Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Elegy of the Empire

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Nine ghosts.

In a forest, the space was distorted and began to crack inch by inch.

After a while, three figures jumped out of the space wormhole and landed on the ground.

Both Chiron and Li Luo's faces were very pale, and they seemed to have not recovered from the weak state of resurrection. Nether Clone was also panting, looking a little tired.

"The black mist around here has dissipated. We can find a mountain range and open a cave for temporary recuperation." Li Luo glanced at the surrounding environment and said lightly.

"I'll go back to the Principality first. This time I've damaged so many guards, I'm afraid that guy Kasar will come over." Chiron hesitated and said slowly.

"I'll go with you." Netherworld clone thought for a while and said.

Li Luo gave a hum and said, "Then we will separate first."

"Take care."

The three of them clasped fists to each other and flew out in two directions.

Li Luo flew all the way, enduring the constant flow of weakness, and quickly found a mountain range. After blasting through a cave with spells, he flicked his fingers and set up a large protective array, then took out one. The bed fell over and fell asleep.

This battle can be described as his most thrilling one. The power of the gods seems to be still above his expectations. Li Luo guessed that if they hadn't interrupted Danathus' possession, I am afraid that the three of them would be a person if they hadn't interrupted Danathus' possession. The end of being obliterated.

However, the benefits of this battle are also great.

First of all, the corpse of this evil ghost king has been completely destroyed, the Styx flowing down from the Nine Nether Burial Site has been stopped for summoning, and the atmosphere of the entire planet will definitely start to decrease.

Secondly, Li Luo got the favor of this world star soul.

In the end, the elemental tide will definitely come more violently because of the disappearance of the Styx.

All this indicates that the world of evil spirits has begun to evolve in the direction of the wizarding world. The only thing that must be done now is to launch an attack on Kassar with all his strength, let Chiron dominate the world, and let the Yin and Pluto Star Soul undergo the final sublimation and turn into the Elemental Star Soul.

One month later.

Li Luocai slowly walked out of the cave and flew away in the direction of Black Rock City.

When he flew to Black Rock City, he was surprised to find that there did not seem to be any wars experienced here.

"The five million Scourge Legion is raging in the Barulun Empire?" Inside the palace, Li Luo asked in disbelief.

Kailong nodded and said: "The news is absolutely true. I am afraid that the Barulun Empire will collapse, and it will be our turn next."

The two fell silent for a moment.

"However, your clone is already in front of the Barulun Empire." After thinking about it, Chiron added.

Li Luo nodded, thought about it, and said, "I'll help him enslave a natural disaster lord. The disaster should be resolved soon."

Immediately, he turned and left here.

Three months later, Li Luo and Nether Clone stood in the ruins of a city.

Beside the two of them, there is a huge zombie about five meters high, looking at the Nether clone with a feverish expression, as if waiting for him to give any orders.

"Zombie City, how many subordinates have you gathered?" The Netherworld clone scanned the city and asked slowly.

"Two hundred thousand ordinary walking corpses, fifty thousand elite walking corpses, three thousand evil corpses, and a corpse king." The giant zombie said so, flew high into the sky, and then fell again.

"Hey, the corpse king who was gathered by me is a Tier 5 powerhouse, and now seems to disagree with me, is devouring other walking zombies, wanting to advance." The corpse walks face is slightly distorted, and said slowly.

"Hmph, the ambition is not small. You give an order to let him and his men as the vanguard to attack the capital of the empire!" The Netherworld clone coldly snorted, his eyes burst with murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Seeing that the corpse began to mobilize troops, the two looked at each other and flew to a building.

"What do you think?" Netherworld clone asked Li Luo.

Li Luo thought about it, and said: "Cassard is doing unrighteousness. Few wizards should be willing to be hired by him, but the capital has fallen and turned into a paradise for the undead. For a long time, once these walking corpses evolve fertility, It’s not good. So, even if Kaza does not attack the capital, we will fight."

"And it is necessary to wipe out all the raging undead."

The two exchanged opinions with each other again, and then followed the walking corpse, marching toward the capital with mighty force.

Some zombies were gathered along the way, and gradually came to a magnificent building.

"Kill!" The corpse roared and rushed forward first.

Behind him, densely packed zombies followed his steps and rushed into the gate of the capital.


With roars one after another, zombies began to fight each other. After they killed a zombie, they swarmed up, ate the zombie, and faintly increased its aura.

The battle lasted for three days. During this period, they encountered powerful enemy zombies. Li and Luo used thunder to kill them. When the battle was over, the people of the corpse had shrunk to more than 3,000, but the breath was not enough. Is steadily advanced to the level of the fifth-order zombie.

Seeing that their goals had been achieved, the two flew away towards the sky.

"Boss. Haven't you gotten out of control?" a zombie ran over and asked.

The corpse walk glanced at the zombie, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and said, "You can eat it."

"Huh! You're not at the top of Tier 5, do you really think you can control the deity!?" The zombie's face was slightly happy and coldly snorted, "Everyone, this guy is a traitor to the corpse clan, and now he wants to swallow us, what should we do? do?"


The surrounding zombies faintly formed two forces and stood facing each other in the city.

At this moment, the two men and horses seemed to have agreed, and they acted brazenly. The zombies were torn apart and eaten. The black blood flowed in along the entrance of the sewer. After about an hour, only five hundred remained. The breath of multiple zombies began to rise steadily.


Black feather city.

Kasar's face was slightly tired.


A soldier ran into the castle with surprise.

"Your Majesty. Good news." The soldier knelt there and said loudly.

Kasar frowned slightly and asked, "Say. What's the good news?"

The soldiers organized the language and said: "A corps of two hundred thousand zombies fought against three million ordinary walking corpses in the capital. In the end, only less than a thousand zombies survived. Your Majesty, you return to the country. Hopeful."

Kasar was overjoyed, stood up, and shouted: "Organize soldiers and horses, and go with me!"


Two months later.

Kasar sat in the palace of the capital again, but his face was gloomy.

There is no other reason.

Except for the soldiers who followed him and the Golden Guard, he could no longer find any farmers or refugees.

In desperation, Kasar handed out half of the soldiers, demoted to civilians, and began to cultivate. The remaining soldiers gathered refugees while crusing against zombies in other places, and the number began to decrease rapidly.

The national power of the entire Barulun Empire began to rapidly diminish. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Three years later.

After the natural disaster in the last city subsided, Kasar finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a group of black armored warriors with 100,000 horses, starting from Black Rock City, marched aggressively towards the Barulun Empire.


Bloodline warriors, blood-red lines appeared on their bodies, Li Luo and Netherworld clone spells blasted open the city gates, and these super soldiers swarmed towards the city.

The fight lasted for a day and a night.

When everything calmed down, Kasa had been besieged in the palace by the bloodline warrior.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Kaza spread his head and stood there, his face showing a touch of madness.

I saw that he drank the blood of the Holy Grail, and his breath began to rise steadily.


"Swish swish..."

The dense demon-breaking arrows instantly enveloped him, but they were all blocked by a layer of golden shield.

"Damn exorcism! You blasphemous wizard creations!" Kasa stood there, knowing he was mortal, but still raising his aura.

Li and Luo were hovering in the air, watching all this quietly, their fingertips flashing dazzling light.


The two rays instantly crossed a kilometer distance, and instantly fell on Kassar.

"You guys..." Caesar wanted to say something, but his face turned pale, and the whole person fell to the ground with a bang, and then the armor and flesh on his body began to crack and turn into a piece. The ashes completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

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