Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 470: Game and surprise

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"Ding. The strength of the main body's blood vessel has degraded, and the blood vessel defect is weakly repaired."

Listening to Xiaozhi's report, Li Luo couldn't believe it. The saliva of this giant panda is comparable to the sixth-order evolutionary blood essence?

"Yes... the god-level powerhouses born in the killing process will have some bloodline defects in their bodies due to rapid evolution..." Li Luo's eyes flickered and muttered to himself : "In this way, in front of this panda, someone who still has a little kindness in his heart will definitely not make a move to get the most precious reward of this maze."

Li Luo slowly raised his head, his eyes deepened: "And this reward is a perfect-level fusion bloodline!"

Thinking of this, Li Luo took a sip of the giant panda's saliva, and a sweet feeling glided across the taste buds. The spine of the whole person's back suddenly lit up, and a fiery pain spread.


Li Luo gasped violently, took out a spare blood essence and swallowed it down.

At this moment, his body flashed slightly red, and a different kind of breath began to slowly spread.


Three days later, the center of the maze, in the inheritance hall.

Four figures are standing here, and in front of them, are densely packed with freak monsters, giant snakes and low-level tigers.

"Xiaotianhou. Why is your right arm so small, is it because you are too hungry, you cut it down and eat it once?" Karen looked at the tiger leader not far away, and said sarcastically.

Xiaotian sneered and said: "Karen, the past experience is that you escaped from the dead under my hands. Today I have to kill you alive!"

Karen sneered and almost laughed, and looked at Xiao Tian sarcastically: "Hou? Ambitious."

Not far away, there was a woman with dark eyes, about three meters high, and a pair of sharp claws. She was covered with a layer of pitch-black scales, and she exuded a billowing evil spirit, which looked like a succubus.

If Li Luo were here, he would have been surprised to find that instead of the charming color of a succubus, this woman was full of boundless hostility, and endless hatred grew in his eyes.

Dorren Keys looked at the evil demon woman in the distance, then looked at Karen, his eyes flickered, and said: "Since everyone is the inheritance sealed over the city, there is no need to kill each other here. Then, let hide in The other juniors in the labyrinth have gotten a bargain, but haven't they become the laughing stock of others?"

"Huh. We tiger people don't care about the laughter or not. Look at the move!" Xiaotian roared and shot away at Karen.

At this moment, the tall female demon head in the distance also flashed a look of grimace, and instantly disappeared in place.

Karen frowned slightly, and was about to form a flanking attack with the devil head against the tiger, but the next moment, Dorren Keith flashed up and stood in front of the devil head.



Suddenly, there was an explosion in the void, and under the ear-piercing sonic boom, layers of air surged in all directions, whether it was a freak monster, a giant snake, or a tiger, suddenly vomiting blood and flying upside down, a roll. Slid down from the wall with a bang.

The pitch-black dark energy particles turned into turbulent purgatory fire in the void and spread. At this moment, Karen gripped the void, blood-colored vortices emerged, and countless evil demons rushed out of the void, toward Dorren Keith. Struck.

And at this moment, the entire ruin void suddenly darkened, and then a golden electric current shot out from the ground, dragged by the runes in the void, spreading towards the chains, instantly in the void. It bloomed, turned into a huge thunderball that didn't know how many meters, and lased towards the high altitude.


Under the explosion of thunder, a burst of pitch-black cracks appeared in the void, and the space began to vibrate violently.

Inside the Hall of Inheritance of the Labyrinth.

Because the battle was too fierce, the violent explosion sound and the air explosion sound of the physical collision drowned all the sounds.

Karen has already ignited a layer of dark flames, constantly absorbing the vitality of the abnormal monsters around him, and the aura has also faintly climbed, and the dark lines on his body have begun to become dark and deep.

Dorren Keys frowned slightly as he watched Karen's changes.

"Huh. Stupid son of purgatory, I have to thank you. If it weren't for your help, the deity would really not comprehend the power of such a profound dark rule!" Karen snorted coldly, and a faint breath of purgatory began to emerge on his body.

"Good talent." The son of Purgatory who turned into a black-skinned man narrowed his eyes, but there was no stopping, he just stopped and continued: "Karen, is it really necessary for us to do this fearless fight? "

Dorren Keys swept his gaze towards Xiao Tianhou who was fighting with the Devil in the distance, and continued: "Xiao Tianhou, even if you kill this Devil, I am afraid that you will not be able to threaten Karen. He is no longer there. Fear of any of my spells."

Xiao Tianhou glanced at Karen, his face changed slightly: "I don't know how many children and grandchildren I have eaten this bastard, today this account must be broken!"


Xiaotianhou turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Karen directly over the devil's head.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Karen's face was sullen, and Void shook Xiaotian's hand, and the space was suddenly distorted. Xiao Tianhou only felt the endless pressure in the space around him, and could no longer move anymore.

Confining Xiaotianhou, Karen also seemed to be struggling. The latter was struggling with his own tyrannical strength under the confinement of space. Seeing that the surrounding dark energy particles began to fade away quickly.

But at this moment, the figure of the female devil in the distance flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

Dorren Keys's heart squatted, feeling badly, seeing that he thought about any action, it was obviously too late. If the tiger man falls, he will be the next turn!

But the next moment.

The evil female demon's figure flashed, but appeared behind Karen, her claws were blurred, and she pulled out towards Karen's back.

The movements of this devil stunned Xiao Tianhou and Dorren Keston.


With a cracking brocade, Karen still avoided the end of being pulled out of the heart, but the entire left arm was empty. Under the eyes of the three, the demon swallowed a few bites.

Karen was clutching the **** left shoulder, his face was extremely pale, and at the end of the hall, his right arm was squeezed towards the void. Suddenly hundreds of freaks appeared and rushed towards him.


, Under a weird wave, these deformed monsters were immediately drained, but the next moment, the whole body burst, and countless lightning arcs shot towards Karen.


Under a burst of electric light, Karen was instantly smashed by the electric skin. Not only that, but under the tyrannical current, it spread to every corner of the hall.

Tiger people are slightly better, they belong to order creatures, but the other three figures are not as good. But seeing the black lin and skin on their skin suddenly became black and burst open in an instant.

Karen thought: "I don't believe that this thunder and lightning ban has continued!"


As the voice fell ~www.readwn.com~ a dozen dark spatial vortices resurfaced in the void, and thousands of abnormal monsters sprang out towards Karen.

But at this moment, the entire ruins suddenly hummed loudly in the sky, and countless thunder pulp surging on the ground, spreading towards the void, and under a burst of fusion, turned into a giant thunderball that was ten times larger than before and rolled. Leaving, burst open in the void in an instant.

At this moment, the void was distorted for a while, and a small town suspended in the sky emerged, which turned out to be another floating city! Above the center of the floating city, a giant monster about the size of a meter was **** by a chain of silver chains. When the giant thunderball burst, it also exploded under a wailing.

The entire floating city began to fall towards the ruins below.

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