Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 590: Fisherman profit

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"Since Conrad dared to take the risk alone, how could he let the Star Soul stay here?" Yu Meng's face was stern, looking extremely cute.

However, Li Luo suddenly woke up when he heard Yumeng's words.

"Yes." Li Luo continued with a deep gaze, "If it were me, it would be impossible for the Star Soul to stay in Baiyan City."

Anda also nodded in agreement, and said: "But it is unlikely to be on Conrad."

"But where is it?" Several people were lost in thought.

"Star Soul has a certain strength suppression effect." The Netherworld clone groaned, and continued: "Then the only possibility is that Conrad is handed over to the second strongest of the Scourge Legion for safekeeping."

Li Luo closed his eyes, his spiritual power spread out, and instantly enveloped the entire Baiyan City.

"No. The strongest breath is only Tier 5." Li Luo shook his head and said.

"Hurry up. If you don't leave, it will be too late!" The Netherworld clone's complexion changed, and the whole person was madly engulfed in the dark air, and instantly enveloped several people, turning into a thick black mist and flew towards the outside.

In front of the pipeline leading to Baiyan City, Li Luo and others descended in front of a mountain range ten kilometers away.

Soon, a cave was opened. A few people set up another breath circle, which was hidden in the cave.

Anda took out a compass witch tool and started investigating, while explaining: "This compass can detect high-frequency energy vibrations within a hundred kilometers. Although it takes a long time, there is no other way."

"It takes a few days to locate?" Li Luo asked.

"One week." Anda replied.

Li Luo was silent for a moment, nodded, and smiled: "Almost, ten days later, Ritter should also start the first round of attack on Baiyan City."

"If we locate the Undead Star Soul five days in advance, we will have enough time to prepare."

Several people nodded, sat down cross-legged, and began to adjust their state.

Time quickly passed in the practice.

The general offensive began, and the Dragon Blood Warrior had settled for so many years, and finally broke out at this moment.

Several outlying towns of the undead forces were breached in almost one day, and the dragon blood army rushed straight to Baiyan City.

Baiyancheng deserves to be the main force stationed in the Scourge. The Dragon Blood Legion has been attacking for three days and three nights without being able to attack it.

Soldiers on both sides are stunned, the undead is eager for the flesh and blood of the dragon blood warrior, who is to avenge their comrades and relatives.

The fight was still going on, Ritter became irritable and irritable after repeated attacks, and the negative emotions of the undead gradually got out of control.

Finally, Ritter began to transform the dead dragon blood warrior into a high-level ghoul and joined the siege.

Because most of the undead were masters, Ritter often fell into a state of being under siege. After a serious injury, he used the extremely evil blood sacrifice spell—the death contract.

After the ghouls were sacrificed by blood, the most evil essence of the undead poured into Ritter's body. Ritter's eyes became cold, and he did not hesitate to let the soldiers rush towards the undead with the alchemy bomb.

The battle began to heat up.

Inside the White Rock Castle.

Conrad tasted bright red blood wine, and beside him were several vampires exuding powerful blood.

"Grand Duke, why don't you just let us kill him." A vampire holding a cross sword asked.

"Peter, you are still too young. Our high-level undead itself is scarce, and this Ritter is also degenerating a little bit. Even if this war can be given up, he can't be killed." Conrad drank the wine, calmly. To say.

"Don't question Grand Duke's decision, Peter!" the other vampires shouted with a sharp face.

"Yeah." Peter said nothing, and stood quietly to the side.

"Peter, you should be questioning whether Ritter will fall? Let's go and turn his wife and children into vampires, and leave it to you." The tall vampire on the side said hollowly.

"Yes, Marquis Will." Peter flashed blood all over his body and flew out into a flock of bats.

"Then let the hatred in Ritter's heart be deeper! Are the human races who acted as blood eaters still there?" Conrad slowly floated in the air and asked indifferently.

"Everything is ready, Grand Duke." Will respectfully said.

