Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Run into the stone formation

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   Li Luo thought about the battle just now, but he still had lingering fears.


   If it hadn't been for the dry bones to be continuously weakened, and he had the blood to restore the broken hamstrings and hand muscles, I am afraid that it would have turned into a container for the undead. He checked the surroundings thoroughly again, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he picked up the dead bone space bag and checked it.


   There are three things in the space bag.


   A map is the map of this secret realm.


   A familiar blood jade, the content of the seal inside is the practice technique of Killing Sword Jue. It includes the cultivation method of fighting qi, the cultivation method of killing sword intent, and the other two exercises related to this exercise.


   Li Luo guessed, just like the Blood Underworld True Scripture, Nine Nether True Jue, and Siphon Dafa, only by gathering three keys can a certain teleportation stone be activated and leave here.


   "It seems that I have to practice this exercise. But this is the practice of the ghost clan, how can I practice it alone?"


   shook his head and temporarily suppressed his thoughts. He looked at the last wooden box in the space bag and moved in his heart. The wooden box emerged and landed on the palm of his hand.


   Suddenly, a strong cold air suddenly spread, and when he opened the box, it turned out to be a gray and purple fruit, which was the Nine Nether Fruit. There are nine blue and black lines on it, and it looks like it is a first-class product picked from a thousand meters in the sky!


   Li Luo hesitated for less than a second, opened his mouth and bit down.




   A day later, Li Luo slowly walked out of the tomb.


   At this time, although he was exuding a gloomy aura, the strange thing was that his skin was still healthy and wheatish, and he himself was a little confused.


   "Could it be that the blood of the gods covered the blood of the Nether Race?" Shaking his head, Li Luo retracted the blood-colored cross sword into the scabbard on his waist, his figure flashed, turning into an afterimage and galloping away in one direction.


   At this time, with the help of the high-ranking Nine Nether Fruits, he has cultivated the Killing Sword Jue to a great level in one fell swoop, surpassing almost a level, and a wave of the Yin Ming Qi of the fourth-order peak power spreads.


   There is no hidden aura. After killing several monsters in a row, he finally mastered his new power.


   At this time, Li Luo also gradually came to a rocky post.


   glanced at the map, he walked inward cautiously.


   What catches your eye is a piece of jumbled rocks, phantoms are constantly emerging around here, making strange screams, and at the same time, a gloomy air burrows into Li Luo's body.


   But at this time, his physique has changed, so he is naturally not afraid of these weird forces.


   Li Luo scanned the surroundings, watching the phantoms emerging from the strange rocks. These phantoms made the surrounding space slightly distorted, and black shadows constantly appeared on the strange rocks he passed by and hid them again.


He frowned. Obviously, these dark shadows should have been transformed by some kind of ghosts living resentful spirits, attached to the stone, and turned into ghost puppets. These ghost puppets keep appearing, obviously they are accumulating power and waiting for enough people. , They swarmed up, wanting to bury themselves alive by virtue of their numbers.


   In this way, the corpses of the ancient Nether tribe or the evil ghost tribe were buried in this chaotic stone hill marked on the map. Moreover, the corpse is still ‘alive’, and similarly, there will be blood jade techniques.


   But even if these puppets are smashed, new puppets will appear again to replace them. It seems that this chaotic stone hill should be a huge magic circle, as long as you find the magic circle hub and destroy it in one fell swoop, these puppets can break without attack.


   Li Luo's eyes lit up with a gleam of blood, his gaze scanned his surroundings, scanning every corner of the surrounding environment, and finally his gaze was fixed on a circular stone pier.


This stone pier looks like hemp yarn and yarn. If you don’t look carefully, you will definitely not be able to find the mystery on it. I saw a light blue pattern on the stone pier, flashing every few minutes, as if some energy was being transmitted to the surrounding. The Yin Ming Qi spread to the surroundings.


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his figure flickered before he came to the stone pier. Did the cross sword in his hand flash with blood? A sense of killing instantly enveloped the stone pier, with a bang, and the stone pier burst open.


The surrounding scenery changed drastically. The huge rocks shattered instantly, and the ground began to become a piece of coke. The rubble slowly dissolved at this moment. Li Luo only felt the heat under his feet, and quickly flew up and stopped at a low altitude. At the meter, looking at a figure slowly walking in the distance.


   This is a ghoul about three meters high, with a cyan armor, exuding an extremely cold and deadly atmosphere.


   When all the stones under his feet were dissolved, the ground squirmed, and brown lines appeared. There was a flash of black light on the ground. Li Luo only felt a stagger and fell from mid-air.


   Suddenly, he felt his whole body heavy, and a planetary pressure comparable to ten times was acting on his whole body.


   Li Luo was shocked in a cold sweat. Had it not been for the cultivation of Heaven and Earth Hegemony Body Jue, the physical body was comparable to a beast, and had been tempered to a very high strength, I am afraid that at this moment, he would lose his combat power.


   The ghoul on the opposite side was taken aback, with an unexpected look on his shriveled and ugly face. He took out an axe from somewhere in his hand and walked towards Li Luo slowly.


   Li Luo slowly stood up from the ground and moved his shoulders~www.readwn.com~ After confirming that he could barely fight, the expression on his face eased slightly.


But at this moment, a series of dark figures appeared in the air, and under a burst of strange laughter, they sank into the ground and disappeared. Then, a series of ghoul figures came out from the ground, holding an axe and step by step. Walked towards Li Luo.


Li Luo's complexion changed slightly, but there was no fear, but he saw his hand slap towards the space bag, and metal **** flew out one by one, and under the noise of the air, they turned into a series of spiders. The puppet fell beside Li Luo.


  As soon as the puppets fell, golden gun barrels appeared, and the humming sound was loud, and golden rays shot out, blasting precisely on the heads of ghouls one after another.


   Suddenly, the dry flesh and blood splashed all over at this moment, and the heads of the ghouls suddenly broke apart.


But at this moment, a humming sound rang fiercely, and the ghoul king in the distance, holding a giant axe in his hand, brought a fierce storm, and instantly came to Li Luo's body, scratching his face with a dull pain. .


   In Li Luo's line of sight, a giant axe quickly zoomed in, and slashed towards the top of his head.


   Li Luo's heart was shocked, feeling the extremely violent power contained in the giant axe in front of him, and his body slid directly to the side. Even though the speed was greatly reduced due to gravity, his physical fitness combined with the blood of various monsters still made him react quickly.


   But at this moment, the sudden change!



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