong hallucinogenic drugs."

Soon, the voice of Mechanical Heart rang in his mind: "The subject needs a mouthful of soup liquid."

Li Luo held a sip of the broth, listening to the analysis of Mechanical Heart after a while, finally showed a relaxed look on his face.

Soon, after confirming that Shivana was okay, the two gobbled up all the food, cleaning up all the food, and placing a few alarm robots before Li Luo sat opposite Shivana.

"Shivana. The guest of the Fujichun League, this time I followed the captain to the wild forest to find the precious magic grass. Not surprisingly, this operation was probably completed in a sure manner. Am I right?" Li Luo looked at Shiva. Na, said calmly.

"Yes. Yes. Honorable sage. But I don't think that it is a wise move for you to take me into the depths of the wild forest." Shivana bowed and bowed, although she still started to talk. Stuttering, but his face calmed down at the end.

"Yeah." Li Luo nodded lightly: "I heard that you can find Rongmaigrass that is close to maturity?"

"Yes." Shivana nodded and admitted, "but you don't seem to have searched for the ability to find Rongmai Grass."

Li Luo looked at the red-haired Shivana and chuckled lightly: "Compared to your abilities, I like your craftsmanship more."

Immediately, in Sivana's gaze, Li Luo went directly into a built tent, and soon there was a rhythmic snoring sound inside the tent.

"Is this going to sleep?" Shivana couldn't believe it, "This guy doesn't even look at my abilities!"

The last sentence was almost yelled out, and Shivana quickly covered her mouth.

Seeing that there was no change in the tent, Shivana was a little anxious, and was a little speechless for a while, and finally set up a tent and got in.

The next day, when Li Luo dissipated the faint air pressure ~www.readwn.com~ the surrounding insects and birds gradually began to sing, accompanied by the sound of gurgling water echoing in the breeze for a long time.

"What a fascinating feeling!"

Li Luo walked out of the tent, looked at the birds and flowers around him, slowly closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

The two quickly finished washing with stream water. Before Shivana could say anything, Li Luo lightly touched the armrest, and the two slowly flew up, breaking into the air towards the distance. ,

"Hey! You guy, it's over there!" Shivana didn't dare to break free, so she had to pinch her firmly with her huge energy hand and shouted.

"I know." Li Luo nodded lightly, and continued: "There are several spirit races over there. They are being besieged by the wandering knights who killed your companion yesterday. Let's go and take a look."

"It's those craps!?" Shivana brushed her face and became fierce. "Please let me down, this time I must solve them by myself!"

"Okay, bloody." Li Luo nodded appreciatively, with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth: "However, not now, I want to take a closer look at the fighting skills and abilities of the spirit race in this world."

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