Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Deal with the King of Gods

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   The sacrificial dagger turned into a red glow, and it came towards Kassar.


  Kasar's complexion changed, and at this moment, the reaction speed reached the extreme, and he slid horizontally to the right. But at this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air under a cyan mist in a leather bag on Yumi's waist.


   "Enemy attack!"


   The surrounding golden armor soldiers swarmed over.


Li Luo's complexion remained unchanged, a dark light appeared in his hand, a faint unicorn pattern appeared on his forehead, and the dark light suddenly brightened and turned into a thick spiral ray lasing out, surrounded by ghosts and shadows, bursts of light. The howling sounds of ghosts and wolves spread to the surroundings.


   Without any hesitation, he instantly activated the blood of the unicorn. At this moment, the rule of death instantly filled the entire spell, and instantly hit in front of Kasar.


The Holy Grail in Kasar's hand suddenly lit up, and a golden shield enveloped him, but Kasar still felt that his heart was severely pinched, and the whole person felt a palpitation. When his eyes went dark, he temporarily lost control of his body. Take control.


   Li Luo shot out, grasping the Holy Grail in his hand, and rushed towards the door.


   This series of actions was like flowing water. When the soldiers in the golden armor rushed over, the two of them had already ran out of the gate and flew high into the sky.


   Li Luo held the holy grail and muttered words in his mouth. The blood in the holy grail evaporated instantly, turning into a stream of pure energy and poured into his body.


   At this moment, his speed was suddenly mentioned. Under the energy of his whole body, he flew directly into the high sky with about meters, and disappeared into the sky in the direction of the Principality of Black Rock.


   When the two returned to Black Rock City, when they saw Chiron, it was already a month later.


  In the palace.


   Chiron looked at the Holy Grail in front of him, his expression groaning.


   "Your Majesty, I need to use the Holy Grail to communicate with the King of God and do me a favor." Li Luo stood aside and said softly.


Kailong thought for a while, nodded, and said: "That's good, after all, our principality always pretends to believe in this **** king. After a long time, once he gets angry, it is not something mortals like us can afford. Sacrifice those cyclops. It’s enough to eat and drink the king for so long!"


   Li Luo nodded and said: "Then, without further ado, let's start the ceremony."


   "Come on..."




a week later.


   In front of an altar, Chiron and Li Luo stood beside them. Around them, there were huge figures lying there, seeming to fall asleep.


   "Then it takes three hours to be drugged, and we must complete the sacrifice within this time." Chiron said as he looked at the giants around him, his complexion changed slightly.


   "Your Majesty, don't worry. After this time, I will thank you with blood knowledge." Li Luo smiled and nodded.


   Kailong's eyes lit up, and he said, "A word is definite."


   Soon, Chiron held the Holy Grail and started chanting unknown spells.








   Cyclops exploded one after another, turning into drops of huge divine blood floating towards the Holy Grail.


  At this moment, 10,000 meters high in the sky began to warp, and a phantom of purple and gold pupils appeared.


   "God King. Please accept the service of your followers."


   Chiron respectfully raised the Holy Grail.


   Under a burst of spatial ripples, the blood in the Holy Grail disappeared in an instant under a burst of golden light.


   "Believers, your blood is not pure, but you can barely agree to a wish. Say it." The purple eyes flashed, glanced at Li Luo, and said in a deep voice.


   "Lilafi of the Wizarding World is the leader of the Wizarding League, but she has a dirty soul. I would like to ask you to show your grace and let it be revealed!" Kairon thought about it and said.


"Yeah." The God King narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I can't promise you this wish. The Wizarding World has an interface crystal wall protection, and ninety-nine percent of my divine power will be exhausted in front of the crystal wall. If you let me do it, you will need more blood, and you will remember that if you want to help a wizard, the blood you need will be doubled!"


   At this point, the huge eyes are slightly angry.


   Li Luoping calmed down his mind and said, "His Great God King, can we first let us owe your blood?"


   "Huh ha ha ha ha. That's a good idea." There was a sarcasm in the huge eyes, looking at Li Luo, sneered, a purple-golden light instantly fell into the center of his eyebrows.


   Li Luo did not resist, but stood there quietly, and suddenly felt the blood in his body start to boil.


   Immediately afterwards, a wave of tyrannical energy emerged in his body instantly, and his breath was also rising at this moment, reaching a new height.


   Feeling his own breath, Li Luo's face changed slightly, and he said, "Great King, are you?"


"It's the reward for you to win this plane." The **** king's eyes flickered, and he continued: "Your wife and children, I will lower the protection of the gods, you are here to give the gods a good development. believer!"


   "You should know what the consequences will be if you don't do it according to God's method!"


   Li Luo's complexion changed when he heard the words, but he still sighed.




   Chiron and Li Luo looked at each other and bowed down respectfully.


   At this time, the eyes of the **** king showed a satisfied look, and slowly dissipated between the heaven and the earth.


at the same time.


   Wu Xueer was being beaten constantly by the torture whip in the prison. Around her were wizards in black robes, their faces twisted and beaten constantly, with a look of enjoyment.


   But at this moment, there was a flash of lightning and thunder in the sky, a purple-golden eye suddenly appeared, and suddenly, a golden thunder and lightning fell from the sky.




   The entire underground prison vaporized instantly, and inside a 10-meter-sized pit, Wu Xueer looked at all this in shock, her expression showing ecstasy.


   Soon, the wizards around flew over.


   The purple-golden eyes high in the sky glanced at the surrounding wizards indifferently.


   "Stupid mortals. If you abuse this woman again, this prison will be your end!"


After   , the purple-golden eyes slowly dissipated in the sky.


   "This. Is this grace?"


   "Damn it, I knew Wu Xueer shouldn't be moved. How could Lord Li Luo plunge into the darkness!"


   "Not good. Li Laffi has a problem!"




   Wu Xueer almost returned to the Demon Hunter Academy with the help of other wizards.


   Inside the academy, a golden holy grail fell on the statue of Li Luo, and at the same time a sacred majesty spread instantly.




   "It's a god!"


   The apprentices around looked at the Holy Grail in front of them, with longing expressions on their faces.


   Wu Xueer looked at the Holy Grail in front of him~www.readwn.com~ with a hesitation expression, picked up the Holy Grail, and walked towards the closed chamber.


   Entering the secret room, she looked at the blood in the holy grail, hesitated, took out a needle and withdrew it all. Then he walked towards the laboratory.


   "You guys, analyze and analyze the blood in this needle to make ten tubes of evolution injection." Looking at the surrounding second-order wizards, Wu Xueer ordered.


   "Yes! Dean."




  Evil ghost world.


   On this day, bursts of colorful energy emerged from the ground and began to spread towards the surroundings.


   Soon, the surrounding plants began to grow rapidly, and the lin pieces around the Black Lin Beast began to fall off, making a scream, and the body began to collapse.


   The pigs and beasts and cattle raised in human captivity rushed out of the cage at this moment and ran towards the wild, eating the newly-generated wild fruits and weeds in one bite, and their stature grew rapidly at this moment.


   Open mountain beast, fire-breathing bull, fire rhinoceros, etc., began to evolve rapidly from small animals.


   At this time, Li Luo's body slowly opened his eyes, looked at the dissipated Jiu Nether Fruit Tree, and sighed.


   Not far away, a figure in a black robe walked over and stood in front of him.


   After a while, Li Luo and You Ming's avatar left here with a gloomy expression, and flew out in one direction.



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