Overlord Wizard

Chapter 429: On the verge of bloodline collapse

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   Hilna exhaled deeply: "It is more than knowing that the great elder of our Fujichun League is missing here!"


   Li Luo showed an expression like that. He was silent for a moment, and said: "Your great elder is probably too bad for you. Is it because there is no evidence now?"


   Hilna nodded and said, "You saw the lazy guy before."


   "Yeah." Li Luo nodded.


   Hilna looked around at no one, and said softly: "He is the son of the current alliance commander. He was ordered to investigate the disappearance of several masters in Yuquan Fortress."


Li Luo listened to Hilna's words, without any unexpected expression, and said: "It seems that in the next action, I'd better not expose my relationship with your Fujichun League. So let's take this one first. Give it to me, as a price, how about refining a batch of blood fusion source liquid for you after my injury is healed?"


   At this time, the woman in Tsing Yi frowned and said, "Elder, the melting point is too precious, just like this..."


   Hilna waved her hand and said, "It's definitely worth the money. I believe in Master Li Luo."


After   , Hilna handed over the brocade box, some blood ganoderma, and some magic grass.


   After Li Luo collected the melting pot, he took a deep look at Xina. The latter blushed, and brought a few guards and the Tsing Yi woman into the post.


   He turned all the way around, and in a corner of an alley, he pressed the melting iron to the silver mechanical heart on his chest, and immediately, the melting iron was quickly dissolved and absorbed.


   "Ding. Master, thank you for awakening me."


   Soon, Xiao Zhi's familiar voice rang in Li Luo's mind.


   "Xiaozhi, scan my body for injuries and blood problems."


   Li Luo listened to Xiaozhi's voice and exhaled deeply. He was relieved, and at the same time he ordered nervously.


   "Start scanning..."


   "The subject is slightly injured, and the blood is on the verge of collapse."


   "Causes the subject's life span to be shortened, and at the same time high-intensity combat will accelerate the rhythm of the subject's bloodline collapse.


   "Treatment plan: data missing."


   "A more advanced bloodline knowledge is needed as a basis."


   Listening to the scan results of Mechanical Heart, Li Luo's face suddenly became gloomy.


   Then, he asked again: "Xiaozhi, by scanning the gene chain, I can calculate whether there is a hidden danger in my **** blood gene before."


   "Start the calculation, it is estimated that three hours."


   Just as Li Luo was about to leave this alley, the sound of messy footsteps in the distance aroused his vigilance.


   After taking out the phantom fan's trace clothes to hide his figure, Li Luo looked from a distance and saw a large group of men and women pushing cars approaching.


   "It takes three hours, and each booth collects one hundred gold coins!"


   At the end of the crowd, at the entrance of the alley, two men in black came up, yelling and blocking the way of everyone.


   Soon, the men pushing the carts paid the fee and walked over.


   "Hundred gold coins, just hand it in?"


   Just when Li Luo wondered why these people were so generous, he was aware of the goods in the stall.


Looking along, the goods in these stalls, the lowest-ranking ones are the second-order magic weeds and strange objects, and even more stalls sell the third-order treasures, and a variety of rare and strange objects are dazzling, even comparable to what Xiaojin saw. The treasure in the Treasure Pavilion!




   Li Luo looked at everything in front of him, a little shocked, and the next thing made him relieved.


   "Get out of the way. Get out of the way. If you need to sell goods urgently, please sell it to our Jumbo Pavilion!"


   At this time, a luxury truck stopped at the entrance of the alley, and several people walked off.


   Li Luo followed his gaze and showed a touch of surprise. It was not the truck that was surprised, but the sight of Miluo standing there, pushing a trolley.


   She looked a little anxious on her expression, as if she was discussing something with the two men in black.


   Li Luo scanned the surrounding magic grass and goods. Although it is very precious to ordinary strong people, it is nothing to Li Luo.


   Just as he tried to lift his foot away from here, the voices of the two guards in the distance became bad.


   "Huh. You woman, don't be boring, just say that if you don't have money, you will take the goods from the treasure pavilion. Are you deaf?" A man in black snorted coldly and said.


After hearing the words, Miluo struggled, but still unwilling to say: "Brother, help, I have a piece of animal skin here. I heard that it is a laboratory in the ancient secret realm. As long as I enter, I will definitely be able to Sell ​​a good price, two big brothers..."


   When the two men in black heard this, their eyes showed a touch of greed.


   "Where is the animal skin? How can we believe it if we don't take it out." A man in black sneered.


   Miluo looked at her waist dodgingly when she heard the words, and was about to leave here, but was stopped by the man in black on the left.


   "Huh. I think you are reselling contraband privately!" The man in black said, and rudely grabbed Milo's arm and touched her waist.


   "Hey, there really are blueprints!" The man in black suddenly became happy.


   "It's alright. Go ahead and get in. The cost is paid!"


   Another man in black stood in front of Milo, waved his hand, and said impatiently.


"you guys!"


  Miluo saw the drawing being robbed, and exclaimed in anger, but was still waiting for her to come forward and theorize. The two men in black were both hitting sandbags with their backs and fell forward.


   Li Luo retracted his hand, stuffed the drawing into his pocket, took out a purse, and gave it to Miluo.


   "Then, that's it~www.readwn.com~Mi Luo, I hope this money can help you."


After    said, Li Luo disappeared into the air again.


  Miluo looked around, and found that no one was around, she hurriedly pushed the trolley and left.


   Li Luo went all the way, because he had a mechanical heart, he returned to the laboratory after his appearance changed for a while.


   "Is anyone here? I want to apply for a pharmacist."


   Listening to Li Luo's words, the previous pharmacists in charge of the assessment smiled and said, "Welcome, welcome. Which level do you want to assess?"


   Li Luo walked to a public laboratory platform and said, "Second-order."


   "It turned out to be a little pharmacist, boring..." A lanky pharmacist shook him and walked into a laboratory.


   "Forget it, I will be responsible for his assessment." A tall young man smiled and said.




   Soon, the one-hour drug test was over.


   "Then congratulations, Pharmacist Lawson."


   Li Luo chuckled lightly, didn't say much, just walked into the laboratory and couldn't get out behind closed doors.


   Then, for a month, no one came to trouble him, and Li Luo's heart was relieved.


   As soon as he regained his vitality, a mess of footsteps, mixed with screams, came from the experiment hall.

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