Overlord Wizard

Vol 2 Chapter 643: Fierce fight

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   Tier 7 monster!


   Li Luo was startled, his left hand was already flashing thunder, and the black long sword in his right hand was already buzzing.


   Just when he released his powerful mental power to lock the monster in front of him, an astonishing spiritual pressure suddenly spread from his back, and a gray-white water column shot towards him.


   Li Luo soared into the sky without saying a word, and avoided the water column.


   The next moment, a strange scene happened!


   The water column actually locked Li Luo, and as he leaped up, he suddenly circled and pierced into the void where Li Luo was.




   Li Luo's heart shuddered, the magic treasure in his hand trembled, and a black sword light rolled out.




  The gray-white water column was cut abruptly by Jianguang.


   Li Luo turned around, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the Qiongqi who appeared.


   His whole body was grey, and he exuded an unidentified aura, and his body was burning with silky gray flames, and the void buzzed, as if everything around him was about to riot.


   "This poor wonder is really extraordinary, it can be transformed..."


   Just as Li Luo looked at the position exchanged by Qiongqi and the old man, there was a loud roar in the void in front of him, and an invisible hurricane burst out instantly, turning into countless wind blades shooting at him.


   A tyrannical mood suddenly emerged in Li Luo's heart, and he moved away from the distance in shock.


   This Qiongqi will lose people's minds!


   Feeling his own rising hatred, Li Luo's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.


   At this moment, at the same time that Qiongqi made a shot, a black light flashed in the hands of the old man in the distance, and a giant energy claw appeared in an instant, traversing a few hundred meters of void and grabbed it towards Qiongqi's head.


   But seeing the black light flashing on Qiongqi's body, Li Luo felt a burst of spatial suction appearing in vain, but then a sense of familiarity surged into his heart, the void around his body was distorted, and the sound of waves suddenly disappeared.


  Qongqi immediately let out a low growl, and his body was full of gray light, and a gray energy ghost headed towards the sky, and burst open.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky, and between the collision of the ghost head and the giant claws, an invisible hurricane blasted in all directions. The entire pool stirred up layers of water, and was instantly blown up by a hurricane of energy. , Turned into a thick mist of water permeating the entire void.


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes, his eyes swept sharply towards the surroundings.


   He heard an explosion in the void behind him, and a wave of air rushed in, and under the roll, Qiongqi's figure flashed out.


   With a "puff", another gray wind blade slashed from the air.


   Li Luo didn't even think about it, a silver light surged around his body, and a layer of diamond armor instantly condensed all over his body.


   "Clang! Clang!"


   There was an explosion of gold and iron, and the gray wind blade slashed on the diamond armor, and suddenly cracks appeared.


   Li Luo's face sank, his body shook, and he disappeared vaguely in the same place. Under the thunder and explosion, a purple sword gas shot out, and instantly enveloped the poor and strange.


   Qiongqi was shocked, and hurriedly jumped away.


   Then there was a "swish".


   Under a few harsh sonic booms, a few daggers glowing with cold light, like a few streams of light, flashed in an instant, firmly pierced on the steel hair like a hedgehog.


   Although the dagger didn't penetrate deeply, it caused a curious roar, and the ear-shaking sound waves came like an overwhelming impact, shattering the surrounding gravel and ancient trees in an instant.


   Li Luo's face was cold, this Qiongqi's strength was still above his expectations.


  His figure disappeared with one of the flashes, and flashed out above Qiongqi's head. With a masterpiece of Lei Guang in his hand, he smashed towards Qiongqi's head.


   After a wave of invisible huge force rolled over, there was a thunderbolt!


   A group of purple thunderclouds suddenly appeared in the seemingly empty void, and dense purple electric arcs rushed out from it, rushing towards Qiongqi.


   But at this moment, Qiongqi's face showed a clever mocking color, and the black light on his body disappeared after a roll, and it was the black robe old man who replaced him.


   "Little friend, please be forgive!" The old man looked at the thunder light coming from the lasing, his complexion changed drastically.


   Li Luo's eyes flickered, his movements did not stop at all, and the rolling thunder light instantly drowned the old man.




   The old man planted from the void, and fell to the ground with a bang. Under the shabby black robe on his body, there was a piece of coke, giving off a burst of burnt smell.


   Looking at the twitching old man, Li Luo smiled and fell slowly, and the vines shot out from his hand, instantly drowning the old man.


   After a while, the old man's corpse was turned into a pile of dead bones, and a huge red fruit was born on the mandala.


   Looking at the red mandala fruit the size of a watermelon, Li Luo immediately looked happy, and swallowed it in front of Qiongqi's noodles.


   Qiongqi looked at Li Luo, his four hooves kept digging the ground, anxiously appearing on his face.


   After eating the mandala fruit, Li Luo glanced at Qiongqi, then turned and left.


   But at this moment, the expression on Qiongqi's face struggled, and he rushed towards Li Luo again.


   Li Luo also showed a mocking look, the mystery totem on his body suddenly lit up, and a crackling noise came out of his body, his body instantly soared by three feet, and his body surface flashed with a rolling purple thunder light.


   A dragon roar resounding across the sky!


   Li Luo turned into an afterimage and rushed to Qiongqi.


   Breaking through the sky loudly!


  Qingqi opened his mouth wide, and a thick gray cone of ice shot out, and after another flash, it instantly pierced Li Luo's heart.


   There was a "puff" sound, and Li Luo fisted thunderously. After smashing the ice cone to pieces in an instant, the castration immediately blasted on Qiongqi's chest.




   Qiongqi's chest flashed with gray light, but the steel wool was shattered hard, and blood spewed out.


   Qiongqi immediately seemed to arouse fierceness, and his backhand was swept out with an afterimage, and Li Luosaw flew out instantly.


   Li Luo shook his body in the air, and fell steadily from the air with a flip, but the look in Qiongqi's eyes was more solemn.


   Under the blessing of God's blood, Li Luo used the advantages of strength and speed to fight against him with thunder fist and sword qi.


  The difference from the previous battle with the monks is ~www.readwn.com~ This poor strange body carries aura of various attributes. Once it enters the range of its side, it will be affected by the body protection qi of different attributes.


   At this moment, Li Luo's clothes had been cut in tatters by the wind blade, and some faint scars and frostbite appeared.


   Not far away, Qiongqi was also bursting with steel wool, and blood was constantly flowing out of his body. It seemed that he was in real fire with Li Luo, and his face was full of endless hatred.


   Li Luo immediately gave a low drink, and slammed on the ground with one foot. There was a crackle on his body surface, and the thunder light suddenly brightened.


   The next moment, Li Luo's figure appeared above Qiongqi, and dense purple sword shadows rolled down.


   Qiongqi roared, gray spiritual patterns flashed wildly on his body surface, and bursts of cold air condensed in the void around him, forming a light blue crystal ice cover.


   Sword Shadow hit it, and suddenly there was a harsh explosion, and then with a loud bang, the ice cover burst into pieces.


   But at this moment, a gray blade of wind swept across and wiped out all the falling sword shadows.


   Qiongqi immediately showed a trace of horror on his face, his attack was completely blocked by the humans in front of him, and his face suddenly showed retreat.


   Li Luo narrowed his eyes, then Qiongqi wanted to escape the gap, and several thick plasma rushed towards him.


   Qiongqi only twisted his waist, and suddenly disappeared under the blanket of plasma for a while.



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