Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 591: Chance encounter

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Ten years later.

In a vast forest, a few young people walked on foot.

One figure is tall and looks very handsome. It is not someone else, it is Li Luo who is not fake.

After they intercepted the Star Soul, they flew all the way into the virgin forest. Staying here is ten years.

"Hey. I said, crossing this mountain is the Silver Bird Empire. Do you have anything to say?" Anda walked to Li Luo and asked with a smile.

Li Luo glanced at the surrounding environment, shook his head, and said, "This is already the outskirts of the Warcraft Forest. So far, no mercenaries have been found. I'm afraid the situation in the empire is not optimistic."

Several people fell silent after hearing the words.

Soon, they crossed the forest and came to a barren land.

"When I came here, it was still full of vitality. How did it become like this now?" Zhao Hu looked at the surrounding weeds in shock, and said.

"Let's go. Let's go back to the Demon Hunter Academy first." Li Luo also showed a touch of fright, flew up, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the sky.

One month later.

When Li Luo and the others returned to the Demon Hunter Academy, they saw the entrance to the Academy closed tightly, and through the gaps in the door, they saw the wizards in a hurry, looking very nervous.

After entering the college, many elders came to the dean's office upon hearing the news.

"What happened during our absence?" Li Luo quickly asked as he watched the elders arrive.

Great Elder Sindil said directly: "During your absence, King Ritter wanted to hunt and kill the blood of the gods, even our academy. The students did not dare to fight him head-on, they kept behind closed doors. Xiu. If you don't come back, I'm afraid this Ritter will do something to us."

Li Luo tapped the table, groaning, as if thinking of something.

"Li Ming. I remember you taught Ritter the Siphon Dafa exercise?"

After a while, Li Luo seemed to have thought of something, turned his head to look at the ghost clone, and asked.

Li Ming is the new name of Netherworld clone. He was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Yes. You mean..."

Li Luo punched the wall behind him sullenly, and said with a gloomy expression: "Isn't this Rittal using the siphon method to drain the blood of all the Dragon Blood Warriors?"

When everyone heard the words, they were shocked. Yumeng hesitated and asked, "Is this siphonic Dafa so powerful?"

Li Ming sighed, and said: "This evil technique allows a ghost or other dark creatures to advance all the way and quickly rise to the peak of Tier 6. However, it is even more difficult to advance to Tier 7. "

Li Luo nodded and said, "I'm afraid this Tiffany has also practiced Siphon Dafa."

Everyone fell silent for a moment.

At this time, Zhao Hu laughed and said, "What should I do? After so many years, is it possible that you are still afraid of the war?"

"Hehe, Brother Zhao Hu can say yes. But under the national blockade, how do we resist?" Anda laughed and mocked.

God Zhao Hu mysteriously leaned in and said, "I'm telling you, Luneng, that's the puppet king, do you remember?"

Everyone nodded quickly and approached.

"Hey, after I refine a batch of mechanical hearts for them, this Luneng has always wanted to cooperate with me. Isn't it a good opportunity now?"

Li Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought of a possibility.

"This Luneng wants to advance to the seventh rank, I am afraid that he can't do without your help?"

Zhao Hu's body suddenly appeared, his face was full of anger, and he said: "That is. Don't look at who I am? This Luneng subordinate basically regards me as the head of the horse, not blowing, ten puppets, not nine are not Knowing me, it’s almost time!"

Several people looked at each other, showing a look of seeing a ghost.

Zhao Hu is a guy who usually doesn’t show mountains and dew water. This does not mean that he is not strong enough. In fact, the magic weapons that this guy refines are very powerful. There is hardly anyone who dares to say Master Zhao Hu. The works are reverie.

Several people seemed to have a sharp heart, looked at each other, and they all stretched out their hands.

"Master Zhao Hu will dominate the world for generations to come. Come and come and give the little brothers some witchcraft, as if they were paid in advance." Anda cheered and said with a smile.

Zhao Hu sneered and said, "Hey, I've been waiting for your words a long time ago. There are only two Tier 6 magic weapons. I want to use them for self-defense. As for Tier 5 protective weapons, I have five sets. , How do you divide it?"

Li Luo walked up directly and said, "The five women are divided."

Soon, Yumeng, Yuqing, Irene, Ivy, and Wu Xueer put on a silver liquid armor. Under the urging of the whole body's mana, they flashed a few times and sank into the clothes.

"That's what I said, but the puppet kingdom is not very friendly to you high-level wizards, especially the puppet masters like Anda, who are especially jealous when the enemy meets." Zhao Hu paused and continued: "You guys. Just **** me to the sphere of influence of the puppet kingdom, and leave the rest to me to take care of."

"Let's go. I'll let you go."

Li Luo thought for a while, not at ease with others, so he had to go to the **** himself.

The two quickly flew out in one direction, without encountering any major obstacles along the way, and directly escorted Zhao Hu into the puppet country.

On the way back to the college, Li Luo Jingjing thought about the possibility of this action.

The puppet kingdom has long been thinking about the human kingdom, and this has not changed since the beginning. As long as Luneng is willing to send troops, everything is easy to say. The big deal, Li Luo turned to other human kingdoms for help, and he wouldn't end up in a situation where the entire Silver Bird Empire turned into a paradise for the dead.

While flying away, Li Luo suddenly stagnated, with a slightly strange expression on his face, looking in a direction below.

There, a green-skinned man stood there, confronting a team of Dragon Blood Warriors with an ugly face.

Li Luo landed slowly ~www.readwn.com~ After seeing the familiar face of the green-skinned man, he was taken aback. This person is not someone else, it is the mandala that is not fake.

"Hmph. The emperor is destined, let us arrest you, what else can you say?" The leader of a dragon blood warrior coldly snorted, walking towards the mandala step by step.

Mandala's face turned blue and red, and he cursed: "You little dogs, didn't I just eat your undead soldiers? Need to kill them like this!?"

Although the words are very hard, but at this time, the mandala is covered with purple and blue blood stains, and it seems that even the breathing is a little difficult.

"Stop talking nonsense, take the move!" The dragonblood warrior commander looked grimace and shouted, a beautiful sword flower danced with a cross sword in his hand, and he slashed towards the mandala.

The surrounding dragon blood warriors also drew out their swords, rushing towards the mandala from all directions.


There's no after that.

After a burst of fireballs, Li Luo didn't even waste too much mana, so he blasted the group of Dragon Blood Warriors who were not in the fourth tier on the spot.

"Long time no see." Li Luo said lightly while looking at the mandala with a sneer.

"Long time no see." Mandala showed a **** expression on his face: "Well, I mean, never see it!"

Li Luo didn't say much, he chanted a few unknown spells, the expression on Mandala's face was distorted, and gradually melted, spreading along the inside.

After a while, Li Luo put on a purple-cyan vine armor and flew out in the direction he came.

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