Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 574: Transform the Star Soul

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With the demise of the Barulun Empire, Chiron regained the position of emperor.

The tide of elements in the entire world has also reached its peak, more advanced monsters have evolved one after another, and the wild has begun to become extremely dangerous.

At this time, the world of evil spirits has a new name-----the world of divine grace.

This is also the name that Kailong had to choose, in order to stabilize the **** king.

Before a piece of scorched earth, two figures stood here.

A figure wore armor, revealing the face of a handsome man, it was Chiron. Opposite him, there was a green-skinned man who was as handsome as wicked, and it was Arthur.

In the distance, a beautiful figure walked over, her graceful figure, coiled with a red ribbon, exuding a cold and gloomy breath. This woman is Yu Ji who is not fake.

"Do you have to drive the Nether Clan to an end? Your Highness." You Ji asked with a cold face.

Chiron clapped his hands, and dense figures came over.

After standing still, these people showed cyan-skinned faces.

"I never wanted to erase the Nether Race from this world. You are a group of great spellcasters. You should be loyal to the empire. But this guy alone, I must get rid of it." Chiron looked at You Ji, faintly He said, and at the same time, a strong murderous intent burst into his eyes, which instantly enveloped Arthur.

Behind Kailong was the clone of Netherworld, he stood there quietly, beckoning to You Ji.

You Ji shook her body, then slowly lowered her arm and walked over.

"Hahahahahahaha..." Arthur laughed wildly, and his breath began to rise steadily.

"Come on. Chiron, only you and me! We are one on one!" Arthur flew into the sky, floating there quietly.

Chiron was wearing a golden armor, and flew up, standing high in the sky.


The two figures turned into afterimages and flickered in the air, only to hear a continuous roar, which lasted more than three minutes.

Then, Arthur's figure fell from the sky.

He spit out blood in his mouth, lying there quietly, slowly closing his eyes, his expression unwilling.

"Damn it. This guy didn't use the blood of God at all, so he beat me like this. Could it be that I was wrong?" Arthur muttered to himself, the breath was sometimes absent at first, and the whole body was also lit up. The yin and cold blood light seemed to stimulate the body's potential.

"Die." Chiron was holding a long sword, and a golden sword light appeared.


Arthur suddenly opened his eyes, and a silver eye appeared at this moment.

Everyone only felt that the whole body seemed to be frozen by this cold breath, and they couldn't move anymore.


Li Luo's heart sank. This Arthur has become ghostly and is very suitable for use as a clone. If this Danadus uses Arthur's body to lower the clone, the situation will not be optimistic.

However, Danathus did not lower his avatar, and saw that Arthur disappeared in front of everyone under a gray whirlpool around him.

at the same time.

Nine ghosts.

At this time, the black mist here has dispersed.

Under the rapid growth of vegetation, insects and animals evolve rapidly, and a series of tall monsters wandering in the forest, making a loud roar.

Li Luo's body walked in the forest, toward the depths of the vast forest.

The key to the world of evil spirits being comparable to the world of wizards lies in the size of his world.

Because of the ancient wars, 70% of the land area here was shrouded in ghost fog, making it impossible for other creatures to explore. Now, Li Luo took this opportunity to go to the depths of the forest to find the crashed floating city, and to bring the gods A series of methods to tell the remnant soul of the ancient wizard.

While walking, the surrounding element particles began to become active.

Li Luo walked all the way along the direction of the elemental particles. After walking for three months, he finally came to a big pit.

Looking down along the pit, it was a shattered ruin. Obviously, this floating city had been completely destroyed. Under the general perception, there was nothing valuable, and Li Luo continued to walk towards another element-rich direction. .

So, after looking for about a year, I finally saw a magical city standing there in front of a forest clearing.

The entire city seems to be lonely on the ground, but it is protected by a layer of purple energy light beams. Everything in the floating city seems to be still running on its own, standing there seems to be absorbing underground energy.

Li Luo slowly flew to the front of the floating city, holding the light shield of the floating city slightly with his hand, and a tyrannical elemental mana surged toward the light shield.

Without the slightest obstruction, Li Luo's figure was directly sucked into the mask.

Entering the goal is the figure of black mice and giant jungle cats. They seem to regard this place as a paradise. Li Luo flew all the way to the center of the floating city and entered the main control room.

Soon, in front of an alloy gate, a series of runes lit up, and at the same time a light and shadow emerged.

Light and shadow are not others, but the wizard Li Luo dreamed of when he first came to the world of evil spirits.

The afterimage of the ancient wizard looked at Li Luo and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes. Being able to come here proves that you already know the answer. Tell me about it."

Listening to the words of the ancient wizard, Li Luo began to slowly explain what he had experienced.

The face of the ancient wizard was always calm. After a while, he sighed slightly, and the alloy door opened.

After entering the control room, the light and shadow of this ancient wizard appeared again.

"Snowy. This is the new master. I decided to give him all the authority." Beside the ancient wizard light and shadow, there is a round alchemy creation, and a light suddenly shines on its head. Under the weaving, a rune emerges. Out.

The light and shadow lightly moved the rune, and the rune flew out and got into the body of the ancient wizard.

"Condense a rune of spiritual power and inlay it here." The ancient wizard's body became more and more blurred, and his voice gradually became quieter.

"Senior ~www.readwn.com~Do you need me to find you a new body?" Li Luo asked as the light and shadow became more transparent.

"My soul has been shattered. During this period, I was only attached to the alchemy puppet to maintain my sanity. Then, I wish you success, latecomers, I hope you will lead the strong in this star field to resist the good evil disaster. Remember, thousand Don't let the tricks of this **** king succeed! Otherwise, we ancient wizards, we won't be stunned when we die. Remember..."

Watching the light and shadow gradually dissipate, Li Luo branded a spiritual rune on the place where the alchemy puppet's light intertwined, and immediately a connection was established between the alchemy puppet and him.

"Master, what are you doing now?" The alchemy puppet asked with a shimmering light.

"Xidi is right. I want to know how to transform this Yin Ming star soul into an elemental star soul." Li Luo asked with a pensive expression on his face.

"Release gamma rays and £ rays to the star soul. The floating city needs to go to the universe to absorb dark energy to recharge. Do you want to start charging?" Xuedi asked unhurriedly.


The ground began to vibrate violently, and the floating city rose from the ground, and gradually flew into the sky. A light mask appeared and rose into the universe.


The vast starry sky and infinite energy converged towards the floating city and merged into a huge magic circle.

"Start to release gamma rays, £ rays!"

The glow of the floating city flashed, the two main muzzles aimed at the earth, and two purple and red rays about a hundred meters thick instantly sank into the earth.

Suddenly, the entire Divine Grace Continent seemed to be surrounded by Sanskrit sounds, and the colorful mist began to rise from the ground. At this moment, the elemental tide broke out completely.

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