Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Li Luo's calculations

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"Modan, sometimes people change, you have to accept reality!" As Li Luo spoke, a strange spirit wave spread out.

"But teacher. Miluo and her..." Modan clenched his fists tightly, and said nothing more.

Li Luo looked at Modan quietly, then retracted his gaze after a moment, and said indifferently: "After all, you are still not strong enough. In this regard, the teacher is the same as you."

Modan's expression distorted when he heard the words, and the aura on his body became subtle at this moment.

Under Li Luo's perception, Modan's breath began to rise and fall, and the fluctuations in his body began to fluctuate in the early and late stages of the fifth stage. It took a full half an hour before he stopped at the early stage of the fifth stage. .

There was no sadness and joy on Modan's expression at this time, but the feeling for Li Luo was like a pool of unfathomable depth, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"It seems that you have recovered from the confusion." Li Luo's eyes lit up, and his figure gradually disappeared into the void.

"Boy, I will hunt you enough blood essence. You can cultivate here with peace of mind. As for that Karen, don't worry at all. There is still an extremely powerful presence in this maze that restrains him!"

In the void, Li Luo's voice came out, and Modan slowly stood up and hugged Roland into his arms.

So, another two weeks have passed.

Li Luo stopped hunting, and Modan's strength surged rapidly under the blessing of the fate of the son of fate, until it reached the late stage of the fifth stage before stopping.

"It should be..." Li Luo muttered to himself, feeling the tyrannical aura exuded by Modan.

"So Modan." Li Luo patted Modan's shoulder with relief. Together, we should be able to fish in troubled waters with the tiger leader.

"Teacher, why am I still feeling wrong?" Modan frowned and said.

"Mordan, sometimes we wizards rely on more than strength. Wisdom and knowledge are what we wizards need most." Li Luo patted Modan on the shoulder, turned his head and glanced at Roland, and continued: "And Always rely on brute force, but you will not be able to protect your little girlfriend in the future."

Modan nodded respectfully, put his arms around Roland's waist, and said, "Teacher, what are your plans?"

"The first step of the plan is to wait for their chance to kill each other." Li Luo replied lightly, his eyes swept to the end of the passage, "So, let's go to the tiger leader and wait quietly."

Modan nodded thoughtfully, and looked at each other with Roland, standing on both sides of Li Luo.

"Teacher. My strength is comparable to that of an average Tier 6 powerhouse. Even though Karen is invincible, if you unite with the Tier 6 Purgatory Serpent you mentioned, you should be able to stabilize him." Modan Looking at Li Luo, he said confidently.

Roland also nodded heavily, and said, "Teacher, although I can't help much, it's more than enough to deal with those trash evil spirits."

"No, let them unleash their power as much as possible. Let's go." Li Luo retracted his gaze, put on a black cloak, and led Modan and Roland in one direction.

Soon, the three of them approached the power of the tiger in the maze.

No accident, the tiger people here are powerful, and even under the siege of Morasya and the Sha demon, they still haven't been able to clear them all.

With Modan's powerful combat power, Li Luo also obtained some evolutionary blood essence, further repairing the bloodline defect to as much as 88%.

"Then, Modan. Use the invisibility spell to hide you and Roland." Li Luo, feeling the fullness of the spine, winked at Modan.

The latter gently stroked his sleeves, and the two of them suddenly disappeared.

Then, the three of them all hid on one side of this passage and waited quietly.

So, after about an hour, the sons of purgatory and Karen appeared on both sides of the labyrinth passage not far away, and rushed towards each other without saying a word.


The energy particles exuding heavy darkness burst out at this moment, condensed in the mouth of the son of purgatory, and turned into a pitch-black energy light cannon to shoot towards Karen.

Karen's eyes instantly turned into pitch black, bone spurs emerged from behind, and a pitch black energy vortex suddenly appeared on his chest, and the energy cannon of the son of purgatory was suddenly sucked in.

, "Huh. Dorren Kelvey!! You are as stupid as your old master.

Want to kill the deity through energy attack? "Karen's heavy metallic voice spread in all directions, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

"Hahahaha...It's you Karen who is stupid, look at your chest, idiot!" The son of Purgatory stopped attacking, a round of glaring black flames ignited on his body, slowly turning into one The black-skinned man looked at Karen sarcastically.

When Karen heard the words, there was obviously a trace of panic on his expression, and he quickly took off the clothes on his chest, glanced away, and shook his hands in vain.

Li Luo followed his gaze and saw that a dark cross mark appeared on Karen's chest, which was exactly the same as the black mark on the shoulder that Xiaozhi had helped him see in his mind before!

"Plant the Seed of Purgatory for a Tier 6 Demon God...What is this Dolen Kaiwei thinking about..." Li Luo's eyes flashed, "Could it be to control him? Even if it is to control him? It’s impossible to run out."

Li Luo's eyes were deep, and the two big guys in the distance were moving again while thinking.

Looking along the line of sight, Duolun Kaiwei's eyes lit up two dark flames. Then, Karen's chest suddenly ignited out of thin air, and the terrifying purgatory flame instantly scorched the surrounding passages, even Li Luo. The skin was darkened faintly.

Not only that, Karen’s body just lit up with blood evil energy, trying to release some spell, but immediately after the blood evil energy on his body was instantly ignited by the flames of purgatory, it turned out to be like a barrel of gasoline, igniting Karen’s entire body. .


Karen's figure flashed, and fled to the distance. Behind him, Dorren Kaiwei followed him unhurriedly.

Li Luo narrowed his eyes, took out a communicator, and muttered words in his mouth. After several spells were entered, a message was passed on.

Then, Li Luo followed this Duolun Kaiwei.

Soon, the three of them followed Doren Kaiwei to the heritage of the center of the maze.

It's just that the environment where the evil demon was densely covered no longer exists, and the corpses of the evil demon that have only turned into bones are quietly piled up in front of a door with a purple pattern.

On the pile of bones, Karen's figure was shrouded in black flames, wailing in pain.

In the void above Karen's head, a dark whirlpool constantly emerged, and the Sha devils fell from it, rushed towards Karen, and then they were sucked into a pile of bones and piled up.

In this way, Duolun Kaiwei did not rush to attack, but a pair of snake eyes stared at Karen closely, as if waiting for something quietly.

The weird scene happened, and the more Karen absorbed the life force of the sha demon

To repair yourself, the darker hellfire on his body burned more fiercely. Even black patterns began to appear on Karen's body, and the appearance of his face began to slowly change.

After about a quarter of an hour, Karen's breath became deeper and deeper, giving Li Luo a feeling that he couldn't look directly.

At the same time, outside the central area, on the outskirts of the ruins, more than a dozen wizards stood in front of a huge magic circle.

The entire law formation has a radius of thousands of meters~www.readwn.com~ It does not seem to have any element fluctuations. A dozen wizards looked at each other, picked up the communicator and punched a few spells.

After a while, their communicator vibrated, and these wizards were shocked, sending hundreds of high-level magic stones into the circle's eyes.



At the moment this large magic circle was activated, a series of illuminated patterns spread to the entire ruins and thousands of small lightning magic circles. These small lightning magic circles suddenly lit up, and a series of thunder pulps followed the void straight away. Go up, and under the mutual fusion, it turned into a golden thunder and blasted towards the void somewhere in the sky.


A blast of thunder flashed across the sky, and the entire ruins began to vibrate violently.

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