Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 569: Fight for hegemony in the new world

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"You have nowhere to escape!" Kailong was riding a golden war horse, standing in front of a figure in a black robe, and said coldly.

In front of him, the figure in the black robe slowly lowered his hood, revealing white hair and a withered face.

"Arthur, since you have plunged into the darkness, you are the enemy of all mankind. Now, you can go to death." Chiron raised his long sword high, waves of golden light swayed from the sky, and a sacred breath began to spread to the surroundings. .

"Huh?" Arthur showed a sneer and gasped for a while, and said, "What a good excuse, the dog of the gods! It's pitiful, you don't know what it will be for you to be loyal to your so-called gods. !"

"I know." The corner of Kailong's mouth was slightly hooked, and he appeared in front of Arthur, spanning a distance of several tens of meters.

"Holy Strike!" The golden blade was cut off in an instant, and Arthur's pupils shrank, and he was about to make some dodge action, but it was still too late.

But at this moment, Kailong's body suddenly stiffened and shuddered there. Behind Arthur, a ghost of death appeared.

"Death knight." Grim Reaper murmured to himself, a black spot of light lit up in his hand and fell into Arthur's body.

Suddenly, Arthur's haggard body began to plump up, and after a few breaths, he turned into a handsome young man with green skin. There was a continuous flow of Yin Ming Qi and a strong breath of life from his body.

"What?" Kailong's expression changed, and he exclaimed: "Nether Race! How is this possible."

Immediately, a dark, faintly handsome phantom emerged from behind Arthur, and after a glance at Chiron, it dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Chiron!" Arthur's figure exudes an extremely tyrannical atmosphere, pressing towards Chiron, and shouting loudly: "It's not over yet. Death has given me a new body, wait for the war!"

After speaking, Arthur flew up and flew towards the high altitude in the distance, and gradually disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

After a while, under a burst of bubbles, a purple robe figure appeared beside Chiron.

This person is no one else, but Li Luo's body who destroyed the Nine Nether Fruit Tree. At this moment, standing here, the destructive power on his body has not appeared at all, but his breath is like a huge lake, which is daunting.

"Then, the first step of the plan is done." The corner of Kailong's mouth raised slightly, and a wave of pride rose.

Li Luo looked at Chiron and nodded, and said, "Next, I will make every effort to make super bloodline warriors for you. However, don't let them be contaminated with blood!"

Chiron snapped his fingers and said, "I will issue a noble decree."


Arthur ran all the way, and gradually, came to a swamp.

"Damn it. Where are the people of the Nether Race!" He looked at the lush vegetation around him, his face slightly pale.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie."

More than a dozen black fog rolled out, let out a weird laugh, and rushed towards Arthur from a kilometer away.

The black mist dissipated, revealing a few zombies with white hair and blue fangs, standing here.

"The Nether Race has been exterminated, what are your plans?" A three-meter tall figure among several zombies looked at Arthur and asked in a cold voice.

"Destroy all mankind!" Arthur gritted his teeth, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"This kind of cruelty!" Several zombies couldn't help taking a step back. They were about to make a move, but they were instantly enveloped by a gloomy atmosphere.


With a muffled sound, a few zombies flew upside down, and Arthur walked towards them step by step with a frantic expression. He lifted the zombies with one hand like a chicken, and a dark rune appeared between his fingers and disappeared. Within the foreheads of a few zombies.

Suddenly, under the distorted expressions of several zombies, the power of resistance began to weaken.

After about half an hour, a few zombies stood respectfully beside Arthur, lowering their heads slightly.

"Let's go. I'm going to meet your Scourge Lord."

Soon, a few zombies rolled over, leading Arthur to flew out in one direction.

Jomo Fei escaped for an hour, and a few zombies fell down in front of a waterhole.

Arthur stopped on the shore, waiting quietly.

After a while, as the necromancy of a few zombies spread, the lake surface cracked slightly to both sides, the water flowed into waves and rushed to both sides, and a river channel that spread to the ground emerged.

Arthur followed a few zombies to the inside, and soon the rivers on both sides rushed back, and the lake gradually calmed down under a wave of rippling water.

After a while, Li Luo's ghost clone slowly emerged, holding a metal ball in his hand and pressing it slightly. With a click, the metal ball changed, and a mini turtle swam towards the middle of the river.

An hour later, the little tortoise returned to Li Luo's hands. After he collected the tortoise, he galloped away and gradually disappeared here.

The plateau where Asura lived, the fragrance of birds and flowers at this time, in order to commemorate the victory of this war against evil spirits, and praise the human beings transformed into orcs, this plateau has a new name --- Savage Beast Plateau.

For this reason, in the plateau area, Chiron was directly authorized to crown Rotar, the human race with the strongest blood of the giant behemoth, and let him become the king of the orc race.

In this regard, the entire Middle East region of the continent is the Black Rock Principality of Chiron, the northwest of the Black Rock Principality is an orc tribe, and the southwest is a swamp area full of poisonous insects, which is the fortress of the original Nether tribe, and the east of the Black Rock Principality is Barulun. Empire, the extreme cold zone in the north, is the Principality of Goshawk, and the extreme cold zone in the south is the Principality of Rock, between the Barulun Empire and these two principalities~www.readwn.com~ There are also some small principalities in three Surviving in the slits of the Principality barely maintained domestic stability.

Because of the divine king's instruction, Caesar did not launch a war against the principality of Chiron. In order to gain the favor of the divine king, Caesar extended the palm of the war to the surrounding small principalities. The war is on the verge of breaking out. Every small duchy that rebels, and the strong in almost the entire city, are successively sacrificed and turned into the nourishment of the gods.

The two Grand Duchy of the North and the South did not buy Caesar's account. They immediately mobilized all their forces and launched an offensive towards Caesar.

All of a sudden, corpses were everywhere on large battlefields.

On a barren ground, at this time, human corpses were lying here and there.

A black robe figure slowly came from a distance, a burst of yellow light gleamed in his hand, and yellow light **** flew towards the corpses.


A weird roar instantly sounded in the pile of dead bodies, and a group of dull-looking corpses stood up and roared behind the black robe figure.

"It's a waste of resources." The black robe figure shook his head, revealing a haggard face, a corpse witch!

Soon, an army of nearly one hundred thousand necromancers marched in one direction mightily, and gradually came to a city.

"Those people walked strangely," said a guard guarding the door, and was about to ask.

"No, it's the army of necromancers! Damn it, put away the city gate!" The captain of the guard yelled, trying to do something, but the whole person flew out.

In front of his chest, a bone spear pierced through it, firmly anchoring him on the city wall behind.

"It's a monster."



The people who were far from the city gate fled, but were quickly caught by a group of walking corpses and drowned.

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