"Send those human races to the wall, in front of Ritter, and let the ghouls tear them apart!" Conrad said calmly, and flew outside the castle.

Soon, the ragged men, women, and children of the human race pushed up the city wall, and under the watchful eyes of the dragon blood warrior and Ritter, they were overwhelmed by the ghoul group.

Suddenly, a stream of bright red blood shed from the entire city wall, a pungent **** and rancid smell, and the breeze blew in front of the dragon blood warrior.

"Damn it! I can't bear it, these god-killed undead! Your Majesty, give the command of the general attack!" A dragon blood warrior commander drew his long sword fiercely, shouting and kneeling before Ritter.

Ritter looked at the leader of the dragon blood warrior, his expression indifferent, took out a bowl of black and red blood and handed it over.

"Drink it, embrace the darkness, and kill these dead bodies with me!" Ritter handed the bowl to the commander and said with a frantic expression.

"Embrace the darkness and fight for the human race!" The surrounding dragon leaders walked up and drank a bowl of vampire blood.

Suddenly, the breath of these fourth-order dragon blood warriors began to rise steadily, and almost broke through the limit in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Fifth Tier! What an exciting power!"

The eyes of the surrounding dragonblood leaders were blood red, and before Ritter issued an offensive order, they rushed out crazy.


Rushing up to the city wall, the demonized dragon blood warriors are like broken bamboos, and even some demonized dragon blood warriors have begun to enslave the ghouls and fight back towards the undead army.

The army of the human race rushed into the castle of Baiyan City.


Ritter gasped violently. Behind him were densely packed Demonized Dragon Blood Warriors.

"Conrad, today is your death date!"

Listening to Ritter's cruel words, Conrad's expression remained unchanged, just patted his hands.


"It's wonderful."

"Count the time, Peter should be back, too."

"Grand Duke, as you might expect, the blood of Mr. Ritter's wife is delicious!" Peter flew in from the window. Behind him was a woman in a blood-robed robe, with the fangs in her mouth slightly retracted.

"You are looking for death!" Ritter's green eyes suddenly turned into a blood red color.

"Siphon Dafa!"

Bang! The turbulent yin energy instantly enveloped Peter, and an astonishing scene happened. Peter, a vampire who was good at blood spells, had a sneer and muffled noise on his body, and a stream of blood rushed towards Ritter's mouth.

"Grand Duke, save me!"

Peter exclaimed ~www.readwn.com~ but Conrad's face was indifferent, and within a few breaths, Peter fell into a corpse and fell down.

"Hahahaha, okay. So, how does the blood of my high-level vampires taste?" Conrad laughed wildly, waved his hand, and suddenly the remaining vampires flashed their blood and disappeared here.

"Now, only you and me are left, Conrad, I want you to pay for it!" Ritter drew out his sword and walked towards Conrad step by step.

"There will be such a day, I am waiting for you. Hahahaha..." Immediately, Conrad disappeared into the castle with a flash of blood.

"Listen! Conrad, I will kill you no matter the end of the world, the end of the world!"


Inside a cave 150 kilometers outside Baiyan City.

Here lies a two-meter-tall corpse of a blood family. Beside the corpse are a few young men and women, it is Li Luo and others.

"Finish!" Anda took a ball of sealing and handed it to Li Luo.

"Let's go, we must get out of here quickly, that Conrad has already advanced to Tier 7, and we are definitely not an opponent." Li Luofei fled, and several people quickly followed.

"Hey, I said, are you looking for the help of that senior? In this way, I am afraid there will be another big boss." Anda Fei said helplessly.

"No, a friend of mine has also reached the seventh step." Li Luo's mouth twitched, and a silly and cute panda figure appeared in his mind.

"Seventh-tier powerhouse, regardless of the benefits? Why don't I believe it? Huh! I said, wait for us!" Anda cried out strangely, and as Li Luo's speed suddenly mentioned, he chased like an exclamation. Past.

Several people quickly disappeared in the sky.

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