Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 497: lesson

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"Spell detection?" Li Luo was slightly surprised, and looked at the worm person in charge of the detection, showing a clear look: "Let the Zerg wizard detect the mana fluctuations of the worm person entering the city? It's really a poor detection method."

Li Luo thought secretly, let Xiao Zhi gather up the mana fluctuations in his body, and slowly came to this bug man.

What caught the eye was a snail with six compound eyes. It was not like a sea snail. Its oval head exuded the smell of the sea, hence the name.

During the experiment, Li Luo did not go through the information about this worm, which is a kind of worm that secretes a special pheromone liquid, and the creatures it has come into contact with can leave a colorless Odorless liquid, attached to the surface of the organism, and the snail possesses mana, so that through a spell, the creature's daily course of action can be mastered.

Li Luo is obviously not afraid that it will leave him with pheromone. He plans to make a potion that can directly improve the strength of the insect man from the broken corpses in a dozen space bags, and sell some, so as to improve himself. The popularity of Bingcheng in order to get close to the Frost Worm King.

Another reason for Li Luo to settle in the ice city is that the information here is relatively well-informed. Judging from the fact that the Frost Worm person fought for the bodies of the two Worm Kings in the first place, this was well proved.

There are plenty of worm corpse pieces, and it is quite easy to refine. A month later, Li Luo condensed a mage’s hand holding a large silk bag of potion, transformed into a frost worm person, and walked outside the door. .

The transaction went smoothly. Almost the same day, all the potions were sold out.

After more than a month, when Li Luo came to the streets of Bingcheng again, a large group of Frost Worms gathered around.

"Are you the pharmacist?" Frostworm asked in stubborn common language.

Li Luo nodded, pretending to be hoarse: "Yes."

What else the Frost Wormman wanted to say, he was yelled at by a slender Wormman behind him.

"Ruffel, don't scare our fellow clan."

Hearing the words, the worm man in front of him turned his face and nodded quickly and said: "Yes. Your Royal Highness Dora."

From Li Luo's experience, it is natural to see that this Frost Worm is a female Worm person. Judging from the respectful attitude of these Wormmen, I am afraid that it is probably the daughter of the Worm King.

"Hello...His Royal Highness Dora." Li Luo wanted to say something, but then he was taken aback, as if he really didn't have much experience in communicating with the Zerg? In the end, I had to suffocate these words, and I didn't know what to say.

"What's your name?" Dora looked at Li Luo, sniffed in front of him, and said.

Li Luo took out some potions, handed them over, and said, "My name is Luo Li, Your Highness, these potions are not respectful."

Dora's flat head carefully smelled the medicine, and then took a few sips.

Suddenly, there was a flush on her face that was extremely inconsistent with the azure blue, and her whole body was violently cold.

The surrounding worm guards changed their expressions, and the guards headed by them screamed: "Hurry up and prepare food! Your Royal Highness has begun the transition of life!"

Li Luo looked at Dora, he naturally felt the strength of Dora's Tier 3 peak, but he never expected that a few bottles of ordinary Zerg bloodline potions would promote her.

"No need. These potions are enough for her to be promoted." Li Luo poured out all the potions and handed them to a few bug guards, but he was secretly calculating something else in his heart.

"The talent is pretty good!" Li Luo looked at Dora, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, secretly happy in his heart.

Several guards escorted Dora to the round nest in the center of the city. Li Luo also packed up and returned to his residence.

After coming down so many times, Li Luo exhausted the corpses, and finally sent the princess to the fifth-level elementary, whose strength was comparable to the previous insect king.

At this time, all the insects in the city are like eating candied dates. Although the smile on the insect's face looks extremely ugly, the color of celebration is beyond words.

Li Luo's obtained a large number of medicinal materials. With the assistance of Mechanical Heart and Peper, he refined a large number of potions to enhance his strength. Even some potions had some subtle changes to his mystery totem. , Li Luo instinctively knew that this was a kind of benign evolution, but the mystery totem on his body was raised to the current level, and no more evolution.

Feeling the state of the mystery totem, Li Luo sighed deeply. Looking at the night sky outside the window, he thought of some other things.

Li Luo helped the Star Soul of the Zerg World, and the Star Soul no longer suppressed the power of the wizard. On the contrary, the suppression of the undead and demons would be incredible. Even these worm-man wizards have evolved to a certain degree, and they will inevitably leave this planet. When they encounter undead and demons, they will definitely fight against each other. Therefore, he seeks the power of Tier 6 Frost Worm and Void Worm. Be cautious and never reveal your own human identity.

He is a human wizard, and to some extent, Li Luo represents the wizarding world.

At this time, Li Luo stood quietly, feeling the surging and calling of the surrounding energy particles, as well as the comfort that the surrounding environment gave him.

After a while, his room door was knocked.

"Go in."

Li Luo faintly said such a sentence, sitting on a soil stool condensed by spells, watching the worms coming in.

There are more than a dozen insects from five races, namely Frost insects, black beetles, ants, knife insects, and centipedes.

"Sorcerer? Are you the wizard who has inherited the human heritage?" The ant-man with purple tentacles looked at Li Luo, the corner of his mouth curled, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Not bad." Li Luo's expression remained unchanged.

"Rory, how about let's have a try?"

Ant-Man stretched out his fuchsia tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, looking at Li Luo, his eyes flashed as if he had eaten Li Luo, and continued: "If you lose, take out your most precious things and offer them. !"

Li Luo stood quietly, without the slightest expression on his face.

"Why, don't you dare, today you need to know the power of our Ant-Man!" The ant-man with purple tentacles clicked like a pair of pliers-like forelimbs, and the void was clamped, and the space aroused a layer of ripples.


Suddenly, coldness bloomed in the air, and a purple electric light flashed by.

Ant-Man felt the warmth from the cracked exoskeleton on his neck, his face turned pale, and he didn't dare to move at all.

"You, you..." Ant-Man's stubborn wizard language wanted to express something, but he didn't even say a complete sentence~www.readwn.com~Hey, let me say Master Rory is powerful! "

The centipede walked over in a round.

His face was ugly, and the other worms also lowered their heads subconsciously, expressing respect for Li Luo's strength.

Whether it was the Ant-Man, the Frost Insect, or the other Insects, seeing this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"Competition? I don't have the mind to play these boring games."

"Learn to save your life first."

Li Luo dissipated the electric light from his arm and retracted his arm, but in his heart he was thinking about the purpose of these worms. It should be more than a simple comparison.

Ant-Man's face was blue and white, and the other insects didn't dare to look directly at Li Luo.

Sure enough, the words of the Frost Worm headed next made Li Luo's interest suddenly raised.

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