Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 550: Thrilling kill

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Li Luo's face sank, and he slapped his hand to the space bag. Hundreds of metal **** appeared. Then, his eyes flashed with silver light, and countless silver silk threads shot out, one after another in the air. Passed through the metal ball.

Suddenly, the sound of clicking was endless, the metal ball flashed with golden light, and the humming sounded loudly. Spider puppets emerged one by one. A golden barrel stretched out in the abdomen, and golden rays swept across the skulls. And pass.


   The miserable howling sound, like the last wailing of the living before death, and the roar of a resentful spirit in the Nine Nether Lands, with an indescribable resentment, pierced Li Luo's mind.

   Li Luo just felt a sudden rise in his heart, as if there was nowhere to vent, his eyes were suddenly scarlet, and he could no longer maintain any sense of reason.

He took out a huge sword and suddenly turned around, and saw the ghouls crawling out from the depths of the crypt tunnel. The smelly saliva in the mouth fell on the ground, making a squeaky sound, which sounded horrified and yet again. Depressed.

   But at this time, he has lost his reason, and the puppet behind him has lost control and stood there in a daze. Li Luo's eyes were blood-red, and a blood-colored light flashed from the giant sword in his hand. In a flash, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and appeared in the center of the ghoul group.

   The blood light suddenly shined, and a huge killing sword intent raged up, and the blood-colored blade blew up a ring of violent storms, covering all the ghouls.


   Next one. With a scream, accompanied by the **** light of the giant sword, the hideous heads rose to the sky, and the stench of black blood spewed out, but they were all blocked by the light of blood on Li Luo's body.


   Li Luo roared in his mouth, step by step towards the depths of the crypt.

   At this time, he is as if demonized, a violent killing aura rises up, his eyes are fiercely staring at the surrounding environment, his mind is completely controlled by the desire to kill.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

In the depths of the crypt, a terrifying and weird laughter came towards Li Luo, causing the killing aura on him to skyrocket. The speed at his feet was mentioned in vain, and the whole person appeared like a teleportation. In the passage fifty meters away, and the figure flashed continuously, as if it was constantly flashing, a few beats disappeared into the depths of the crypt.

   Deep in the crypt, a withered bone lay in a coffin pivot, slowly opened his eyes, a soul fire lit up in his eye sockets, slowly pushed open the coffin lid, and stood up.

   Opposite the withered bones, Li Luo walked over with blood red eyes.

   Li Luo approached, stood there, motionless, the withered mandible suddenly moved up and down a few times, as if showing a smile.

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie. How many years, someone finally cultivated the sword intent. It's worth the deity waiting for so many years!" Dry bone stood in front of Li Luo and nodded slightly.

   Withered bone palm pressed somewhere on the ground, and suddenly a dark green pattern emerged, spreading towards Li Luo's feet.

   Immediately afterwards, the dead bone lay back in the coffin, and the whole coffin began to light up with blood-colored lines, which also spread towards the ground where Li Luo was.

   Soon, the soul fire in the withered eyes in the coffin seemed to be pulled away, and slowly disappeared. Li Luo began to have blood-colored lines and dark-green lines spreading on his body, pouring toward the sky spirit cover above his head.

   But at this moment, the brand of the **** hand that disappeared on his shoulder resurfaced, and a **** qi spread.

   "Damn! There is a soul hidden in this body! Who are you? Why are you lurking in this human body!?"

   The soul fire in the eyes of the dry bones in the coffin rekindled immediately, and he shouted angrily. But its breath has been reduced by more than 70%.


From the moment Li Luo entered the crypt out of control, he watched it all from the perspective of a bystander, and the blood imprint on his shoulder was reactivated, which helped him get rid of his control. In addition to surprise, he was angry with him. Roaring, he rushed towards the withered bones who had just stood up.


   The void began to vibrate at this moment, and the silver sword intent pressed towards the dry bone at this moment.

But Withered Bone was obviously not a normal necromantic creature. I saw that he took out a blood-colored cross sword from there, with a flash of blood on it, and a killing intent rose to the sky, instantly dispelling Li Luo's sword intent, and crossed. Under the flash of the sword blood, three sneers cracked and muffled three times. Three sword marks appeared on Li Luo's two arms and one thigh, and the giant sword in his hand came out and fell to the ground.

   Now, Li Luo's complexion changed drastically. Even if the bone was weakened by the tattoo on his shoulder just now, he still has this kind of strength!

"Hey. The killing sword of the deity is okay. To tell you the truth, the deity only uses 10% of the sword intent, otherwise, you are already a corpse!" The bones walked step by step, and smiled strangely. Get up: "Since it's here, obediently become the container of the deity!"

After   , he grabbed Li Luo with one hand as if he was lifting a chicken. The soul fire flew out from one eye socket and landed on the tattoo on Li Luo's shoulder.


Under a muffled sound, the tattoo on Li Luo's shoulder seemed to have a phantom withered bones, and then he heard two different voices roaring on his shoulders. After a while, he only felt a hot shoulder and turned his head. When I took a look, I saw that the tattoo quickly faded and gradually became blurred, and a **** air also rose up, escaping towards the surroundings.


   The bones on the face of the withered bone in front of him suddenly crooked, as if his complexion became stiff, the entire withered bone took a step back, and his expression seemed a little surprised. But then, he hesitated, and divided the soul fire in the other eye socket into another eye socket~www.readwn.com~ Another soul fire floated out and fell on Li Luo's shoulder. .


   As if burned by a soldering iron, Li Luo felt a searing pain in his shoulder. When he looked back, he saw a trace of blood rising, and the tattoos disappeared.


   Although Dry Bones had no lungs, he still gasped violently for a few times, as if the consumption just now was quite huge for him.

   The dry bones on his face were twisted for a while, and a **** sword intent rushed up, but it was more than three points weaker than before.

"The **** human repellent made the deity consume so much!" Withered bone kicked Li Luo to the point where he was just now, and the soul fire in his eyes jumped: "When the deity takes possession of your body, it will be well. Treat your wife and children and let them enjoy the fun of being undead! Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

   With a strange smile, the bones turned and jumped into the coffin pivot, and the beating soul fire appeared with an expression of excitement that could not be concealed.

   A touch of **** lines began to spread, and the withered soul fire gradually dimmed, but then his complexion changed!

"Impossible. I have broken your hamstrings and hamstrings, why can I still act!" Dry bone still wants to move, but the node where he is constantly extracting the power of his soul, making him feel weak. The speed is weak to the extreme!

   A black shadow emerged from mid-air, and in the eyes of Withered Bones, a huge silver brilliance quickly magnified, and the giant sword flashed with it.

   Boom! There was a loud explosion.

  The coffin hinge burst instantly, and everything around him became quiet.

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