Overlord Wizard

Chapter 414: Behind the scenes

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Bobby was enjoying the pleasure of taste in the fruit forest. The fresh and tender fruit juice dripped from the corners of his mouth, mixed with green leaves, and with its round head, it looked cute and funny.

"Poppy, the fruit forest in the distance was drugged by a few humans..." Li Luo concealed his figure, walked slowly behind Bobby, and said.

"Hahahaha." The mountain giant's unique language expressed something, and then walked away.

After letting the mountain giant go far, Li Luo returned to Karen and waited quietly.

After a while, several of his men returned.

"Young Master. The mountain giant was full and ran away..." a few tall and thin young men under her whispered.

"Huh. A bunch of trash." Karen jumped down from the tree and continued: "Forget it, it's just a holy artifact, the beasts that stun the Ten Thousand Beast Cave are our business!"


"Yeah." Karen looked at some of his subordinates respectfully and nodded in satisfaction, "How about the experimental products?"

"Don't worry, the young master, those experimental items are very normal now." One of the short subordinates said quickly.

"If this is the case, our Mogu Cult finally takes control of this holy demon bloodline! Hahahaha..." Karen said, then laughed wildly.

"After the young master evolves, the world will be invincible, and the Mortan world will be unified!"

Several people looked at each other, their eyes flashed, nodded, and said loudly.


Li Luojing quietly watched a good show by these people and shook his head.

If the blood of the devil is so easy to control, there won't be so many demons who lose their will and only know how to kill. Analyzing from the perspective of bloodline, the bloodline of the devil is very corrosive. Even if it does not change at the time, problems will occur sooner or later as time goes on!

That night.

Karen opened his eyes from the meditation, and several of his men returned.

"Young Master, the high-level monsters should have been stunned."

"Yeah." Karen stood up and walked in one direction.

Behind them, Li Luo followed closely behind them, not walking more than ten kilometers. A huge mountain range appeared in front of him. In the middle of the mountain range, there was a huge hole with a radius of 50 meters. There was a loud noise of snoring.

At this point, even Pepel in Li Luo's arms couldn't help but get out of his head.

"Hey, big guy. There are a lot of Rongmai Grass inside!" Peppel reminded him in a low voice, and then quickly retracted his head.

"Yes." Li Luo looked at the cave, "this so-called Melting Vein Grass, it seems that the nutrients it absorbs are the blood of these high-level monsters."

Seeing a few people walk into the Ten Thousand Beast Cave, Li Luo didn't immediately follow him. Recalling the look of Karen's men before, he felt that things would definitely not be that simple.

He first made a circle around the dense forest near the cave, and after confirming that there was no defensive monster, he walked into the cave quietly with the help of the cover of the rock, staring closely at the monster lying on the ground and snoring, a little hesitated, once again Take out some drugs from the space bag.

When passing by these monsters, Li Luo sprinkled the drug on their noses. Since they were colorless and tasteless, it went smoothly.

In this way, Li Luo gave some more drugs to these monsters, while following the footprints of those people, walking towards the depths.


There was a crisp sound.

Li Luo stiffened, looking at the broken animal bones under his feet, cursing his own bad luck.

In the darkness, a Tier 3 monster shifted its gaze, but after not discovering anything, it had to turn its gaze back with some doubts, and fell asleep again. With the eyes of the stars, everything around him came into Li Luo's eyes, and his eyes swept towards the bones of the beast. Almost at the same time, Pepel in Li Luo's arms came out.

It pointed under the beast bone, and its small mouth was bluffing. Without Peper's reminder, Li Luo had already broken the beast bone, and a fusion vein grass that was overwhelmed to the ground came into view of the two of them.

Carefully harvest this fusion vein grass, and Li Luo continued on.

The interior of the deep and spacious caves seemed to be smaller caves. Looking at these caves, Li Luo had to sigh in his heart that this monster has reached a high level, and obviously has some intelligence and learned how to live in groups.

When thinking about the utility of Rongmai Grass, Li Luo suddenly became enlightened.

"Yes. Whether it is giants, humans or monsters, they can improve their own strength through the Fusion Vein Grass, so someone will definitely know how to cultivate these Fusion Vein Grass." Li Luo touched his chin, muttering in his heart, "So It seems that the intelligence of these monsters is really not so high! Or... there is a big man behind this, who harvests waves of Melting Vein Grass in the cave every once in a while?"

Thinking of this, Li Luo secretly became wary.

He became more careful. Along the way, inside the caves, there were high-level monsters. Along the way, because of the magic trick of light body art, he did not make any other noises except for the slight breathing.

Almost every time he passed a cave, Li Luo would give these monsters a new drug.

After passing through the caves, three more Rongmaigrass were obtained. After a long while, they walked to a fork in the road.

Frowning looking at the two side roads and seeing the footprints on one side road, Li Luo pondered for a moment. He walked in carefully towards the fork of another passage, which was quite tortuous. Li Luo turned his feet several times, and as he walked in more and more, he suddenly realized that the humidity around him was getting bigger and bigger, and in the dim, murmurs came from time to time in his ears, accompanied by intoxication. The feeling made him start to be in a trance.


"The subject is affected by hallucinogenic fog."

Hearing the alarm from the Mechanical Heart, Li Luo suddenly woke up, holding his breath, his eyes were bright with purple light, and then he locked a void.

Saw him with a flick of his finger, and this phantom mist instantly collapsed with a purple-red ray, and the road ahead suddenly became clear.

What caught your eye was a long corridor with ferocious monsters painted on the walls of the corridor. Li Luo watched it carefully for a moment, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

These monsters glowed with black light ~www.readwn.com~ like living creatures. Judging from their dark armor, they were obviously dark creatures. When he focused on the giant snake portrayed by the metal door at the end of the corridor, he finally A little moved.

"Molas Serpent!" Li Luo was startled and almost shouted: "It is the Moras Serpent in the world of Purgatory, and the son of Purgatory in that world!"


Li Luo looked at the surrounding murals in shock, and finally took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly.

Before he could move, he felt a bang not far away, followed by the roar of sky-shaking beasts one after another, and the demon-like demonic energy fluctuations swaying around.

Li Luo was taken aback, and with a few flashes at once, he exited this passage, not forgetting to flick his fingers towards the void before. After a purple glow, the surrounding white mist was amiable, obviously the psychedelic array was restored. Up.

Just as he had just finished all this and exited the passage, the metal door at the end of the passage creaked, and a dark-faced man in a black robe walked out of it.

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