Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Is there such a thing?

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"Ding. The main body's bloodline defects began to decrease drastically and began to be repaired quickly."

"Ding. The main body's blood vessels have been repaired to 98%."

"Ding. Evolved blood essence is insufficient. Bloodline defects stop repairing."

Li Luo slowly opened his eyes, frowning slightly, and muttered to himself: "Unexpectedly, the evolutionary blood essence of the sixth-order evolutionary tiger will not be able to completely repair my bloodline..."

"Because of Modan's help, I can rest assured that I can recover from the trauma of my soul."

He glanced at the surrounding crowd, and after confirming that Karen and the purgatory giant snake had not mixed in, he pondered for a moment and walked outside.

Soon, Li Luo met a puppet.

"Hello, apply to repair soul wounds."

Li Luo greeted the puppet, and the latter's eyes flickered with faint yellow light, took out a compass and pressed it for a moment, and then led Li Luo to walk in one direction.

After walking all the way to a corridor, the alchemy puppet stopped. At the end of the corridor, the puppet pressed it and took out the previous compass. After pressing it for a moment, Li Luo felt it under a burst of white light. The sky turned around and came to a closed room.

After a while, the bed in the room shimmered, a glazed herb emerged out of thin air, and at the same time an ethereal voice rang.

"The soul-returning glazed grass. It is a miracle that nourishes the soul. Please take it for the trial."

Listening to the puppet's ethereal voice, Li Luo swallowed the glazed grass in a few mouthfuls without any hesitation.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Li Luo only felt sleepy for a while, and he passed out into a coma.

I don't know how long it took, and the ethereal voice rang again.

"The wound of the target soul is repaired, and the forced teleportation begins."

Before Li Luo came back to his senses, after a while of dizziness, Li Luo returned to the hall.

On the ground, there are corpses of evolution beasts and mercenaries everywhere, one by one the puppets are cleaning, but there are indescribable weird movements.

"Instruction error."

"Instruction error. Dispensing medicine failed."

"Unable to issue rewards, start to recruit mercenaries for refining medicine."

"Recruitment failed..."

"Begin to eliminate low-level adventurers and evolution beasts."

"Still unable to issue rewards."

"Adventurers named Modan and Roland have the refining conditions and start recruiting widows."

"The recruitment was successful, and the two began to refine pharmaceutical agents."

"Ding. Discover the adventurer. Start to analyze the appearance. Ding, Li Luo S-level adventurer, the bloodline is highly evolved. Stop attacking."

As the voices of these puppets fell, they walked towards Li Luo.

"Senior adventurer Li Luo, is the super evolution mode enabled?"

Li Luo shook his head and said, "No. I need the information about the number one evolutionary beast. Where is it now?"

"Iron-eater. In the northwest corner of the maze." The light in the eyes of several puppets flashed and said ethereally.


Li Luo ran towards the northwest corner of the maze.

There were many evolutionary beasts along the way, but most of them were mouse people, cat people and slightly stronger kobolds who came in from the outside world. With his soul repaired and his strength greatly improved, Li Luo only relied on the magic of the human body bomb and the passive talent of burning the soul to kill all the evolutionary beasts that stood in the way.

After weighing the bulging space bag in his hand, Li Luo let out a sigh of contentment. You know, this is a medium-sized space bag, a full 40 cubic meters in size, and the blood essence is not as big as a red date. You can imagine how much he got!

"Iron-eater, isn't it a panda?" Li Luo's expression was a little weird. If it were a panda, he would really not be able to do it.

Soon, in the northwest corner of the maze, Li Luo was a little dumbfounded.

In the front, one by one, silly, cute, white bears staring at two dark circles appeared in front of him, and it was the panda that was not fake.

The corner of his eyes jumped wildly, and Li Luo tried to walk over. The pandas around looked at Li Luo, but showed a fierce expression.

They growled lowly, seeming to warn Li Luo.

Li Luo's complexion remained unchanged, as if a flash of inspiration in his thoughts, he took out a huge bamboo from the space bag and threw it over. What he threw over was the thunder bamboo he saw outside the ruins before. He used some before and saved some to go back to see if it could be planted.

What he didn't expect was that it came in handy at this time.

When the pandas saw the bamboo, they scrambled as he had guessed, and gave way. Li Luo hurriedly ran over, and gradually came to the end of the northwest, and saw a panda that was twenty meters tall. Lie down there.

The giant panda glanced at Li Luo, then lost interest and continued to fall asleep.

Li Luo approached with a light step, took out a huge thunder bamboo and threw it over.

The giant panda sniffed its nose and stood up after rolling. Li Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to throw out the thunder bamboos one by one, and the giant panda ate it gorgingly.

"Panda... Oh, grandpa?" Li Luo said these words, regretting.

When did you become so mentally retarded? This fat, fat stupid guy in front of him is only at a level that is not in the early stage of Tier 5, so how could he be his opponent? But... I am not a bloodthirsty person, am I? In any case, this product also has some blood on the earth. That's the national treasure of my great China!

Ok. I admit that I can do it, right?

Li Luo shook his head and tentatively said, "Grandpa Panda, can you give me some of your blood?"

The giant panda ate the bamboo unhurriedly. When he glanced at Li Luo, he lost interest, and continued to eat the bamboo, as if Li Luo was like air.

After a while, the panda finally seemed to be full, yawned greatly, and lay down again.




Li Luo was so angry with this stupid guy, he almost yelled three words, so he didn't know what to say.

Ok. The pandas on the earth also have this virtue.

Li Luo shook his heart, took out another thunder bamboo, and was about to throw it over, but then he slipped his feet and fell back. He felt his body float again, and his back seemed to be pricked by something round and round. , Suddenly itchy.


A burst of children’s laughter came ~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo looked down and saw that it turned out to be a little panda man about a dozen feet in size. He dragged him up and ran towards the giant panda.

"What the **** is this?"

Li Luo yelled in his heart, trying to break away, but immediately felt his body itch and he couldn't move anymore.

"Not good." Li Luo showed a cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that his life would be here today, but the giant panda took him into his arms.

"Sleep with me."

The giant panda licked Li Luo and fell asleep.

Li Luo touched the saliva licked by the panda, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he was immediately stunned.

"There is such a thing?"

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