Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 544: The danger of the ghost lake

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Now, there are two roads in front of Li Luo.

One way is to take these mercenaries past. But it is very likely that when they enter the ghost lake, their desire to obtain magic stones will be infinitely amplified, and finally they will kill Li Luo.

The other way is to go on your own, and being besieged by other monsters in the ghost lake is also a dead end.

At this time, Li Luo only felt big for a while, a little mad.

Just as he looked a little ugly, the skinny monkey came out of the crowd, hehe smiled and said, "I know that a mercenary group went to Minggui Lake to survive until now."

Li Luo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and said, "Lead the way."

A group of people followed the skinny monkey all the way out of the city gate, into the woods, walked about ten kilometers, and came to a mountain range.

"The cave in the distance is from the blood-eye mercenary group. They are all blind, but they did come back alive."

The thin monkey stretched out his arm, his face seemed a little smug.

"This kid, we don't even know this secret." Gallot was grinned at the skinny monkey, and pressed his head hard.

"Hehe." The skinny monkey scratched his head embarrassedly, and led everyone into the cave.

"It's a thin monkey." The people in the cave seemed to be very familiar with the thin monkey and asked.

"It's me." The skinny monkey walked into the cave, took out some dried meat from the space bag, and distributed it to the people of the blood-eyed mercenary group.

Li Luo squatted in front of a man with a gauze in his eyes, and asked, "This brother, I want to ask, what did you see in Minggui Lake?"

"Damn it! Get out of here! Why the **** skinny monkey brought in outsiders!" The mercenary yelled at the words and threw the jerky in his hand fiercely.

Li Luo frowned and said, "If you tell me, I will heal your eyes."

"Cure our eyes?" The blind people around seemed to have encountered something terrible, exclaiming in horror: "No! No! You can't. Don't heal us! We tell you what happened!"

"That guy has countless eyes. After people see it, the evil in his heart is instantly and infinitely magnified. It has countless tentacles... Monsters! Ah! Monsters." The mercenary who spoke yelled. For a moment, he fainted with foam in his mouth.

Li Luo looked at the man who fell heavily on the ground, shook his head, glanced at each other, and walked outside, but when he came to the entrance of the cave, under the reflection of the sunlight at the entrance of the cave, a silver light flashed, and Li Luo cast a glance. , Then retracted his gaze.

Everyone returned to the bar again.

Sitting on the chairs of the bar, everyone was smiling and talking, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

Now that the monsters already knew something and dealt with it, they were still 70% sure that they would hunt from the ghost lake to the crying water ghost.

Everyone was drinking spirits and tasting food until it was midnight.

At this moment, a few exposed women walked into the bar and danced, and from time to time they floated their watery eyes to the crowd, causing the people in the bar to whistle.

Suddenly, the mercenaries in the bar commotion.

Li Luo didn't care at first, but then he was struck by lightning.

He whispered to Gallot for a moment, and then walked out with a dancer.

Gallot also whispered in the ears of the surrounding fire mercenaries for a while, and all the fire mercenaries walked out with a dance girl.

After watching everyone go out in the bar, the skinny monkey raised his eyelids slightly, revealing a fanatical and excited look.

, A quarter of an hour later.

Li Luo and others appeared in the same hotel.

Beside them, there were dancers who were knocked out.

"You said they were abnormal?"

Gallot looked unbelievable, and continued: "The wizard of Feishui Town is a powerful character. It is impossible to find the anomaly of these women who are unhappy."

Li Luo took out a dagger, slashed a woman's wrist, and suddenly a burst of blue-red blood flowed out.

"Yinming!" Everyone was shocked.

Li Luo immediately made a gesture of silence, motioning everyone to come close, everyone cut his arm and shed bright red blood, he was relieved to whisper in everyone's ears.

After a quarter of an hour, the girls were moved to each room. These mercenaries also entered the room, took off their clothes, and made the appearance of fighting these women for three hundred rounds. In fact, none of them dared to fall asleep, always paying attention to the monsters around them.

The next day, everyone stared at the dark circles and walked out.

The skinny monkey hurried over and asked, "How is it? I was upset last night!"

Li Luo chuckled lightly, and said: "That girl, let Laozi toss for half the night!"

The Skinny Monkey showed an expression that both you and I understand, and walked towards the other members of the Fire Mercenary Group, and quickly started laughing and talking with others.

Seeing this, Li Luo put away his forcibly smile, his face turned gloomy.

A few days later, the fat Dudler walked into the alchemy room, whispered in Li Luo's ear, and walked out with some potions.

In the evening, everyone walked out of the room like corpses and walked on the street step by step towards the gate of the city. Soon, the gate of the city rose, and Li Luo and his group imitated the appearance of a zombie. Go in the direction.

Behind them are thin monkeys and a group of exposed women.

However, at this time, the skinny monkey's eyes were pitch black, and the tongue in his mouth was more than a meter long, and he looked like a hanged ghost, plus his black robe, if not for Li Luo knew he had a problem. , I thought I encountered black impermanence.

It turned out that when Li Luo walked out of the cave of the blood-eyed mercenary group ~www.readwn.com~ he inadvertently saw a diamond in the cave.

As for the dancing girls, Li Luo recognized it at the second glance, and their aura was very similar to those women who had previously felt in the red light district.

Coupled with the weird behavior of the thin monkey, I realized that these blood-eyed mercenary group members should have infinitely enlarged their desire to earn money, and the blind eyes could probably cry out diamonds.

Since the skinny monkey is not normal, he will use his plan to make the appearance that everyone has been recruited, let the skinny monkey take them with them, and see if he can find a way to get close to the monster in the ghost lake.

Everyone went all the way, and after walking for about a week, they finally came to a lake.

Before Li Luo gave the fat man a concentration potion, which had the effect of dispelling distracting thoughts, and everyone secretly drank it in advance. But with a weird groan, everyone still had distracted thoughts, but fortunately, none of them did anything else, all of them honestly followed the thin monkey to the lake.

In the misty mist, Li Luo could vaguely see chains extending from the lake surface and spreading towards the void. In the void, the figure of a cyan-skinned woman was bound to death by chains. Dead, let out an intoxicating moan.

But at this moment, the woman's eyes suddenly opened, looking at Li Luo's side, Yu Wei slightly took a picture.

Suddenly, a piercing scream suddenly sounded. Li Luo only felt the darkness in front of him, and he half-kneeled on the ground. He only felt a flow of heat in his ears. At this moment, the distracting thoughts in his heart finally couldn't be controlled and broke out. !

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