Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 498: Frost Pie and Void Pie

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"Master Rory, please forgive my offense." Ant-Man with purple tentacles bowed his head respectfully and said.

Li Luo's eyes flickered, um, and then as if thinking of something, he said faintly: "Just talk about it."

"Mr. Rory, I am a member of the Smok family in the ice city. This time, the princess will hold a trial of high-level insects. Several of my friends said that your strength will not be weak, and I also want to test. It irritates you to take action based on your depth." Ant-Man approached Li Luo and said softly, "My name is Majialuo, and I am a nobleman in our clan of Ant-Man."

Magaruo sighed in her heart, and she really accepted the worm man inherited by the human wizard. He was not as powerful as usual, but he didn't expect to lose so thoroughly.

"A trial of a high-level insect?"

Li Luo was stunned, and then he became interested.

Majialuo nodded, and then began to explain, "Mr. Li Luo, because the insects multiply very quickly in this world, so in order to reduce the excessive consumption of resources, several large insect families have organized such a Trials, let the worms fight in a specific place, the loser will die and be swallowed by other worms, and the winner has a high chance to use his devouring talents to promote himself to become the worm king."


Is it related to the trial of the Zerg World Worm King's promotion?

Li Luo didn't say a word, just nodded slowly, secretly happy, if he intervened in this trial, it is very likely that the Frost Worm Princess will be promoted directly to the sixth rank.

"During the trial, each worm nobleman is allowed to bring ten guards. I don't ask Mr. Lorry to help Zhu me during the trial. I only ask you to help me refine some potions to improve my strength." Luo looked at Li Luo, his tentacles bent slightly to show respect, and said: "We Ant-Man, we have stored the corpses of insects of various races over the years. I heard that you can use these corpses to refine potions to enhance your strength. Mr. Li Luo, I didn't believe it at first, but now it depends on your strength. I sincerely ask you to help me. As a thank you, I will give you the medicine materials you need every year for free."

Li Luo laughed. In fact, he was anxious that the Ant-Cracker would take him to the trial. However, due to Transfiguration, he could not use his full strength, but even so, it was enough to crush these five-tier worms. People.

The most important thing is that he wants to create some fifth-order bug people for the princess Frost bug people to devour.

After collecting the corpses of Majialuo, Li Luo sent the worms away. He thought of some things.

"Frost Worm Man, Void Worm Man..."

Li Luo's lips moved slightly, thinking of the information he had collected about the Frost Worm and Void Worm that he had stayed in the Ice City during this period of time.

Because of the progress of the worm civilization, they began to have a collective consciousness, and when there is a collective, there will be conflicts, forming the ice city sect worms headed by the frost worms, while the void sects headed by the void worms dominate the vast Most worms.

In the world of Zergs, as the leader of civilization progress, the Void Worms, they want to use absolute dominance to promote the progress of the entire Zerg civilization. As wizards, they know in the knowledge materials given by Li Luo The magnificence and greatness of the entire universe.

But obviously, their violent rule will inspire resistance from other insects. This method is only a formal rule. After all, there are still so many outstanding worms. The void worms want to integrate the zergs of the entire planet, and they want to integrate the worms to march toward other planes, which is simply impossible. But there is no doubt that most of the worms in the entire Zerg world recognize the leadership of the void worms because of their advanced and powerful wizarding knowledge.

Void worms are the strongest among all forces. Unlike those frost worms who steal the knowledge of wizards, the void worms have the most powerful and comprehensive spell knowledge.

And the reason why the Void Worms recognized the organization of Frost Sect Worms was because they wanted to ‘fatify them before killing them’.

Because every five years of trial, a large number of Frost faction insect people will die at the mouth of the void faction insect people, and they will become the resources for them to advance to higher level insect blood wizards!

So, this is the relationship between the Frost School and the Void School of the Zerg World.

"It's really interesting." Li Luo's slightly raised his head and paused the experiment in his hands.

"In this way, in this trial, I'm afraid there will be a Tier 6 Insect King." Li Luo has a deep gaze. "After all, there is no powerful Insect King sitting in town. Once the two forces can't stop fighting, then, The high-end worms on the entire planet will be hit hard. It is definitely not what the worms of the two forces want to see."

"Unexpectedly, the opportunity would come so soon." Li Luo muttered to himself, immediately ending the experiment and going to bed to rest.

the next day.

Li Luo got up early, did not start the experiment immediately, but sat quietly on the soil stool, seeming to be waiting for someone.

So, after about an hour, the door rang again.

"Go in."

What came in was a young Frostworm, much smaller than an adult Frostworm, the same oval head, two convex fangs, and a ring of exoskeleton shining with blue lustre, which was obvious everywhere. This bug is extraordinary.

"Young Master of Ice City?" Li Luo asked tentatively.

"Yes. Wouldn't you kneel down when you saw this young master?" The Frost Worm man raised his head, his ugly Worm's face was full of arrogance.

"Oh? Your father didn't let me kneel, but you let me kneel?" Li Luo looked at the young worm like a fool and mocked.

"Huh!" The Frost Insect young man snorted coldly, and his two giant pincer-like hands slammed into a muffled sound.

Immediately, the worms carried the corpses of giant worms, piled up in front of his house.

"Give me all the potions! I want to participate in the next trial!" the young Frost Worm Young Master ~www.readwn.com~ said coldly, with an indisputable tone.

Li Luo was taken aback, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and threw a list to the young master.

"The above medicinal materials, one can't be less." Li Luo replied coldly, put away the corpse of a bug person, and returned to the room.

"Young Master Alazhan, this Rory is so brave that he dares to speak to you like this!" A sword-worm guard came over and said with an ugly face.

Alazhan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed: "Huh. Let him live for a while. When the trial begins, I will swallow him first!"


Several blade insect guards surrounded this young master and walked away.

When the bugs were far away, Li Luo opened the door, looked in the direction they were leaving, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Interesting. How dare I hit my idea..."

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