Overlord Wizard

Chapter 413: Ten Thousand Beast Cave

"Anyway, I heard from the chief that the newly grown giant brave must wait for a powerful human being here." The mountain giant's accent gradually became clear, "I have been waiting here for more than ten years, and no human being can fight me so much. This round, you must be the one I was waiting for~!"

"Huh?" Li Luo was stunned, then relieved.

Isn't my purpose anyway to obtain the blood of this mountain giant?

"So, you mean to follow me?"

Li Luo raised his brows and smiled.

"Of course, I am suffocating in this forest. From now on you will be my...brother!" The voice of the mountain giant became ambiguous again, but Li Luo still heard the meaning clearly.

"Brother?" Li Luo glanced at the underdeveloped giant and smiled: "Our human race is based on intelligence. I am smarter than you and should be your brother."

"However, our mountain giants are based on strength to judge generations!" The mountain giants did not back down.

"Your power doesn't seem to run over me, right?" Li Luo moved his neck, and a wave of energy pressure began to spread to the surroundings, "The power is close, shouldn't you be smarter than anyone!?"

"Huh?" the mountain giant screamed, "it seems to be the case."

Li Luo shook his head, somewhat speechless with the intelligence of this creature.

"Let's go.",

Soon, Li Luo sat on the shoulders of the mountain giant, and the three spirit races and Hilna followed the mountain giant far behind, shaking hands all the way, until three days later, a giant cave was opened in Li Luo. , It returned to normal.

"Hey, big man. Does the Ten Thousand Beast Cavern you mentioned really have a lot of this kind of fusion vein grass?" Li Luo asked, jumping off the mountain giant.

"Of course, big brother." The mountain giant laughed a few times, "My strength was raised from the Ten Thousand Beast Cavern by stealing the Melting Vein Grass."

"Oh." Li Luo nodded, "What is the strength of the monsters in the Ten Thousand Beast Cave? If I go, will I have a chance to take out this herbal medicine?

The mountain giant stood up and stared at Li Luo: "You really are the one I'm waiting for! Hearing from the chief, after the sage met the mountain giant of the tribe, this is the first place he went to. Ten Thousand Beast Cave!"

"Hi!" Li Luo took a breath: "How did your chief know?"

The mountain giant touched his head, he who was not smart, thought for a while, and said quickly: "The chief is the chief!"

"Well, when I didn't ask." Li Luo thought to himself that after the operation was over, he must go to the tribe of this big guy to take a look.

"Big Brother is really going to Ten Thousand Beast Cave?" After the Mountain Giant's stubborn lingua franca uttered, he immediately smashed his chest, "I'll go with you!"

"Yes, I have already decided." Li Luo smiled.

"Then we have to go quickly." The mountain giant roared out in front of Hilna and the three spirit races. "Those guys in the Ten Thousand Beast Cave are very powerful. Even if I was besieged by them, they would Hematemesis, if I remember correctly, a few days later it will be the night of the full moon. These guys will fall asleep, and at the same time their strength will drop. If we want to get the Melting Vein Grass inside, we have to move fast. There is a distance from here. There are several mountains."

"Yeah." Li Luo nodded, and turned to look at a dozen clones: "You and Hilna and others continue to go deep into the wild forest and meet here in three months."

Immediately, Li Luo stopped delaying, and followed up with a flash: "Hey, big guy, I haven't asked your name yet!"

"My name...what's my name?" The mountain giant stopped and smashed his head with his fist.

Li Luo jumped on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Since you are as hard as a diamond, call you Diamond Bobby."

"Bobby? Bobby... Bobby!" The mountain giant laughed strangely: "Good name! My name is Bobby!"

At this moment, the mountain giant seemed to have taken stimulants, and a violent storm was born out of thin air, like a tank, rushing out in one direction.

Wherever he went along the way, the earth and rocks collapsed, the trees broke, and the corner of Li Luo's eyes jumped wildly. This kind of power was completely indistinguishable from spells, and it swept here with reckless power.

Three days later.

In front of a mountain range full of ancient trees, a huge figure roared over.

On the shoulders of the giant, stood a young man in a black robe with a handsome face. It was Li Luo.

The mountains towering into the clouds, and the white mist spreading, from time to time there was a roar of beasts, and a few white cranes and fire phoenix birds could be seen flying out of it, giving people a unique natural beauty.

"That's it, big brother, be careful. If the moon is completely round tonight, we have a chance." The mountain giant stubbornly said this, and walked towards a distant fruit forest, "Bobbyc Don't want to fight them hungry!"

Seeing the mountain giant walking away, Li Luo said that he would converge here at night, and then he was looking for a stalk of magic grass in the surrounding forest.

The other materials of the original solution of blood fusion are also very precious. Although Li Luo has obtained a few by virtue of the identity of Ke Qing, the rest are all rare herbs, and he has to look for them in the depths of this wild forest.

As a result, before he could climb a few kilometers of ancient woods, a few white glows flew from a distance and fell towards a small lake not far away from different directions.

Several figures wore different leather armors, and their entire bodies exuded billowing life energy. Obviously, it was the Sky Knight.

Li Luo looked along, frowning. One of these people is wearing a yellow leather armor, and each of the two leather armors has a black skull printed on the wrist~www.readwn.com~ Although the other people's leather armors are of different colors, they all have their own inscriptions on their wrists. With a silver skull printed on it, it seems that several people should come from the same organization.

Immediately, Li Luo disappeared and moved closer to them.

"Meet Young Master Karen!"

After a few figures stood still, they hurriedly bowed to the yellow leather armor figure.

"Yeah." After the yellow leather armor figure stood still, he nodded, and after a round glance, his brows were slightly raised.

"There should be a mountain giant near here. You can find it separately. Sprinkle the powder on the fruit tree. You will surely be stunned. When the deity kills it, you will get the Diamond Heart. You can definitely ask Master Toros to refine it. Make a top sacred artifact!" Karen glanced around, his face full of greed.


Several silhouettes shot out towards the distance, and quickly disappeared in this ancient forest.

After a while, Karen jumped directly onto an ancient tree, sat cross-legged, and began to close his eyes to rest up.

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