Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 545: flee

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Li Luo's complexion changed drastically, holding back his uncontrollable body, and after a hand, a huge flask appeared out of thin air. This is the trinitrotoluene that he recently extracted from a kind of beast, and this is the only way he can think of dealing with this monster.

Trinitrotoluene, also known as TNT explosive, this beast is the Heilin Blazing Bull. Under the microscope, Li Luo watched hundreds of tissues in the whole body of this monster before extracting it from a thread in the lungs.


As a flame fell on the flask, there was a blast.

A giant mushroom cloud rose up, and a tyrannical storm spread in all directions.

The huge waves on the lake rolled, and suddenly sounded like babies crying everywhere, and the water ghosts were thrown into the air from the huge waves, either their limbs were broken, or their heads fell in pieces.

Black and red blood stained the entire lake.

Don't think about it, the woman bound by the chain is the legendary Nether Race.

After Li Luo landed, regardless of his injuries, he took out his dagger and rushed towards the dense water ghosts on the shore. He cut off the heads of the water ghosts and put them into the space bag.

The other mercenaries in Agni were wailing and couldn't get up for a while. These mercenaries were not as powerful as Tier 3, and naturally they couldn't be compared with a warrior like Li Luo. Just after they drank a bottle of healing potion, they struggled to crawl in the direction they had come.

Soon, under the blisters in the lake, bald heads stretched out and quickly approached Li Luo from the lake.

Li Luo moved quickly and had collected hundreds of heads, but he still didn't want to leave. Behind him, Gallot yelled: "Don't be controlled by desire!"

Only then did he wake up and sprinted in the direction where he came.

After everyone left more than ten kilometers away, they sat on the ground panting.

"so close."

Gallot wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Li Luo, and said, "Big brother, what is your flask? It's amazing!"

Li Luo smiled and said, "Alchemy bomb."

The expressions on everyone's faces showed a touch of jealousy, and then they seemed to have thought of something, and said angrily: "I didn't expect the skinny monkey to be demonized, and it seems that the resident wizard in Feishui City is too bad."

Li Luo nodded and said, "It should not be too late, let's go back and notify the second prince."

Soon, everyone rushed towards Feishui City.

Because it ran at full speed, the weakest in the team also had the strength of a Tier 2 knight, and within a few hours, the team returned to Feishui City.

"You said that the stationed wizard has been demonized?" Chiron looked incredulous, rubbing his fingers on the hilt, and continued to ask: "Did you tell anyone?"

Li Luo shook his head: "No. I must find an opportunity to kill him."

Chiron waved his hand and said quickly: "No."

He paced back and forth, and continued: "You must hold him steady." Then, he whispered in a soldier's ear for a moment, and the soldier ran out quickly.

"I have sent someone to stop the skinny monkey and those dancing girls you mentioned. As for the wizard, most of them are demonized and want to turn the entire town into a breeding base for monsters. We can either clean up these worms once or master them. All their lists are ready to go."

After a pause, Chiron stroked his arm, a burst of bright red blood flowed out, and said: "I'm normal."

Li Luo also gestured, and the surrounding soldiers also opened his arms. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with everyone, Chiron called them together and began to whisper.

In this way, the elite tribes of Feishui City all knew this secret, and they all stayed at home honestly or trained on the training ground. For a time, the crowds passing by in the feasting alley became scarce.

Li Luo also began to refine mental power awakening potions for these young girls in the alchemy house. For a while, everyone seemed to be back in a peaceful day. However, an undercurrent in Feishui Town began to surge.

Soon, the first apprentice wizards were born. Li Luo began to carefully teach that, apart from the disappearance of so many fifty people every month, Feishui Town seemed to have no big difference.

On this day, Li Luo finally walked out of the alchemy room and walked towards the Wizarding Association.

Soon, he saw Chiron and a large group of guards approaching.

The resident wizard Kenny walked out of the room indifferently, looked at Li Luo and Chiron in front of him, and kept slapped his palms.

"Not bad."

"It's been half a year. Your acting really looks like it."

"If it hadn't been for the news of the death of the thin monkey, the deity would have been paralyzed by you."

"But. It doesn't matter." Kenny's expression became frenzied.

"Before, your human tribe actually blasted the rune chains that bound the deity, plus the black lin monsters outside, the deity has recovered about 10% of its strength. Soon. Soon, the deity will come and take care of you himself! "

Kenny looked at Li Luo, a dazzling gray flame ignited all over his body, which quickly turned to ashes.

Li Luo turned around, looked at Chiron, gave a chivalry, and smiled: "So, her goal is me alone, it's much easier. I went to take refuge with the master, and we will have a period of time later!"

"This!" Kailong's expression changed, and he said, "Don't be brave!"

Li Luo nodded, mounted a group of Black Lin horses, and galloped towards the city gate.

One month later.

In a village, Li Luo knocked on a door of a room with a tired expression.

It was a couple who opened the door. After seeing Li Luo in leather armor, his complexion changed slightly, and he stretched out his head and watched on the street for a while, then hurriedly pulled Li Luo in.

Without saying anything, Li Luo took out the magic stones, flicked his fingers, and runes were engraved on the ground, and soon the breath of the whole body was gathered in the private house.

He took out the corpse of a Hei Lin wild boar and gave it to the couple.

"How embarrassing it is." This is a middle-aged couple. Although they said that, they dragged the wild boar into the kitchen with joy.

"The wild boar I have is, let me avoid tonight, and give you three." Li Luo gasped coarsely and said.

"Brother, what do you say, our husband and wife are good people." The man smiled and said.

"Okay." Li Luo took out an alchemy puppet and guarded him, pointed at the puppet, and said, "Don't touch me if I am not awake, it will attack you."

"Don't worry." The man looked at the wild boar and said without turning his head~www.readwn.com~ Li Luo just lay down in peace.

Late at night, Li Luo was awakened by the sound of footsteps.

He saw that his middle-aged man was constantly pacing back and forth in front of his room, looking at him hesitantly.

"what's up?"

Li Luo frowned and asked.

"Several children in the village are missing. The villagers are looking around. My old lady has followed out for two hours. I want to go out and have a look." The middle-aged man looked at Li Luo with a grimace, as if written on his face. Please help me find these characters.

But at this moment, a man in leather armor rushed in and said loudly, "It's not good, Tek. Your woman's belly is full of swelling, her face is black, and she is going to die!"

"What!" Tektronix was surprised when he heard the words, and ran out with the man quickly.

After a while, Li Luo slowly walked out of the door, his complexion changed slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he quickly concealed his aura. A quagmire appeared under his feet, sank slowly, and disappeared into the room.

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