Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 596: Fighting Silas

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After a blast, the laboratory vibrated violently.

"Get those experimental data, get out of here, this place is about to collapse!"

Several wizards hurriedly entered the side door, and ran out in a panic after a while.

"Let's go."

"Experimental data has all been taken out."

Everyone hurriedly ran towards the entrance of the passage and quickly entered the cave.

"Huh. It turned out to be a group of undead!" The wizards' eyes were full of disdain, coldly snorted.

Li Luo looked at a few wizards quietly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "How many seniors, can you deal with them?"

"It's better for me to come."

A tall and thin middle-aged wizard slowly walked towards the entrance of the cave, and at the same time the elemental particles on her body began to surging. It was obviously an elemental wizard.

After Li Luo and others followed him out of the cave, the wizard slowly ascended into the air, and began to chant an unknown spell in his mouth.

Following the wizard's thoughts, the entire sky began to flash and thunder, and dark clouds drifted in and pressed down.

"The Doomsday Storm!"

At the moment when the middle-aged wizard screamed, the entire void suddenly darkened. Then, thunder and lightning continued to sound, and elemental storms blew from the air, turning into tornado storms that instantly smashed all the rock giants and The necromancer was shrouded.

Oh oh oh!

With a harsh rubbing sound, a storm raged at this moment, and the necromantic warriors were thrown away in an instant, dismembered and broken under the tornado blades!

The black blood rain in the sky fell, and was instantly decomposed and dissipated by the elemental storm, turning into a jet black mist in the air and rushing straight up, gradually dissipating.

But at this moment, a large group of dragon blood soldiers rushed over in the distance. They grabbed their hands back, and the giant crossbows fell in their hands, emitting bursts of cold light, and lifted them up.

"Be careful, this is the demon-breaking crossbow. These undead creatures hunted our wizards with this kind of magic weapon."

Li Luo quickly reminded him, and at the same time picked up a demon-breaking crossbow on the ground, and shot an arrow at the necromantic warrior who ran across.


The arrow turned into an afterimage, and instantly pierced the leader of the undead leader at the front, but it only penetrated in.

The Necromancer drew the arrow directly, sneered, and shouted: "Kill all of them, don't leave one!"

The middle-aged wizard in mid-air sneered and said: "The younger wizard, look carefully."

I saw that the middle-aged wizard had a word in his mouth, and the element particles on his body were suddenly mentioned. An elemental storm suddenly swept away. At the same time, a few hundred meters in front of him suddenly blew up an extremely violent elemental storm, turning into a wave. The elemental hurricane surged towards the army of necromantic warriors in the distance.

As soon as the arrow was shot, it was directly blown away by the hurricane. At the same time, the trend of the hurricane disappeared. Under a single roll, it rolled up the necromantic warriors into the sky and dismembered them instantly.

"You are looking for death!"

The necromancer in the distance was not affected much, the necromantic gas on his body rose to the sky, and the rune sword in his hand lit up with dazzling black light patterns, and the tip of the sword suddenly condensed with black mist, and a huge black energy skull instantly Condensed.

I saw a sword flower thrown out of his hand, and under the skull head, he lased towards the wizard high in the sky, as fast as an electric flint.

"Death Coil!"

The most basic skill of the death knight, but using it in the hands of this necromancer commander, people have a new understanding of this skill.

But the moment the energy skull flew out, everyone only felt a sea of ​​blood emerging in front of them, as if countless resentful spirits rushed towards everyone, layer upon layer of wailing, and at the same time, a feeling of disgusting and uncomfortable acting on the whole body. , Distressed, under the sudden beating, an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations surged into my mind.


The surrounding rock giants were the first to be affected, kneeling on the ground and vomiting.

Although Li Luo was not greatly affected, his nausea continued to surface, and his face turned blue and receded.

At this moment, the middle-aged wizard in the sky, or all the ancient wizards present, showed contempt.

I saw a few ancient wizards flashing around the middle-aged wizard in an instant, and the colorful glow in their hands circulated and pressed behind the middle-aged wizard.

The middle-aged wizard lifted forward slightly from left and right, the colorful light flashed in his hand, and a huge prism condensed out, and the colorful light circulated above, and the power of the stars surged out, rippling towards the surroundings.

Li Luo only felt his body loose, and the nausea disappeared.

As soon as the sixth-order natural disaster lord-level death-entanglement square approached, the tyrannical rules of necromancy instantly enveloped the prism.

An astonishing scene happened. Under the surging of the power of the stars, the energy skull submerged in it suddenly collapsed, and then condensed out instantly.

The middle-aged wizard's complexion was slightly pale, but he kept moving, pointing towards the prism, and the pitch-black skull instantly turned back, and flew back towards the undead leader in the distance!

The Necromancer's complexion stiffened, and he quickly propped up a gray-black energy shield.

The pitch-black skull is very fast, almost the moment he propped up the shield, it bloomed on the Necromancer.

The death rule was originally released by the leader of the necromancer, and naturally it would not cause any harm to him, but there was still a burst of energy on his body, and the whole person almost fell to the ground.

The Necromancer quickly recovered, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he stepped on his feet suddenly, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the middle-aged ancient wizard high in the sky.

Li Luo's face became cold, and he suddenly stepped on his feet. Blocked in front of this middle-aged ancient wizard like a teleportation.


After a gray-black startling rainbow flashed past, it was bounced away by purple-red light.

When Qibazhang went out, the purple light converged, revealing Li Luo holding the newt thunder sword, with a solemn expression on his face.

Opposite him is the leader of the undead, the ghost head knife in his hand trembles slightly, the thunder pulp spreads on it, and the blade also has a gap, but he has not received any substantial damage.

"Very good. Your Excellency is so strong, why evasive and don't see people with a real face?" The undead leader said in a deep voice, raising his sword, and continuing: "My name is Silas Cleveland, a Tier 6 natural disaster lord."

Li Luo didn't say anything, his face flashed sharply, and the thunder sword in his hand flicked ~www.readwn.com~ About to show his sword intent, with a "boom", this natural disaster lord roared loudly, and billowing gray flames burst from it. Out.


Li Luo's face changed, his thoughts moved, a huge sword intent instantly poured into the thunder sword, at the same time his body shape was swung back, and he immediately waved forward, amidst a humming sound, the thunder sword burst out. The seven-eight-foot-long thunder sword light swept away like lightning.

There was a "poof".

The billowing necromantic flame rushed out of Silas's body again, and after dripping and condensing, it turned into a gray crow phantom, rushing towards Li Luo, the crow opened his mouth again, and the messy voice suddenly made loud. Li Luo only felt the fantasy in front of him, and a feeling of nausea surged into his heart.

There was a "bang".

Lightning sword light instantly submerged in the gray crow, and under a loud sword sound, everything passed through it like a bamboo, and it instantly slashed on Silas's body.

With a sharp metal and iron rubbing sound, Silas immediately fell from the air, and a deep blood gully appeared directly on his chest, and the expression on his face was even more frightened.

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