Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 465: The confusion of the children of the plane

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As a partner of the sons of the plane, Roland began to release his power at this moment. Her power came from both fate and Modan's bloodline transformation, and she instantly transformed into a strong and incomparable giantess, holding a huge sword, and rushing towards several abnormal monsters.

Although the strength has only reached the third-order peak, at the moment of transformation, the strength has temporarily jumped to the fourth-order!

Mai girl gritted her teeth, stood on Roland's side, raised it high with a shield, and guarded Roland's flank.

If Li Luo were here, he would be surprised to find that this girl was not someone else, it was the girl he met when he went to Yuquan Fortress, and Miluo would not be fake.


The brutal deformities are not only violent and evil, but also seem to have opened up their intelligence in terms of IQ. They walk around the periphery, seemingly afraid of the giant sword in Roland's hand.


The huge sword in Roland's hand burst out with lightning, and soon the lightning spread to the sword body, turning into a lightsaber with golden lightning.


Shocked! Roland moved!

But seeing his feet suddenly stepped on, the whole person flew into the air, and then his body in the air leaned back hard, lifted the huge sword, and slammed downward.

Immediately afterwards, Roland and the giant sword fell suddenly.


The ground protected by the magic array shook immediately, and under the continuous flash of brown runes, there were signs of destruction.

Looking at the surrounding monsters, they suddenly flew up at this moment and slammed heavily on the ground.

Roland began to gasp violently.

Obviously, to force this attack with Tier 4 strength, her consumption is not small, and even her enlarged figure is generally discouraged and begins to shrink slowly.

Although these deformed monsters did not suffer fatal damage, they were still dizzy by Roland's blow, and they could no longer move normally.

Milo looked at the abnormal monsters around her, her eyes curled upwards, she pulled out a **** dagger from her waist, and rushed towards these monsters quickly.


The scarlet dagger didn't know what it was, but ignoring the hard outer skin of these evil demons, it stabbed in.


I saw this deformed monster roared in pain, and then wanted to make a move, it was like a frustrated ball that quickly dried up.

Not far away, Roland felt the breath of the dagger, frowning his pretty eyebrows.

"Mi Luo, you are using a magic weapon!"

Milo pulled out the dagger, an abnormal flush appeared on her face, and her eyes turned to blood.

"Huh. As long as I can avenge my brother, I am willing to do anything!"

After speaking, Miluo's body was full of blood, turning into afterimages and swept away towards the remaining abnormal monsters.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Under a series of muffled noises, almost all the deformed monsters were shriveled, turned into a piece of skin and deformed bones scattered on the ground. Miluo's breath also climbed steadily, reaching the fifth level almost without hindrance.

Not far away, Miluo licked the dagger, her pretty face flushed slightly, her eyes turned to Roland.

Instinctively, Roland felt a tremor in his soul, which had nothing to do with Miluo's cultivation. It was completely a sense of fear that was awed by the cruel thoughts exuding from Miluo.

Milo put on a blood robe and stepped lightly on her feet. The whole person floated into the air like a ghost and fell towards Roland.

"Damn it! She has been demonized."

Even with these words, Roland felt deeply powerless. In front of Milo, where is the harmless little girl? The **** evil spirit radiating from his body can be used more than the few evil evil spirits just now!

Miluo's breath locked Roland in place, with strange excitement in his eyes, and he rushed towards Roland.

"Perhaps my flesh and blood can create some opportunities for you to escape." Roland closed his eyes in despair.

But at this moment, under a loud bang, a black robe figure appeared out of thin air in front of Roland, his right fist suddenly squeezed, and a punch slammed firmly on Miluo's lower abdomen.


Milo slammed into the wall of the maze, making a deep depression and sliding down.

Seeing Mi Luo who had changed his appearance, Li Luo paused slightly, slowly lowered the hood of the black robe, frowned, and said, "I won't kill you. You go. Mi Luo."

"Hehehe. Okay, big brother." Miluo galloped away without any delay, turning into a channel of blood affecting one side.

At this time, Li Luo turned around, he didn't care about Roland at all, just looked at Modan.

"Unexpectedly, the bloodline is exhausted." Li Luo nodded as he felt Modan's state, "It turned out to be promoted to the Xiaoyuan Dan realm."

Li Luo's eyes were deep, and after a while, he seemed to have thought of some good idea, and snapped his fingers vigorously.

"Take these blood essences down." Putting a space bag next to Modan, under a brown robe, Li Luo instantly turned into a little bubble and disappeared.

Seeing Li Luo disappear without a trace, Roland was surprised at the same time, he seemed to have thought of something and didn't ask much. He stayed firmly on Modan's side and waited.

After about a quarter of an hour, Modan gradually woke up, looking at the familiar space bag beside him, he hadn't changed his face before, suddenly showing a look of surprise.

"Where is the teacher!?" After taking a blood essence in the space, Modan quickly asked Roland.

Roland spread his hands: "Go."

"Teacher, is this for me to practice with peace of mind?" Looking at the **** essence in the space bag, Modan's expression changed, and Roland looked at each other, and said: "Let's go to the lightning prohibition node in the maze. "

The two quickly disappeared in this labyrinth passage. At this time, Li Luo slowly emerged, touched his chin and pondered for a moment, then disappeared into the void.

In this way, within a week, Li Luo was hunting down low-level beasts. Under the catalysis of sufficient blood essence and evil aura, Modan's knight level began to rise rapidly, and soon reached the mid-tier level of Tier 5.

But after he advanced to the middle stage of the fifth stage, Modan could no longer make the slightest progress.

"Is it just this potential?" Li Luo looked at Modan in the distance, frowned slightly, and walked over.

Standing in front of Modan, Li Luo asked calmly: "Modan. There seems to be something wrong with your practice. Do you know what's going on?"

"Teacher~www.readwn.com~Mi Luo she..." Modan hesitated.

"It's okay. Modan, you don't have to blame yourself. That Milo and Karen have a homage to kill your brother. Even if you are not in danger, she will use the power of darkness to kill Karen sooner or later."

"Regardless of success or failure, this Miluo will not have a good ending, and you! Modan, don't forget your mission." Li Luo persuaded Modan this way, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed slightly. : "Forget it, you guy, it's useless to persuade you, count time... Under the siege of a large number of sha demons and demons, the tiger leader should be tossed out. ."

"Teacher. Miluo is because of me..." Modan stopped talking, and asked quickly after a while: "Where will she go to the tiger leader?"

Li Luo looked at Modan and frowned, not because of other reasons, but the condensed line of fate on Shita's head began to become messy again. The sons of planes seem to have become confused!

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