Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 597: transaction

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After Silas landed, the expression on his face was full of anger, but without any hesitation, he fled to the distance in an instant.

Li Luo just used the unicorn talent a few days ago, and he has been exhausted these few days. This time he used the sword intent again. Naturally, he didn't want to be in love with him, and let this Silas escape.

"It's not too late. We must leave this secret realm quickly. How many seniors can there be a way to leave?"

Li Luo turned his head and said to a few ancient wizards.

"Jamie, can you still use the teleportation weapon in your hand?"

Several ancient wizards came over and asked the middle-aged wizard.

"Naturally it can be used, but after so many years, the wizarding world environment has changed, we rushed to transmit, once the transmission to the wrong place causes a space storm, it is not good."

Several ancient wizards turned their heads to Li Luo and asked, "You should know some safe coordinates, right?"

Li Luo nodded, his pale face squeezed out a few words: "x5734988, y827473. These are the coordinates of our college's teleportation array."

Jamie and the others nodded, took out a round witchcraft, pressed it for a while, and then poured pure mana into it.


The teleportation witch shook, and silver space runes popped out, turning into silver runes and falling on the ground.

Soon, a brand new teleportation witch formation slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, you big guys, follow us." Li Luo smiled and waved at the rock giants and said.

"Okay." Several rock giants smiled and ran over rumblingly.


Under a dazzling white light, everyone only felt that the surrounding environment began to become silent.

Time was quickly passing away.

Li Luo settled down the giant and a few ancient wizards, leaving many friends to look after the house, and rushed to the Black Hawk leader. Because Xingchentian Meteorite Mine received too much, Zhao Hu suggested that he directly create floating cities. Only three floating cities would be able to sweep the entire Silver Bird Empire, so naturally there was no need to ask for help from those puppets.

However, there is still a demand for Xingxing Iron Ore. The usual staple food of several giants is Xingxing Iron Ore. In desperation, Li Luo had to rush to the country's largest black market to try his luck.

In this way, it took them a month to hurry, and finally they came to a prairie.

"Here is rich in black eagles, such beasts, which are not only delicious, but they can also be trained into military eagles to search for intelligence on the front lines. The location of the black market is not fixed. You need to meet the gold members of the black market to have a chance to be under their leadership. , Find the black market." Walking on the grass, Li Luo put on a black cloak, looked at the information in his hand, and walked slowly in one direction.

After wandering on the grassland for more than a month, I finally saw a few figures in black robes and felt the fluctuations in mana emitted by them. Li Luo hurriedly followed.

"Othello Cappus!" Li Luo spoke to the code.

Several people looked at each other after hearing this. One of the wizards with a sarcoma on his forehead glanced at him indifferently and said hoarsely: "Follow, after the transaction is successful, I will charge a 10% benefit fee. is that OK?"

Li Luo gave a hum, agreed, and followed the team.

As the team moved forward, Li Luo gradually became acquainted with the others.

"Brother Uldaman, where do you think the black market is?" Li Luo followed the team and quickly asked the wizard headed.

"The location of the black market is not fixed. Only gold members are eligible to obtain a positioning wizard to find a specific location. I am a gold member, and follow me." The leading sarcoma wizard gave Li Luo a faint look. To say.

Nodded, Li Luo silently followed the end of the team and gradually walked towards the depths of the grassland.

However, at this moment, a blue ray of light blasted out from a distance with a whistling sound. After landing with a "boom", he turned into a bald man with a blue robe and stopped in front of everyone.

Not long after the appearance of the man in the green robe, another scarlet light shot out from a distance. After circling in mid-air, it fell behind everyone and turned into a beautiful woman in a red wizard robe.

It seemed that the two of them had been expected to appear, but Uldaman was not surprised.

"Harold and Jody are finally willing to show up. I originally planned to visit in person, but now it seems that I don't need it anymore." Uldaman's eyes flashed cold, and he glanced at the person behind him, Senran To say.

"Huh, it turned out to be a helper! This uncle was impatient to wait here a long time ago. Very well, there are more people, so let's hand over all the treasures and magic stones on your body." Harold With a cold snort, he didn't intend to talk any more nonsense. With a loud yell, the curse in his mouth quickly moved. Suddenly, a giant black eagle galloped out from a distance, turning into a black wind and rushing towards everyone.

Li Luo's complexion did not change, and his figure fluttered into the distance, watching quietly.

Harold's aura is faintly in the middle stage of the fifth stage, but the beautiful woman's strength is fluctuating, vaguely, at the late stage of the fifth stage, obviously using some secret technique to hide aura.

The two forces fought for a long time, and the wind blade and fireball almost blasted the surrounding grass beyond recognition, and there was still no winner or loser.

Li Luo shook his head in desperation. Under his body shape, he only heard a crackle, and the silhouettes of Harold and Jyoti fell from the sky.

After putting away their space bags, Li Luo returned to the team casually.

At this time, Uldaman looked at Li Luo's expression, as if he had seen a ghost, and was no longer the look of superiority.

Soon, under the leadership of Uldaman, Li Luo and others came to a hot spring.

Uldaman began to chant unknown spells, and the hot spring quickly separated to the sides, revealing a round stone gate on the side.

Pressed on the stone gate, opened slowly, and several people walked in.

Soon, they met the boss of the black market. The boss was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

"Boss Huo? What's the trouble?" Uldaman asked ~www.readwn.com~ The middle-aged man sighed and said: "Because of smuggling star iron ore, he was directly surrounded by Ritter's army last time. I lived and escaped. My daughter was kidnapped by prairie robbers. These robbers have some dark wizards, and they are asking me for a lot of money!"

"Boss Huo?" Li Luo raised his brows slightly and asked, "As far as I know, there aren't many people with the surname Huo in the Principality, right?"

The boss looked at Li Luo's words and asked, "You mean?"

"Two hundred years ago, what is the relationship between Huo Commander of the Snow Eagle Principality and you?" Li Luo asked, sitting in a chair.

"Well! Who are you?" Boss Huo was surprised, looked at Li Luo, and continued, "Tong-Ling Huo is our ancestor."

Li Luo nodded suddenly, and said, "I have some friendship with him, so let me save your daughter. As for the star iron ore, you want to sell it to me at a fair price, how about it?"

"What? You alone?" Boss Huo was startled and looked carefully at Li Luo.

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