Overlord Wizard

Chapter 428: Melt?

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"Hilna. Take pictures of a few blood ganoderma or even higher-level elixir for me. I don't need ready-made medicines, I can refine them myself."

Putting down these words, Li Luo quickly passed Hina and walked towards a corner of the auction infield.

Hilna looked at Li Luo sitting in the corner, her eyes flashed for a moment, her face showed a trace of struggle, and then she seemed to have thought of something, her expression happy.

Under the gaze of so many fiery eyes, several beautiful women walked to help the sales desk. Before them, a middle-aged fat man in a robes arched his hands at the surrounding guests with a smile on his face.

"Guests, welcome to my Wan Ling auction. I hope you all return with satisfaction today."

The fat man said a few opening remarks with a smile, stopped talking nonsense, and went directly to the auction theme.

"Everyone, the first item in our auction today is the work of Master Li Luo, the chief pharmacist of Yuquan Fortress. Potential inspires potions."

"Speaking of which, this potion is also extremely domineering. It can stimulate a person's martial arts potential in a short time and greatly increase his strength."

"But the price...Speaking of which, I have to mention that many people have died violently under the power of the medicine."

"But it's still a great improvement."


"What? Can the potent stimulating potion cause sudden death?"

"Damn, the potion I just drank the day before yesterday!"



Suddenly, there was a mess around, and someone recognized Li Luo. As a last resort, Li Luo had to wear a mask, walked out of the auction room, changed his clothes, went in a big circle, and shook off a few annoying tails. Then he walked into the auction room again.

After such a delay, seven or eight items were auctioned. Not surprisingly, the auctions of the few blood ganoderma lucidum and the high-level rejuvenating magic plants have been completed.

However, fortunately, the Fuji Chunmeng was added together and bought as many as eight plants, which made him relieved of his holding heart.

"Next item. Vine Spring Breastplate."

"This is refined by Udyr, the great sage of the Vine Spring League, a sacred weapon of Tier 4 protection against natural damage."

"Starting at three thousand magic stones. Start increasing the price!"

"Three thousand!"

"Five thousand!"

"Eight thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"


The middle-aged fat man nodded, seemingly satisfied with the price, and said: "Once ten thousand, twice ten thousand, three times ten thousand!"


Two guards, holding a huge tray, handed this breastplate to the man with the highest bid. The latter did not talk nonsense, and directly poured vindictive energy into the breastplate. The white light of the breastplate was attached to the man's chest. .

Next, Lin Lin always auctioned a dozen high-end items. During the period, Li Luo also bought a few magic grasses that were used as auxiliary refining.

At this time, the middle-aged fat man directly ordered the maid and guard to retreat and stood in front of the auction table.

"Everyone, I believe you all came here. Except for those magic weeds and sacred artifacts, most people must have rushed to the next three things." The middle-aged man smiled mysteriously and clapped his hands. The man in black handed three trays.

"Three strange things at the bottom of the box, the first one!"

"Rank Nine Blood Crystal Grass!"

"Legend to be able to live dead, flesh and bone strange things, starting at 30,000 magic stones!"

Just when Li Luo was thinking about whether to withdraw, the sound from the auction station made his slightly stiff body stiff.

This Rank Nine Blood Crystal Grass is simply a magic medicine prepared for him!

Now, because of the burning of God's blood, the blood in his body does not know how bad it is. Even if there is no data from Mechanical Heart, Li Luo believes that life will be greatly damaged if the blood is not exhausted.

Must find a way to get this herb! Li Luo licked the corner of his mouth secretly, staring at the crystal-like magic grass in front of him, swallowing hard and spitting.

"One hundred thousand!"

As soon as this magic grass appeared, someone yelled.

"One hundred twenty thousand."

A lazy voice sounded, and Li Luo turned his head to look. It was a man in a golden robe with a piece of grass in his mouth, and he yelled indifferently.

This man is noble, rich or noble!

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Luo sent a few words to Hilna, who looked at Li Luo and shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that Hilna couldn't help, Li Luo was a little anxious in his heart, but he had to wait quietly to see who could auction this strange thing, and later if he had the opportunity to find a way to get it.

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"


When the man in the golden robe bid reached 200,000 yuan, the scene fell silent.



"Two hundred thousand three times!"


Soon, the two men in black came to the man in Jinpao and handed the tray to the man. The latter took out a golden space bag and threw it directly over.

The middle-aged fat man saw that someone had bought this strange object with 200,000 magic stones, and he smiled and continued to shout, "The next auction item, please look at it, everyone."

After speaking, he opened the tray, and a piece of liquid metal appeared in front of everyone. Under the puzzled eyes of many people, Li Luo's pupils shrank.

"It turned out to be a melting pot!"

"This melting pot is a strange thing to repair the mechanical heart, which can greatly shorten the self-repair time of the mechanical heart..."

"No, I'm sure to get this thing."

Li Luo's eyes swept sharply towards the wealthy elders around him, and he took a deep breath.

"This melting pot is a necessary material for refining high-level sacred artifacts, even legendary sacred artifacts, starting from 30,000, start bidding!"

After the middle-aged fat man spit in his mouth, he stopped speaking too much.

The scene fell silent for a while.

"One hundred thousand."

The lazy voice rang again.

The scene became quieter.

After a while, Hilna opened her mouth and shouted, "One hundred and twenty thousand magic stones."

The man in the golden robe looked back at Hilna and raised his eyebrows slightly. Surprisingly, he didn't even make any more bids.

At this time, the surrounding big guys started to move around. ,

"One hundred and forty thousand."

"One hundred and fifty thousand."


"Two hundred thousand!"

"Don't fight with anyone! I bought this hot pot for this beauty."

It seemed that he was a little impatient to hear, the man in the golden robe said this lightly.

What surprised Li Luo even more was that the identity of this man seemed to make the surrounding big men extremely jealous, the scene was surprisingly quiet, and no one made any bidding moves.

Soon ~www.readwn.com~ a few men in black handed this mellow to Hilna, and the man in the golden robe threw a golden space bag to several black Clothing people.

Hilna kept smiling, gave a noble gift to the man in the golden robe, and then walked away.

Li Luo took a deep look at the man in the golden robe, and secretly remembered his appearance in his heart, and then followed in the footsteps of Hilna and left.

By the time she was chasing Hilna, she had already arrived at an inn.

"Hilna, long time no see."

Hilna, who has a fiery figure, lifted her long red hair and smiled: "Master Li Luo, I didn't expect us to meet in this way."

Li Luo touched his nose and sighed: "The situation is compelling. This time the lockdown was designed by the lord here for me."

Hilna frowned upon hearing this: "Are you saying that Karen guy also shot you?"

Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "So, you know?"

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